
New Member
hi all ready to start doing the old scruff up as a good lick of paint and she,l be pucka.Thing is tho, not too sure what to go for as i love the original colors,original as a peice of history . but i am so tempted to go for something totally different just to define it as yes classic motor but moving with the times any veiws on this dillema :D:eek::confused:
leave it as is,imo old vehicles look better that way.i used to sell old scooters for a living and the original ones always sold better than the restored ones.
I'm repainting mine right now. (by the way.. picked up an HVLP turbine.. seems to be great)

Sticking to the original colors. Fond of a few. But thinking pastel green screams old rover. (currently pastel green and polished aluminium silver).

I've seen a bunch of bright red.. bright blue.. bright yellow. They look ok.. but not quite right.

case in point
Leave it og paint, at least you wont **** yourself everytime you park it wondering if some numpty is gonna scratch it...
We have a 1963 VW splitscreen camper, all shiny and chrome, defo cant park that up anywhere we want cause you know its going to get damaged, however, our 72 series 3 that was hand painted in places by the previous owner can be parked absolutely anywhere...cause no one wants to park next to that ****er:eek:
cheers paulypaul never really thought about i forgot about thieving scum and jealous fooks. so know im even more unsure
cheers paulypaul never really thought about i forgot about thieving scum and jealous fooks. so know im even more unsure
Yeah I think the sad thing about it is that most people just see it as "an old motor" so they dont give a fook. I had a mate who owned a 1954 "barndoor" VW samba, rare as **** at the best of times being worth up to £40k believe it or not. His one was still in the original paint, no dents, no rust, no filler etc so really rare! as it had lived its life in Arizona, he popped into tesco one afternoon o his way to a show, parked it in the furthermost corner and left his wife sitting in it. Next thing, a couple parked next to them in there 3 year old nissan primera, and when Mrs Dumbarse opened the door and used her foot to kick it open fully, cause she was a fat cow, the door flew into the long panel of my mates bus (just as my mate was retuning to it) His wife jumped out, he ran over and low and behold a dirty great dent lengthways down the panel. You can imagine, he was absolutely devasted, then when Mr Dumbarse piped up and said he couldnt see what all the fuss was about, cause its only an "old VW" my mate went ballistic.
The vehicle from that moment onwards could never be described as truly original as it would have to be repaired.
Unfortunately thats what we are up against, ignorance and lack of regard. Its bad enough in our everyday cars getting them damaged by people who just dont care about anyone else's property.
Thats why I like parking the landy in the supermarket, you can always guarantee that people will look twice at parking next to it!
true i hear what ya saying but its not going to cost much to repaint it and i do want to put my mark on it. thanks for the advice tho i will keep it in mind when parking or leaving it places still don,t know what to go for tho
Well I personally would try to stay pretty close to the LR green colour, its classic really and if you ever wanted to sell, its not going to put anyone interested in it, as possibly a different colour would. either that or nato green seems pretty good, but the dark green is my personal choice....just an opinion, are you spraying, rollering or hand painting? I would be interested to know how you get on with the prep & paint. Good luck.
cheers thinking might keep it blue with white roof but unsure about all black, anyone know how heavy lwb hardtop is as i was assuming i could just lift it straight off
I just managed to remove the 90's top on my own. and the 110's isn't much heavier just bulkier. undo all the bolts then get inside and lift it off with your shoulders & back.
Thats why I like parking the landy in the supermarket, you can always guarantee that people will look twice at parking next to it!
Very true.
I love classic cars and have owned a couple of MGB GTs. Loved them to bits (except the cost of keeping bloody things running). But every trip to the shops was one of dread knowing that some a-hole in a rep-mobile was going park too close not giving a damn when opening doors!

Well I'm now back with my love of Landy's, and my current SIII is a bit of a mis-match. Wings are in traditional green, but doors, bonnet & station wagon back are hand painted army camo from a previous Landy - I wanted a Station Wagon but the new one was a pickup so used the bosy panels of my previous cheap Landy that had to be put down. Paint is a bit shoddy all over with scratches here & there, and a bit of a dent in one rear wing after a low wall jumped out on me and I reversed through it!

I've been thinking of tidying it up, but I live on a street lots of yobs and have no drive. So I think I'm just going to hand paint the wings to match up the camo. If anything it stands out a mile so not the target of the opportunist thief. And the rough look makes sure them lesser vehicles give me a wind birth on the roads & car parks :cool:

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