Please ensure your valet announces your arrival in due course, outdoors attire is removed and handed to the butler before you enter the drawing room and that caps are doff'd in readiness for the welcoming toast.

Cutlery is always used from the outside in, and it is polite to stand when a lady enters the room.

Coffees will be served at the table, while Sherry and Whiskey will be served later in the library.

Always preceed your addressing of others with Sir, My man, Ma'lady or My dear as appropriate.

Further reading can be had from Debretts New Guide to Etiquette and Modern Manners.
Then when addressed in conversation you would be Sir....i.e.

'Sir, if I may my Lord.....' etc etc
I think Im on it, car started up fine tonight and had a look around things, when I shuggled the wiring that feeds in to the plug on side of FIP the symptoms were instant, so guess thats where the prob is, unless thats normal?
So will have a look at wiring and plug connections at earliest opertunity hopefully sometime this week. Question is - is there anything special about how you remove the square plug on side of FIP, looks like theres four screws holding on, anything there I need to be aware of?
It links the ECU to the internal electronics inside the pump. Be Very, Very careful with that new pumps are not cheap. The internal connections are soldered on, you would have to take the pump top off to check them. Check the round plug for good connection at the other end first. It is unlikely a connection will have detached inside the pump. Broken wire maybe. Be VERY careful playing with that.
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It links the ECU to the internal electronics inside the pump. Be Very, Very careful with that new pumps are not cheap. The internal connections are soldered on, you would have to take the pump top off to check them. Check the round plug for good connection at the other end first. It is unlikely a connection will have detached inside the pump. Broken wire maybe. Be VERY careful playing with that.

So what the square plug about, can it be removed without breaking or disturbing anything?

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