
New Member
Hi all
New to this site but had my P38 pig for a while now.
Having trawled the net looking for info on veg oil conversions and finding very little,(loads on bmw325tds and an omega, which is doing what mine is on the oil) I decided to undertake the conversion myself and is now rigged up with a 2-tank setup.
Good points: 30quid per 40litres £10+savings
40litres gets me just shy of 300miles which is about a third
more than on diesel
the smell!
Bad point: Kack idle!

Fire it up on diesel then switch over to veg when hot then it's almost like a missfire. Revs up fine drives fine but pops away like a tractor at idle! Tank pump modified to handle veg so pressure to injection pump good, leak off pipes changed too.
The chap who converted his omega is having same issue.
Has anyone converted their p38 to oil and what results did they get?
I have found a diesel expert who carries out 'internal modifications' to injection pump but not quite sure what this will be. has anyone gone down this route?

Any advice or info apprieciated
:welcome2::welcome2:to the nuthouse!!

Stuff putting veg oil...make biodiesel instead....my doozel runs lovely on it upto about 85%...hardly any smoke when you give it the beans and not much smell....deff no smell of cooking!!!
No conversion of the car needed except a bit of petrol in the fuel in winter to thin it:D

I am running 80 SVO (Rapeseed) to 20 dino diesel with no modifications and it starts up on second or third turn no matter the weather, in hotter months I have been told to go overt to 100% but with the summer we're having I'm sticking to 80/20.

Just make sure you use Rapeseed as it doesn't freeze down to something like -6

MPG has risen (on the onboard computer anyway which is only indicative), more torque (up steep hills in 3rd now) and cleaner emmissions, can't be bad!


I am running 80 SVO (Rapeseed) to 20 dino diesel with no modifications and it starts up on second or third turn no matter the weather, in hotter months I have been told to go overt to 100% but with the summer we're having I'm sticking to 80/20.

Just make sure you use Rapeseed as it doesn't freeze down to something like -6

MPG has risen (on the onboard computer anyway which is only indicative), more torque (up steep hills in 3rd now) and cleaner emmissions, can't be bad!


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