Hey..I found your facebook profile!!

Hey..I found your facebook profile!!


the plot thickens,I'm not sure my original reasons for straying away from this site are the main issue now,
I'm thinking more about the type of person a forum like this could turn you into,as well the kind of guy on facebook,thats some gruesome findings,
Don't worry storm,I'll come back with something visual that will make you up your game,that is of course if I'm not gettin told to fuk off from all angles like today,
night lads and bitchez,I'm gonna go wake up the bread knife and see if trap one or two is open for business
Can vouch your "issues" don't happen to all new users, in the 8 months i've been on here i haven't had any noticable abusive or ****-taking comments.
Though if i'd pretty much called everyone who disagreed with me a chunt then it might have not been so rosy.............
Can vouch your "issues" don't happen to all new users, in the 8 months i've been on here i haven't had any noticable abusive or ****-taking comments.
Though if i'd pretty much called everyone who disagreed with me a chunt then it might have not been so rosy.............

You forgot the Paragraphs.....

Gotta have Paragraphs!!

I sit in concrete boxes for people like you.just do as you would in real life and walk away.

Just read this and had a chuckle but am a bit confused. Why do you sit in a concrete box for storm? surely a chair would be comfier (sitting on cold things for long periods causes piles you know) ;)

anyhoo back to:pop2:
Brasser said:
Hope you swallow your tongue in your sleep you bastard,quote that,in fact don't,actually swallow your tongue so you're not able quote anything you ****.

Another random message out of the blue.

Surely Brasser must have had a look around this site before wading in with his size 9's, seeing as he's been on other sites that sound quite interesting!
mabye he should sell the P38, I dont want to be associated with up-tight types cos I love MY P38!
Yeah, it may have tinted windees and 22" alloys but Im no plastic gangsta, drug dealer or pimp, its a comfy ride for me, the wife and our two big dogs (see piccys) and if & when I want some dirty action I get the '66 LWB pick up out
Use the right tool for the job!
Maybe he should sell the P38 and buy another

abd go back to hangin wiv all the other sad tossers who drive them!
Never forget BMW basically raped L/R for their knowledge & expertise to make their own 4x4!
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aw leave him alone the rude bwoy is gonna git his homies to mudda ya. then his Ho's is gonna **** you gangsta style !!!! ****ing idiot **** off back to yer mothers teets
I've found a piccie of brasser!

and now ive gone and oi55ed mesself!!
hey brasser thanks for the pm, i was feeling left out. the piccie was easy to find, i simply hacked into your social networking sites and found it there;):D

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