.....One of the biggest elution's the powers of this country do is make people believe they own their cars when legally they are only the registered keeper.

Oh, and I initially thought this to be too retarded to even merit further discussion, but I have changed my mind....Please enlighten me - If I don't own my car, who does?
Oh, and I initially thought this to be too retarded to even merit further discussion, but I have changed my mind....Please enlighten me - If I don't own my car, who does?

Technically NO ONE!! You are the registered keeper. not the registered Owner. ya V5 will tell you that been the registered keeper is not proof of ownership.

In reality the registered keeper bit is just a legal clause that says you are the keeper of the vehicle and therefore responsible for it.

Cos peeps were using the Yes it's mine but I don't drive it. excuse to avoid prosecution parking fines etc etc.


The V5 has never been proof of ownership. The new versions have this statement splashed across the front, but nothing has changed legally.

There is no such thing as a "registered owner", but ownership is easily proven with a sales receipt.
but ownership is easily proven with a sales receipt.

Not true after all If that was the case the 1st person to buy it could stake a claim to the vehicle just by producing the bill of sale from the dealer.

I've had loads of vehicles. and only ever had 2 receipts (off traders) Never bother with a receipt off a private sale. So does that Mean I'm not the owner? As I only ever have the V5.
Its all about the balance of proof.... in your example, the first owner could pull out his original receipt and try to claim ownership of my car, but I could then pull out the sales receipt I have (bought from auction). The balance of proof is in my favour though - he has never reported "his" car stolen, he filled out the v5 passing responsibility for the car to someone else and I have a valid receipt, the car is registered to me, kept at my address and I have plenty of proof of servicing parts, fuel etc.
Even without a receipt, the balance of proof is still in my favour by a long way.

Not having a receipt doesn't mean you don't own it. I don't have the receipt for my telly any more, but its still MY telly.
Its all about the balance of proof.... in your example, the first owner could pull out his original receipt and try to claim ownership of my car, but I could then pull out the sales receipt I have (bought from auction). The balance of proof is in my favour though - he has never reported "his" car stolen, he filled out the v5 passing responsibility for the car to someone else and I have a valid receipt, the car is registered to me, kept at my address and I have plenty of proof of servicing parts, fuel etc.
Even without a receipt, the balance of proof is still in my favour by a long way.

Not having a receipt doesn't mean you don't own it. I don't have the receipt for my telly any more, but its still MY telly.

I agree with ya 100%. But from a pure legal point of view there is no "proof of ownership" therefore the conspiracy theorists will tell you that you don't "own" ya vehicle.

as an example I lent my car to a mates Boyfriend. So he could go and collect his tools. As he was supposed to be coming to work in London with me. He disappeared with the car for 2 days. I foned the ploice. They refused to list it as stolen, because I had given him the keys. So in theory he had now become the new "owner" of the car. I had to take my spare car keys and go looking for him, and steal the car back.. :confused: Turned out he was a ****head and had gone on a bender with his mates. :mad: Needless to say the Tw*t didn't come to London with me..
..... the conspiracy theorists will tell you that you don't "own" ya vehicle.

That's what the chap on the last page was saying. For some reason this thread had descended into proper tinfoil hattery. Who do these folk think DOES own it? government? DVLA? Scientologists?

Loaning stuff can be tricky from a legal point of view, but if you could get the police interested enough (tricky, I know!) for it to go to court, no judge would find against you, as you still have the balance of proof.

Proving ownership would be a lot easier if the V5 was proof of ownership and not just the registered keeper,. but the DVLA database is so hopelessly innacurate that it would give rise to all manner of legal wrangles when paperwork gets mixed up or lost, to say nothing of how easy it would be to forge a V5 or steal blank ones, making it so much easier to pass off a ringer as a legitimate car.
Here in France the Carte Gris registration document IS proof of ownership, but to register a car in my name, I have to go the equivelant of a DVLA local office with the cars papers, a recent MOT certificate to prove the cars ID, a signed form from the previous owner saying he sold it, proof of my ID and proof of address. Its a bit of a faff, but it eliminates the proof of ownership problem. Unworkable in UK though as there are not enough DVLA local offices and it would be a nightmare to do by post.
now i traded in a car to holdcrofts and they said they would take care of everything for me so stupidly i let them 4 weeks later i started to recieve parking tickets ,then it went onto speeding tickets ,one was for 120 mph in a 40 zone , at this point i must add it was a granada 2.9 v6 now that was some engin . in the end i had to prove the date when i traded in the car to the dvla and to the local authorities that the crimes had been commited in , it all turn ok for me in the end but i never trust another garage to look after things. Have a great new year all my landyzone Friends.
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If you have a receipt then you have proof of ownership, if the seller was legally able to sell it because it was theirs to sell. It's always good to get a receipt as you never know when someone official will send you a letter asking you something with regards to the sale, even if it's a private sale, because they is being investigated for something. Seller name, buyer name, date, price, method of payment, item sold and description.
Oh, and I initially thought this to be too retarded to even merit further discussion, but I have changed my mind....Please enlighten me - If I don't own my car, who does?

The DVLA own your car thats why when you get the car towed away and taken to a compound you cant do them for theft as its their car but if i tow the car that you think is yours and take it to a compound then i can get done for TWOC . Legally they can take their car off you at any time unless you de register it. If any one thinks that is false then prove me wrong, the next time you have it towed to compound try and take them to court for TWOC and you will loose because they cant get done for taking their own car away.Or show me a case where some one has taken them to court and win . They dont want plebs like us knowing the law but you must know your strawman.
#### me, it just gets worse and worse. :der:

DVLA DO NOT own your car. DVLA own your registration number and may ask for it back at any time, although they never do unless you abuse the system. The only cases I have ever heard about DVLA asking for a reg number back is when people have taken the **** with mis-spacing or funky fonts on their reg plates to try and spell something else. You get a few warnings and then if caught again, DVLA will take the number back and you will be issued with another standard number. Remember though - they own the number, they don't even own the number plates - they are yours, along with the rest of the car they are attached to.

If your car is impounded, it is because you have broken the law - non payment of road tax, no insurance or breach of a motoring ASBO. Impounding the car is a criminal punishment sanctioned by court action and nothing to do with "them". The fines you pay to release it go to the courts or the storage/towing companies.

Just.......no really just stop and think about what you are writing. You are telling me that you honestly believe that DVLA - a governmnet department - own every car in the UK? Really? Do you actually believe that?
This thread is great fun- just right for a wet holiday with nothing decent on the telly until 'The Dam Busters' which starts soon.

Here's my tuppenceworth -

I reckon the government can take your car off you anytime they want.

Pass a few bills - emergency powers and what not.

It's called requisitioning - they can have boats, planes, houses - you name it and you have to give it up.

You can have it back at the end of the war or whatever - if it's still in one piece - you have to paint it over again etc.

If you think I'm talking nonsense - then you aren't old enough to remember, or have forgotten, the Falklands War for example, never mind WW2.

My grandad 'lost' his Humber for a few years and got back a camoflaged wreck - no compensation.

Whatever happened to the SS Uganda - after the Falklands it was uneconomical to convert it back to a cruise liner after being a hospital ship or troop carrier.

Clever folks politicians - and we vote for them.

Anyhow time for the Dam Busters. :rolleyes:

#### me, it just gets worse and worse. :der:

DVLA DO NOT own your car. DVLA own your registration number and may ask for it back at any time, although they never do unless you abuse the system. The only cases I have ever heard about DVLA asking for a reg number back is when people have taken the **** with mis-spacing or funky fonts on their reg plates to try and spell something else. You get a few warnings and then if caught again, DVLA will take the number back and you will be issued with another standard number. Remember though - they own the number, they don't even own the number plates - they are yours, along with the rest of the car they are attached to.

If your car is impounded, it is because you have broken the law - non payment of road tax, no insurance or breach of a motoring ASBO. Impounding the car is a criminal punishment sanctioned by court action and nothing to do with "them". The fines you pay to release it go to the courts or the storage/towing companies.

Just.......no really just stop and think about what you are writing. You are telling me that you honestly believe that DVLA - a governmnet department - own every car in the UK? Really? Do you actually believe that?

Thats why its called an illusion because they made you believe its yours . There is no court action they just compound it and they have to own it to do it legally without court actions . You haven't shown me a case where some one took them to court for stealing their car and won. No one has any lawful right to touch anyones property not even the police .You need to look up the difference between Lawful and legal or Common law and Statutes .
The DVLA don't own all cars only the ones registered to them . Everything you register you give away legally to the body you register it with. Don't blame me its how they do it legally thats why you have to look up the difference between LAWFUL and LEGAL as they are two different things. Once you understand the difference between the two you will understand .
HNY Drew
Thats why its called an illusion because they made you believe its yours . There is no court action they just compound it and they have to own it to do it legally without court actions . You haven't shown me a case where some one took them to court for stealing their car and won. No one has any lawful right to touch anyones property not even the police .You need to look up the difference between Lawful and legal or Common law and Statutes .
The DVLA don't own all cars only the ones registered to them . Everything you register you give away legally to the body you register it with. Don't blame me its how they do it legally thats why you have to look up the difference between LAWFUL and LEGAL as they are two different things. Once you understand the difference between the two you will understand .
HNY Drew

UNder what circumstances Do DVLA impound a vehicle?? As far as I am aware The police or VOSA are the bodies usually involved in the impounding of a motor Vehicle??

if a vehicle is been used on a public highway without tax then an Act of Parliment (statute) allows an authorised Gov agency to impound the vehicle. The DVLA is an authorised agency. Hence why it's not TWOC by driving a car on a public highway you are deemed to have entered into a contract, you can't simply turn around and say I agreed with the contract but not with the penalty clauses.
You are either too retarded for me to justify replying to, or you are a troll on a wind-up. If its the latter, well played. If its the former.......good luck chief. Remember, the government are poisoning us with mid-altering chemicals via chemtrails to make us receptive to hypnotism though the tv, and if you watch the traffic lights on the high street closely, the flashing amber light is actually blinking a subtle variation of Morse Code telling you how to protect yourself - its been programmed by the resistance.

Over and Out.
Hang on....you aren't one of these "freeman of the land" ****s are you? If so, I hope you die slowly.

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