There is a video of it on YouTube somewhere someone certainly seems to be a keen green oval collector
Don’t recognise it from the pic it could be Charles he is ‘us’ type of mad. Not seen where he keeps them but he would have ‘a few’
years back 1/2 a RRC or a rotted D2 would cost you £2500, p38s went under the radar no one wanted them or even knew what they were and they were cheap. Then came along the FL3 with a badge and the new pretender then everyone went mad.

I was thinking parts boyo :)
What are you insinuating? my RR doesn’t need parts it gets its sustenance from the moss and even blooms new foliage healing the environment :p
Charles I had my slotted discs off. Wouldn’t normally go 2nd hand anything with brakes but he said they were new shortly before he had the vehicle. They still are nearly new - gleaming, had a few Disco boys drooling over them and he threw in the pads for spares too which was nice gesture. Remember @Dopey ? couldn’t get a brake modulator ^^^ the guy had a huge pallet of them. Probably why no one could find any :D
He likely has dogs and firearms mate
no ta :D
It’s not waste. He saves them from the scrapper. Is the opposite. If it is him
And you can phone him and do a deal cheaper than the bay..07977509008,if you tell him Alan from the Wirral told you to ring him he'll probably charge you double, only joking,I've always been treated right.and that's the only affiliation.;)
Funny enough thats what I did. He was really helpful and full of knowledge about what I needed
Has anyone got first hand experience with ronbox/ synergy box are they worth it and do they give much hassle to ems or are they pretty happy considering how temperamental the p38's can be.
Swapping my engine over next week and where it's all going to be out easier to get to plugs etc , just want to give it a bit more guts where it's running bigger tyres etc
Has anyone got first hand experience with ronbox/ synergy box are they worth it and do they give much hassle to ems or are they pretty happy considering how temperamental the p38's can be.
Swapping my engine over next week and where it's all going to be out easier to get to plugs etc , just want to give it a bit more guts where it's running bigger tyres etc
As far as I'm concerned, after market power boxes are a no no, they will eat your gearbox if it's an auto. If you really want to stress an old engine, do it properly with a remap that retains the torque reduction on shifts.
They will kill an autobox and slowly kill your FIP. An initial boost to fuelling but not long after you will have to disconnect it to return power or just to get it started, when it does ‘return’ it will be less than you initially started with. Personally, when buying I would avoid vehicles that have ever had one fitted.

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