Sorry to break up the party by bringing back the topic, but the issue with mobiles on forecourts is nothing whatever to do with signals interfering with kit. It is because when you turn phones on and off, and when you receive texts or calls, it can sometimes be accompanied by small electrical sparks. As was mentioned earlier, sparks and petroleum gas vapours mix rather too well for comfort! It' s all related to the upper and lower explosive limits of the substance in air, expressed as a percentage, which for petrol are quite far apart, meaning that there is a wide range of vapour concentrations of petrol that will explode given the TINIEST ignition source. While this is unlikely to be in the atmosphere on the forecourt, it is very likely around your filler cap while you are pouring highly flammable liquid into the tube.

I have seen a video of a tanker driver use the torch on his mobile, which produces the same size spark as receiving a text, to do a visual check of the level in his tanker, which immediately exploded. It' s called a BLEVE. check them out.

And for those of you that don't believe health & safety is important in the workplace, tell that to the families of those killed on Piper Alpha, or Deepwater Horizon, or the 200+ people who didn' t come home from work last year in the UK!

Happy New Year to you all.

Sorry not a BLEVE for reasons why read here ;)

Boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How come you connected one end to the fuel filter? if he hadnt started it couldnt you just shove it into the fuel tank?
Damn, a sensible question! first in about 8 pages!
Its actually really hard to get a pipe into most fuel tanks. Many cars have an "anti syphon" device in the filler pipe which stops a pipe going down, and even if you get a pipe down, its hard to push it round the bends and get it to the bottom of the tank to drain the fuel.
I see so you just bend over and accept any statute they they put on you no matter what and just vote the next ones in to do the same . I don't blame the Queen or her government because we just accept it.Common law covers every thing loss or harm to man and woman so thats law sorted . We all pay into the system but
schools for kids - run down
ASSISTANCE FROM POLICE- they are mostly an extension of the tax man

I am a lawful man going about my lawful business causing no harm or loss to no man or woman and don't vote as it just encourages them . I consent to somethings and not others so why should i have to pay for not wearing a seat belt etc .This is what i don't consent to but if you voted for it and consent to all they do to you then thats your choice .I make my choices and you make yours and you are not wrong to consent because thats your choice .

That's bull**** of the highest order. Either you consent to be governed or you don't. Which is it?? under the Law as you see it there is no middle ground you consent to be governed or you don't consent. There's no picking and choosing which bits you agree with and which you don't.

For you're info I live in my vehicle I've never been enrolled on an electoral register,in the 32 years that I've been eligible to. Nor a Council tax register since 2001, My driving licence hasn't had it's address changed since 1998. I probably know a fook of a lot more about been off the governments radar, than you do. I also know an awful lot about the Law both common and statute. and the difference between legal and lawful.

That's why I know that Claiming to be a freeman isn't worth the breathe you use up to declare the status.

Unless you are willing to be come an Outlaw. In which case any person offering you aid or sustanence is breaking the LAW and any man woman or child may hunt you down and kill you without fear of the law..
Yeah, you are a freeman aren't you?

Im not sure of the details, simply because it is number 174 on my list of "wacko bull**** that I cant be bothered looking further into"
Its something to do with you believing you are above the law since you never signed a contract at birth saying you would abide by them?
Typically spouted by crusties at demo rallies just before they get know the types, skinny white middle class mummies boys who are doing the grungy rebellion thing by growing dreadlocks, wearing dirty fairtrade clothes and having a scruffy dog - the kind of people who think they can win an argument by shouting louder than the other guy.:rolleyes: They are all well into this "us vs the state" nonsense.
The only thing that arouses my curiosity is that since the law seemingly has no power over them and the police can do nothing to them, who do they call if they get mugged or robbed? Oh thats right, they think they can pick and choose which bits of which laws apply when it suits them.

Yes thats right im a freeman and everything else you say there .:confused: I don't believe in the freeman thing but if thats what they believe then thats their choice. You might believe different to me but that doesn't make you wrong as your beliefs are what you believe in and only beliefs . If you or anyone else consents to all or some then that is your choice but we have to remember its about choices and consenting and not force .I don't consent to things i think are wrong but thats my choice and anyone consenting to things they don't like doesn't make them wrong as it is their choice .
Damn, a sensible question! first in about 8 pages!
Its actually really hard to get a pipe into most fuel tanks. Many cars have an "anti syphon" device in the filler pipe which stops a pipe going down, and even if you get a pipe down, its hard to push it round the bends and get it to the bottom of the tank to drain the fuel.

Ahh i seee, interesting! maybe im too used to the fact that my defender im 99% sure will just be straight pipe haha but cheers!
Roger - Over and Out. I got a very nice bottle of single malt for Xmas that requires drinking.
Good luck.
Yes thats right im a freeman and everything else you say there .:confused: I don't believe in the freeman thing but if thats what they believe then thats their choice. You might believe different to me but that doesn't make you wrong as your beliefs are what you believe in and only beliefs . If you or anyone else consents to all or some then that is your choice but we have to remember its about choices and consenting and not force .I don't consent to things i think are wrong but thats my choice and anyone consenting to things they don't like doesn't make them wrong as it is their choice .

So lets see some legal precedents that allow you to "Opt out of certain parts of Law either statute or common law. I'll give you a fiver for each clearly proven case law or precedent that you personally produce..
Sorry to break up the party by bringing back the topic, but the issue with mobiles on forecourts is nothing whatever to do with signals interfering with kit. It is because when you turn phones on and off, and when you receive texts or calls, it can sometimes be accompanied by small electrical sparks. As was mentioned earlier, sparks and petroleum gas vapours mix rather too well for comfort! It' s all related to the upper and lower explosive limits of the substance in air, expressed as a percentage, which for petrol are quite far apart, meaning that there is a wide range of vapour concentrations of petrol that will explode given the TINIEST ignition source. While this is unlikely to be in the atmosphere on the forecourt, it is very likely around your filler cap while you are pouring highly flammable liquid into the tube.

I have seen a video of a tanker driver use the torch on his mobile, which produces the same size spark as receiving a text, to do a visual check of the level in his tanker, which immediately exploded. It' s called a BLEVE. check them out.

And for those of you that don't believe health & safety is important in the workplace, tell that to the families of those killed on Piper Alpha, or Deepwater Horizon, or the 200+ people who didn' t come home from work last year in the UK!

Happy New Year to you all.
Piper alpha exploded due to incomplete work permits. Not cos of mobile phones or the dvla nicking yer car.
So lets see some legal precedents that allow you to "Opt out of certain parts of Law either statute or common law. I'll give you a fiver for each clearly proven case law or precedent that you personally produce..

No one is above the law or can opt out of it. Common law is the law of the land and a statute is an act and not law but a rule thats why its not called Law of parliment .If you believe it to be law then it is law to you and that don't make you wrong that is your beliefs.
No one is above the law or can opt out of it. Common law is the law of the land and a statute is an act and not law but a rule thats why its not called Law of parliment .If you believe it to be law then it is law to you and that don't make you wrong that is your beliefs.

S'funny Cos I read this

I am a lawful man going about my lawful business causing no harm or loss to no man or woman and don't vote as it just encourages them . I consent to somethings and not others so why should i have to pay for not wearing a seat belt etc .This is what i don't consent to but if you voted for it and consent to all they do to you then thats your choice .I make my choices and you make yours and you are not wrong to consent because thats your choice .

And it seems to me that opting out is exactly what ur claiming to be able to do right there ^^^^
S'funny Cos I read this

And it seems to me that opting out is exactly what ur claiming to be able to do right there ^^^^

Sorry i don't get what you say here because im saying i don't opt out of common law which is the law of the land( no harm or loss to man or woman) and the police and judges swear an oath to common law not to Acts. A statute is not law to me but a rule as defined in blacks law dictionary . Some statutes and other rules not only state or gov rules i don't consent to like most people. If you believe it to be law then you are not wrong as thats your choice and belief .I will not consent to some that i think are wrong and unfair but that is my choice but the ones i do consent to i also don't think are law but i am consenting to them . Hope thats not more confusing .
Sorry i don't get what you say here because im saying i don't opt out of common law which is the law of the land( no harm or loss to man or woman) and the police and judges swear an oath to common law not to Acts. A statute is not law to me but a rule as defined in blacks law dictionary . Some statutes and other rules not only state or gov rules i don't consent to like most people. If you believe it to be law then you are not wrong as thats your choice and belief .I will not consent to some that i think are wrong and unfair but that is my choice but the ones i do consent to i also don't think are law but i am consenting to them . Hope thats not more confusing .

You don't half talk some ****e. As I said You don't have the option to "Opt out" In fact you have no say in it at all. So in effect what your saying is you do as the state tells you wether you like it or not.
You don't half talk some ****e. As I said You don't have the option to "Opt out" In fact you have no say in it at all. So in effect what your saying is you do as the state tells you wether you like it or not.

I dont opt out of the law so in effect im saying i live lawfully . But i don't need the state telling me its wrong to hurt or steal of anyone . I dont steal or hurt anyone because the law states it, but if i did i also know the full force of the law will come down on me.Thats common sense and decency .This might be s*** to you but its what i believe.
Rules and ACTS cant override law . Look up the difference between Lawful and Legal they are two things . Its the reason they dont teach you law at schhool .They dont want you knowing it.
Some schools teach law but there's far too much to it for 1 or 2 hours a week so students won't cover enough. Even normal secondary schools have started it.

I think this fred is bonkers with daft conspiracy theory [read as alternative thinking] which is just that: conspiracy. I'm unsubscribing from it. :p
Piper alpha exploded due to incomplete work permits. Not cos of mobile phones or the dvla nicking yer car.

GA, I never suggested that those were the reasons for the explosion on Piper Alpha. The thread had taken the tone of slagging health & safety, and I was merely raising the point that it has its place in keeping people safe.

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