now i have woken you all up did anybody see the programe on dangerous jobs where a couple of men had to see to a antenna for mobile telephones in america . well they only had a few hours to do the job and that included the climbing up and down of the mast and back inside the building , well the reason they only had a couple of hours because they had to turn the power of to the antenna ,or the men would have been literary cooked from the inside outwards by the microwave signal now tell me i am talking rubbish

Tis a bit different from standing in front of a microwave transmitter and putting a shielded mobile fone to ya ear for 10 minutes or so.
now i have woken you all up did anybody see the programe on dangerous jobs where a couple of men had to see to a antenna for mobile telephones in america . well they only had a few hours to do the job and that included the climbing up and down of the mast and back inside the building , well the reason they only had a couple of hours because they had to turn the power of to the antenna ,or the men would have been literary cooked from the inside outwards by the microwave signal now tell me i am talking rubbish

Again wot jm sed. It aint the same as hand held phones in a petrol forcourt.
i agree but how many times a day do people use a mobile phone and how many have had brain tumors you will not get the official records of this as i said the goverment do not want you to know if it ever got out millions of people would stop using there mobile phones and they do not have the warning on the forcort for nothing but i must admit it is only a possibility but the possibility is always there , mind you while i was in Corfu some years ago filling up a man came in the garage got out and started to fill his car with his fag in his other hand now that is not a possiblilty but WHEN
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i agree but how many times a day do people use a mobile phone and how many have had brain tumors you will not get the official records of this as i said the goverment do not want you to know if it ever got out millions of people would stop using there mobile phones

You and fanny should meet up for a drink. The truth is out there.......but it aint out there cos they dont want you to know!!!!!!!
Snigger fanny or fannyatic is the nickname that i got somehow
ok then wait until a nice damp day and put you burners as you call them on and then get some one to key up as you take hole of your antenna or aerial and see if you get a rf burn and while it is still keyed up just move you hand away a half inch i have had rf burns and the hurt now Mobile telephone are on Microwave bands and every body knows what Microwaves do ,don't they . that right they cook meals , all this stupid talk about people not been harmed is total rubbish but the goverments do not want you to know it, as the telephone companies bring in so much money , and yes at some petrol stations they have antennas built into the advertising , but believe me somthing will go wrong ,
and the reason for banning them in aeroplanes is because while you are trying to phone somebody if you phone does not get a signal it ups it out put power and imagine a couple of hundred doing that in a container where the signal can not get out very well, is it really worth aurgueing over lets get back to helping other Lr owners especially Freelanders owners

:eek: Paranoid much?

how long have you held a licence i have had one for over 30 years and by the way America has banned putting up mobile phone mast near schools and populated areas i wonder why?

Because it's america.

now i have woken you all up did anybody see the programe on dangerous jobs where a couple of men had to see to a antenna for mobile telephones in america . well they only had a few hours to do the job and that included the climbing up and down of the mast and back inside the building , well the reason they only had a couple of hours because they had to turn the power of to the antenna ,or the men would have been literary cooked from the inside outwards by the microwave signal now tell me i am talking rubbish

Different everything.... Come on what the ####? It's been proven why is it you people believe a bobble hat wearing peace loving hippy that lives in a ####ing tree but when million pound scientific research show's it's bollocks you don't believe it..

Tis a bit different from standing in front of a microwave transmitter and putting a shielded mobile fone to ya ear for 10 minutes or so.

So true.
:eek: Paranoid much?

Because it's america.

Different everything.... Come on what the ####? It's been proven why is it you people believe a bobble hat wearing peace loving hippy that lives in a ####ing tree but when million pound scientific research show's it's bollocks you don't believe it..

So true.

Im not to sure but i thought the scientists just didn't find proof it was dangerous so wasn't found to be harmless or dangerous . With all the million pound scientific research have they ever found a cure for anything? Just a thought.
Happy new year to all Drew
Im not to sure but i thought the scientists just didn't find proof it was dangerous so wasn't found to be harmless or dangerous . With all the million pound scientific research have they ever found a cure for anything? Just a thought.
Happy new year to all Drew

Ever been to the doctors? Taken any medication? theirs research there. They found that no mobile device interfered with any equipment that was tested so there is no danger.. the only way it could is with any number of other factors so the bottom line is life is dangerous **** my happen that can't be helped deal with it and move on.

multi million £ research tends to be done by government and we all know how much they lie/distort findings

It's mostly private investors and large companies really. Government research counts for about 8%.
Ever been to the doctors? Taken any medication? theirs research there. They found that no mobile device interfered with any equipment that was tested so there is no danger.. the only way it could is with any number of other factors so the bottom line is life is dangerous **** my happen that can't be helped deal with it and move on.

It's mostly private investors and large companies really. Government research counts for about 8%.
how often do you hear reserch shows this or that and think its bollocks ?:D
how often do you hear reserch shows this or that and think its bollocks ?:D

With out seeing the evidence? Never. It's why I can't comment on aliens or god. I can say the bible is full of **** because many fact's have been proven as rubbish but seen no evidence either way that god does or does not exist. When it comes to electronics I will comment more as I have alot of knowledge and experience with it I must admit my phone knowledge is quite lacking but enough to know what a mobile can and can't do.
my point is peps make research lean the way they want and often someone comes up with research that leans against 1st lot and so on. so in short when told research shows... not impresed , prob. makes me bit of heathen to op but wtf do i care :)
my point is peps make research lean the way they want and often someone comes up with research that leans against 1st lot and so on. so in short when told research shows... not impresed , prob. makes me bit of heathen to op but wtf do i care :)
yes thats the crappy research different pressure groups create to gain credibility to prove their particular hobby horse as compared to real peer reviewed stuff
my point is peps make research lean the way they want and often someone comes up with research that leans against 1st lot and so on. so in short when told research shows... not impresed , prob. makes me bit of heathen to op but wtf do i care :)

We can all remember the scientists telling us about the hole in the ozone layer was going to kill our baby children but they have just forgot about that now and don't speak about it. It helped the corporations sell their green products at inflated prices and the government used it to raise the green taxes.One of the biggest elution's the powers of this country do is make people believe they own their cars when legally they are only the registered keeper.

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