
New Member
Just a word of warning to anyone heading overland from Iran, I have just been refused a Pakistan visa for my overland trip to Nepal starting in three weeks time. The consulate has stated that there is a lot of civil unrest in the Taftan region and it is not safe for us to drive through!

We are having to do some frantic re-thinking of our route now!
Had a look at map route and wondered how you plan to re-route without maybe going through Russia and into China to Nepal (if this is possible/feasible). Then had a look at possibly shipping vehicle by sea from certain point instead as can't work out how your going to re-plan. Would be interested to know how/where you are re-routing and now planning to cross from? This is just for our own learning purposes really as Pakistan forms part of our overland route into Asia in the future and understand borders close and situations can be volatile from time to time. Had you already bought/applied for visas for part of the intended route already? Would be good to hear how you get on.
Hi Cassie. As we are leaving in three weeks unfortunately we have nowhere near enough time to arrange entry to China so we are continuing with the original route into Iran then we are going to get a ferry across the Gulf to the UAE and spend a few weeks going round UAE and Oman and then ship the car to Australia from there. It means we have to miss out india and Nepal but there is no way we can get there without shipping and unfortunately we dont have the money or time to do it!
I am still working on the web site and as soon as i get it up and running i will let you know. You may be able to learn something from our many mistakes we will undoubtedly make!

DD - when is your leaving date so we can all wish you bon-voyage and how long do you plan to be on the road? Have picked up your posts from time to time but still nor clear completely on your route - hurry up with that website else failing that try travellerpoint.com - looks worth a look - you can keep a decent blog. Shipping from Oman direct to India is worth investigating - well will be for us with kids rather than dragging them through Pakistan aimlessly. Generally people don't stop en-route through Pakistan so seems like shipping might be the more comfortable (for us anyway). The least hassle option plus you can get visas for India generally with no problems. Good luck!:p
We are leaving on the 13th of July so we are just starting to reach the paniking stage as we see how much stuff is still left to do!
Our route has us shipping to Norway then driving through Sweden, Finland, Russia, Mongolia, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaia, Turkey, Syria, Turkey, Iran, UAE, Oman and Australia. It will take us about 9 months but we are going to take as much or as little time in Aus as we want/can afford.

If i don't get time to finish the web site then i might use the blog to start but we are taking a Laptop so i will at least be able to finish the site as we travel!
Blimey - not long to go! We're doing the same up first to Norway and along your route into Russia and then we have a very different plan - a bit of zig zag through Europe and Africa and out again before finally making our way down. Stay in touch and keep us updated - learners here in desparate need of hints and tips. ;)

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