ok just got an email and yes it will fit........
and he will deliver for £20......
think i might give the misus one tonight just to celebrate........
need to win this one but not sure how high to go (the bulkhead not the missus - know how far to go with her lol)
he wont end his auctions early - tried before on another of his items...
i wining the bids so far at £61 with just under two days left (just worked out what i can afford to pay for it and would be about the same as it would cost for repair panals for mine not including the top vent part......
any reason he hasnt photo'd the nearside footwell?

edit. sent this for you.

hi, can you tell me the condition of the nearside footwell / door pillar bottom?
also, is the steering coloumn in good working order?
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cheers neil, never thought about that just got all excited.... got myself a clarke 100e welder.... for just short of £70.... coming over your way on tue, are you going to be about during the day>>>
cheers neil, never thought about that just got all excited.... got myself a clarke 100e welder.... for just short of £70.... coming over your way on tue, are you going to be about during the day>>>
give us a ring or text when you set off. i can be about but will probably have the young 'un with me.
forgot to say, received this answer re question i asked on the bulkhead n/s and steering box.
short an sweet.....

Dear nrgserv,

all ok .

- serieslandybits2010
he recons its going to go for £200 + but with 4 hours left and still at £70 it still in my budget.....
well it went for a couple of pence less the £200 and i didnt win.... i am officially bulkheadless....... but done a little more on BIG BIRD today and built a workshop... will post pictures later
lol i think neil is going to want to move abroad after been with me for an hour or so lol
i just not sure what to do now - save and look for another bulkhead or spend the money on other bits.... i know what the other half will say - "JUST GET IT MOT'D"
OK as promised a few more pics, not just of the landy but my new workshop..... only a little bit of work done today (bit of scraping, sanding, looking about and building workshop lol
do you think these shocks are worth keeping lol pmsl.....












again comments, suggestions, donations and offers of help grately received.....
Are the shocks worth keeping? That depends - if they are holding oil I dont see any reason why not!

I'd scrape all that underseal off unless you know it's history - see what mysteries are lurking beneath :)
i was hoping you were not going to say that about the chasisssssssssssss, retract now before i throw my teddy..........
Loving yer workshop fella - reminds me of years gone by in the pouring rain, Suzuki in pieces, me trying to offer up a gearbox while lying in a huge puddle of freezing water... ahhh, happy memories :D

Fancy Pressure washing the chassis to get some of that underseal off?
At worst you'd need to plate or patch a few holes, or chop some rot out..... ;)
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i have done some small places here and there with grinder and so far every spot i have been has been solidddddddddddddd......
but once i get the body off i will have a good look at cleaning it up......
going to see niel tomorrow and my parents so wont be getting much done, my brake kits arrived today, so might take the wheels off tomorrow when i get back and put onto axle stands.........
You have the exact same floodlight thing as me! "Borrowed" from work ;)

Then again I also borrowed a brick garage workshop from work! All good other than the lack of power but I have a petrol genny for that,

My shocks look much worse than that believe me!
bought the lights from cash converters for £5 and bought from a pound shop some wire brushes for my angle grinder for £2 each. well chuffed, just also bought a gazebo so once i get that up and these tarpaulins - a heater and them lights i will be good to go..... all nighter coming up lol
looks heavily undersealed, and been there a while too. dont scrape it off, use a pin hammer and start at one end and work to the other. nice ring sound is what your after, the deeper the thud the grottier it is, until its replaced by the crisp packet sound as the hammer dissapears into it. like you dont know that tho, from the bulkhead.....
keep stripping till the bulkhead comes off, then we'll know what we're playing with.
if the shocks aint leaking, should pass mot. how solid/spongy are they?
personally, i'd keep em'.
i just dont know if they are working as they should along with the leaf springs or not - its a rough hard ride (or was when going over speed bumps etc) and thought for just over £45 i could change them all for them britpart ones from paddocks, but there again i am looking into the gas ones and even a 2" lift but have some research to do yet on that... but while i had the wheels off and doing rejuvinating the leaf springs thought that anything that goes on there would make it better........

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