I have only had my p38 4L for a month or so and only got to drive it for a week before it decided to pack up, but now after new head gaskets, liners, pistons,water pump,skimmed heads, new valves, seals, big ends,cam, crank and every singe gasket oh not to forget a sh*t load of money its all going back in tomorow and i cant wait.

Even after only driving it for a week i cant wait to get back in it and go for a drive.

the bottom line is what car can you buy in the p38's price range with the same kind of luxury and style
This in an evolution of a P.P.S i put in my other post but i felt it prudent to also add this to the right thread as well.

To those RR haters I have come across while perusing this site, and please note i now have two of them (named Bruce & Alfred by the other half) , they may have their little.....(and sometimes slightly bigger).........problems but nothing beats them and i am still, as much as the day i bought them, very happy with them.

Both of my current ones are deinately in the 'top faves' of my list for cars i have owned and driven and I can not imagine a time when I will not have at least one in the Garage. All of the cars i have owned have been subject to issues but, as had been mentioned numerous times in these threads, any vehicle that was 'at new' around these kinda prices and specs will be subsequently subject to higher running costs. Any 'intelligent' purchaser should take that into consideration when looking in order that they do not subseqently spend the majority of ownership with massive 'unforseen' bills, bitching and moaning.

I accept that there will always be a few morons out to balance things in this world and also those that see the 'bling factor' as a main motivation and forget about the practicaities. Please do however accept my sincerest aplogies to any of the 'sensible and intelligent owners' that have had genuine 'suprises' during ownership. I have had my fairshare but, as the majority of us do, you deal with it (coming to Landyzone helps), take it on the chin and move on. As I am sure you will agree once you sort out most problems properly they rarely come back......well at least not for a while.....:D

I learnt to look after my toys, keep them serviced and, where possible, do as much premptive work as possible....it doesnt really need to be any more compicated than that does it ???? I, like most people, work really hard for my money and subsequently take very careful thought and consideration when i am about to part with it. I make sure i know what i am getting into, read the forums ask questions, listen carefully to the answers and do my research. The only person who I can then blame for my decisions and choices is me.

***steps down of soapbox***:eek:
It's funny - have a look at the "what rangie is best poll" and the P38 is miles in front (must admit I thought the classic would walk that, but never mind ) - it goes to show all P38's can't be bad ! :rolleyes:
As with most forums you usually only hear about the bad cars, of which I have no doubt there are many, but they are by no means ALL bad
I started a thread ages ago about who wasn't having problems and it was quite heartening how many owners were not having any issues bar wear and tear and servicing which you have with any car

So bottom line is a big thumbs up for P 38's from me ! :)
Course it could just be that most owners of RRs who subscribe to this forum tend to be people interested in the maintenance/running themselves, rather than just taking to the stealers every year and paying the bill (and are interested in the state of their bank balance). So the price range of RRs associated with this now falls into the P38 market and so more owners of P38s than other RRs
i was having a rant although it was actually meant tongue in cheek. Since then i have replaced my sat nav screen,had a rubber door seal fall off, replaced the cigar lighter and today the heater stoped blowing at face level. but im still smiling and i know i hated them the other day but Range Rovers are the best cars in the world. with regards my abs/tc lights on,other than going to a main dealers all you get is mechanics drawing breath and saying 'could be expensive mate'. i really am gutted but i think it might be time to move on to something cheaper. To be honest i cant really see myself posting in Focuszone ! sorry if i angered anyone but it really was meant as a joke.
If you own an older Land Rover, Rangies included be prepared to look after it yourself with the help of your landy friends.
Same as any older cars they are a labour of love and are not for the owner who only wants to drive and drop into the dealer for for a quick repair.
Rangies are a complex car with loads of goodies that work hard and will eventualy fail, they therfore need to be repaired by enthusiasts who know or are prepared to find out how without guessing and costing a fortune by mis-diagnosis.
Regular service and repairing each item as it is needed, before several have built up will ensure you have a reliable and enjoyable relationship with these beautiful cars.

In short they sort the MEN from the wingers

Stiff upper lip chaps, head down, under bonnet and get on with it.
If you own an older Land Rover, Rangies included be prepared to look after it yourself with the help of your landy friends.
Same as any older cars they are a labour of love and are not for the owner who only wants to drive and drop into the dealer for for a quick repair.
Rangies are a complex car with loads of goodies that work hard and will eventualy fail, they therfore need to be repaired by enthusiasts who know or are prepared to find out how without guessing and costing a fortune by mis-diagnosis.
Regular service and repairing each item as it is needed, before several have built up will ensure you have a reliable and enjoyable relationship with these beautiful cars.

In short they sort the MEN from the wingers

Stiff upper lip chaps, head down, under bonnet and get on with it.
i understand what you are saying but to be honest, i didnt buy this car so i could spent all my spare time with my head under the bonnet, its ok if you are into that sort of thing but if you dont know one part of an engine from another its no fun. when i was a teenager and i had a mk2 cortina i spent half my life looking at the engine but with the best will in the world, most proper mechanics cant work on these cars so what chance do we have. they are definately not made to be worked on by anyone other than main dealers.

p.s. climate cotrol now showing book & exclamation mark symbol and is registering 8 seperate faults! oh joy.
It would be a bit dull if it was perfect in every way.........

How is it some people get rogue cars? ........or is it that some people are hard users or just plain careless or have little mechanical sympathy etc.etc.
Hmm, have to say with all due respect that I agree with the original statement that P38's are crap.

I am a very big fan of Landy's, have owned them now for over 5 years, bought a Freelander, then a Range Rover (P38, why oh why did I do that?) Have a Disco now as well and have helped various mates with defenders and ex army landy's numerous times.

The P38, without a shadow of a wheelbarrow is the most problematic, useless, expensive piece of junk I have ever bought.

What's worse is I still love the bloody thing which is why I still have it even though it has cost me 4.5K just to have the pleasure of driving it for 12 months!

Last straw however was the complete failure of the ECU on Monday, this is after having the gearbox rebuilt again, the suspension rebuild and the other costly but apparently usual faults.

Hammertime, with all due respect try running your own business with a car that develops faults while your standing next to it and when you have to drop the kids at school or swimming or the tax man is expecting you in his office half an hour ago and then you might start talking sense.

"man up a bit!" are you nuts? P38's, lovely but they are a full on Monet, look great at a distance but don't get too close!

There is looking after a car and then there is the P38, leave your cheque book & credit card at the door, your gonna need em!
Hmm, have to say with all due respect that I agree with the original statement that P38's are crap.

I am a very big fan of Landy's, have owned them now for over 5 years, bought a Freelander, then a Range Rover (P38, why oh why did I do that?) Have a Disco now as well and have helped various mates with defenders and ex army landy's numerous times.

The P38, without a shadow of a wheelbarrow is the most problematic, useless, expensive piece of junk I have ever bought.

What's worse is I still love the bloody thing which is why I still have it even though it has cost me 4.5K just to have the pleasure of driving it for 12 months!

Last straw however was the complete failure of the ECU on Monday, this is after having the gearbox rebuilt again, the suspension rebuild and the other costly but apparently usual faults.

Hammertime, with all due respect try running your own business with a car that develops faults while your standing next to it and when you have to drop the kids at school or swimming or the tax man is expecting you in his office half an hour ago and then you might start talking sense.

"man up a bit!" are you nuts? P38's, lovely but they are a full on Monet, look great at a distance but don't get too close!

There is looking after a car and then there is the P38, leave your cheque book & credit card at the door, your gonna need em!
talking sense? you joined this thread because you agreed with the original post....which was me :confused:

oh and i just got mine back yesterday with the abs light off.:) £750 quid later and the mechanic says..."all done ..................except the cracked heater matrix and that wil cost between £700 and £800".
Sorry Hamertime, that was aimed at Hackett actually and I was flitting from screen to screen trying to remember the page that annoyed me and obviously got it mixed. My apologies.

P38 apparently repaired and guess what, still has problems. Front door locks fried by ECU failure (common apparently, it can't just stop working it has to kill something else as well). Garage wanted £475 to replace them so I said "hmm, think I will do that job myself" Engine bay foam plenum needs replacing?? Had to ask on that one and not sure I have that right but basically a bit of formed foam in the engine bay that does nowt and costs a small fortune that needs replacing because its.......... What? not pretty enough? a bit rough around the edges? Told em that was not an option I was even contemplating so forget that one and last but certainly not least, "we noticed a small leak from your heater matrix, the O rings", "oh? how much would that be?", "£800 sir", "no way, not happening, not spending another penny on that car, leave it alone, please do not touch anything else I'll pick her up on Tuesday."

Still all said and good P38s crap, nuff said.

Bought a Disco, it has bolts and bits you can take off without the aid of a computer, happier so far but thats because it's running, lets hope it stays that way!
Guys, Guys, Guys!

There are certain genetic mutations which impair 'judgement'. Anyone who 'knowingly' buys a Range Rover has obviously inherited that gene.

I work with people with 'troubles' and they would, to a man, buy a Range Rover. Come on, go with evolution and see that p38s are Fred Flintstone.

Do you guys know what controls the EAS? An Indisit washing machine brain!! TRUE!! YES!! OH YES!! THe ECU is mounted under the car...That's bright too! Yeah, let's put the brain in the most harsh environment we can think of.....DERRR!!

Modern Range Rovers are NO BETTER! LEAKING ROOVES and 'mind of their own' steering columns! RANGE ROVER ARE RUBBISH!

Even 'Top Gear' said that Range Rover have to limit the speed, 'cos the tyres can't handle the power!!!! ' WHAT? Will you take me to a monkey town? Will you take me to a monkey town.. Range Rover is MONKEY TOWN!

I used to admire Range Rovers and thought that if I ever owned one, I'd made it...SILLY BOY!!! Pillock wagons. Get a Suzuki Jimny 4x4 You won't regret it!

Oh...maybe you will...if you want to advertise the fact that, you're a pillock!

No offense meant to anyone who, like me, thought that Range Rovers were good and then found out that they aren't.
How very witty of you. Why aren't you on a suzuki forum then young man?

EDIT; reading back, I note that you said you yourself fell into the trap of buying a RR, yet at the beginning of your post you write how anyone that buys a RR must have a genetic deficiency.

Are you calling yourself a retard?
Another incorrect fact of bigbenson, the EAS ECU is not under the car as claimed but inside the car under the nearside front seat, can we assume from this that the other claims he makes are also untrue?
Bigbenson (in his dream world) states his occupation is a teacher, he probably has a 2CV for transport and wishes to up grade to a top of the RANGE manly 4x4 (a Suzuki Jimny 4x4 in his eyes).

In real life he is a spotty teenager who is having trouble saving up for the fuzzy dice for the rear view mirror of his mythical rusty fiesta with no insurance, mot or tax...because he is above the law and the world owes him everything...

All vehicles have there faults some can be more problematic than others but at least with Range Rovers theres community help on this forum and all problems can be over come.
I wonder if there is some kind of guilt complex here and he's trying to save the planet.
For all the hot air he's spouting his carbon footprint must be f##kin HUUUUUUUUGE! :rolleyes:
Go away to another forum, maybe a Japanese 4xforum, at least that way someone might agree with you. :p :p :p
Do people out there who own & do nothing but complain about RR’s ever look at other vehicle forums? From Bentley’s down to a simple hatch back? I’ll keep the RR!

A RR owner who cannot repair it themselves & has to rely on the garage, is in the lap of the gods, unless you have an independent who is likeminded & switched on to RR’s at a reasonable price.

Not a real fan of Top Gear, however I did see a fantastic report & it should, with hindsight be on the front page of any RR forum. See Clarkson in a “close shot” of a RR Overfinch next to it is a “hotted” Mercedes (one of the big engined ones? Can’t remember which) Clarkson describing the attributes of each vehicle, they were to do a standing ¼ mile type race in a straight line, however the RR Overfinch was sat on the “grass” next to the tarmac runway & the Merc. was on the tarmac. The flag was dropped, neck & neck as they set off, the RR then left the Merc. for dead. Showing what RR can do against the biggest & the best out there, unbeatable!

Regards Trevor2
Even 'Top Gear' said that Range Rover have to limit the speed, 'cos the tyres can't handle the power!!!! ' WHAT? Will you take me to a monkey town? Will you take me to a monkey town.. Range Rover is MONKEY TOWN!

I will be kind here for your simplistic brain.

Tyres, as well as having a diameter, width and height, also have a speed rating such as 'H' or 'V', it is this factor that determines the speed limiter, not the miss-match. The majority of Range Rover owners will never want or try to go over 100 miles per hour in their vehicle any way so Land Rover shipped it out with lower speed rated tyres, simple as that.

For anyone wanting to go faster go get some 'V' rated tyres for your landy and job done.

Another idiot posting idiot ideas.

Adam :mad:
Bigbenson is a teacher “&” he drives a “Volvo”, say no f*****g more, he is a complete t**t, teachers like bigbenson are “one” of the lowest forms of life & he “””drives””” a Volvo, making him “the” lowest form of life. He is a closet coward/bully who gets is rocks off spouting on this forum. Why doesn’t he just f***k off, why? because as the coward he is, he can hide & spout out loud from behind his curtain.

Carry on Bigbenson, I like to read emails from tossers like you, even the name gives him away “big”-benson he is probably a little ****. As a teacher you are probably at the “bottom” of your career with no chance of promotion, you probably scraped through your exams & qualified lowest in the class, I bet the kids at school take the **** out of you all day. Lets face it the RR is “”way out of your league””, it’s a real person’s car, the owner has to have presence & authority & you have neither.

Regards Trevor2
I think the Range Rover P38 is the best looking 4x4 on the road, all cars have little problems? lol,, despite to problems with the P38 as someone had already side once sorted its the best, what have I had done to mine, new fuel pump, fuse box, window mec, heater plugs, wheels and tyres, grill and light up grades, new disk and calipers all round with BFG lines make the braking far more on? new bushes, window screen, door motor, battery cover, twin exhaust, just fitted new all round window seals as they bubble, I think I got the last full set from RR and they are not making them any more, drinks holder, new filters every 6 months, new red top heavy duty battery sorts out the running flat but I am going the change the security mod in the back of the car that seem to keep the ecu awake? which runs down most bats that why a got the red top always has something to give? I have spent and still spending money on my 1995 P38, I just love the car its drive its looks, had the engine chip going to have that re done via the ecu re mapping, about £300, can't take it to the grave, lol like many others I sort of enjoy working on the old girl and doing her, but i guess you'll always get one person or other that don't like certain cars I hate Fords with the Mon-day-o at the top of the list, and my is going in next week for £800 worth of body work and painting, bit of rust around the rear wheel arches, and the mat black around the winds has faded, bit of rust on the top lower part of the tail gate, call me old fashioned but I do like her looking nice, could never afford a new one so keep the one I have looking new? Now what I would love to do if I had the cash is take the new super charge spots RR strip it down and custom fits all the parts into my P38, so I kept the P38 lovely looks :D:D:D

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