I’ve used 300 oak dowels so far to keep this lot together. Easier to screw but I didn’t want any metal fixings, to save problems later on, when glueing and brad nailing the sheets on. Nothing destroys a surface like blasting a nail into a screw head.
That’s 600 holes drilled :eek: 300 dowels glued in and three bundles of baton measured and cut. :eek::eek:

I should be back on site makin a killin. A half decent wood butcher would make a good £3.84 an hour at that rate. Obviously before being laid off again. :p

Pfft £3.84 you'd be living it up with that!!

I thought the average in that profession was half that ;)

Nice job on that camper though!
I’ve used 300 oak dowels so far to keep this lot together. Easier to screw but I didn’t want any metal fixings, to save problems later on, when glueing and brad nailing the sheets on. Nothing destroys a surface like blasting a nail into a screw head.
That’s 600 holes drilled :eek: 300 dowels glued in and three bundles of baton measured and cut. :eek::eek:

I should be back on site makin a killin. A half decent wood butcher would make a good £3.84 an hour at that rate. Obviously before being laid off again. :p
Square peg, round hole :D
All the electrical components are arriving this week. Well some of them. I will obviously be making the light switches and butchering most of the fittings as that’s the way I rock MFs. :)
I also decided today a pop up roof it just too much bother than I have in reserve. It would have been a nice exercise but I need to get on with this sodding thing so I can abandon it at the back of my house and get on with something else. Honward hand upward. :)
What else ya building?
Home made lathe next. I have a bed soaking in the shed. After that I want a Victorian tricycle powered by an electric motor but charged by a single cylinder Lister diesel with a Stevenson’s Rocket style chimney. This will be followed by a Steam Punk barrel organ That I can play on Market Street in Manchester to raise money for my beer and pork pie habit.
Home made lathe next. I have a bed soaking in the shed. After that I want a Victorian tricycle powered by an electric motor but charged by a single cylinder Lister diesel with a Stevenson’s Rocket style chimney. This will be followed by a Steam Punk barrel organ That I can play on Market Street in Manchester to raise money for my beer and pork pie habit.
Nice....... ;)
I might have done it again :oops:

I sat for a moment thinking :rolleyes: Window blinds? Why spend money on cassettes or the similar offerings available when I could come up with something much more fun.

I am thinking of recessing the frame around the window opening to create a pocket for a shutter that slides vertically from inside the wall void. The mechanics ain’t that complicated but I’m pondering solutions to equalising the thermal conductivity when thinning the insulation to accommodate such. :confused:


Naturally once adorned in gold brocade to match the flock wallpaper it will lend itself to the baroque theme.
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Okey kokey Bin a while but managed a day in t't shed.

Back on the thwinders, or at least the blinds for the blinding of................. :confused:

So this was the ole and a cunning pencil line shows where I dragged the router to create a rabbet for the blind. Lots of chopping out the bottom rail and shaping of the top rail to accept the shaped blind handle/rail; wot iz wot ive been making today.


Painted it black to hide the mistakes and threw in a length or two of black brush strip to make it slidey.

Now the tops square and the bottoms round so as usual I had to come up with some overly complicated solution to keep the light out.
It would have been much easier if the blinds had dropped down from the square top but up as it was they had to drop up and the frames looked stupid upside down.

First job was to cut up the oak Id used (and filled with screw holes) earlier for the temporary bed bracing.


Bout this size for the little ens with a scoop no less.
Int it funny how a thin bit of board can hide a durdy great knot :mad:


Then a rabbet on the back to accept the plywood.


Rinse and repeat


Then a sort of continuation of said plywood to keep the bottom tidy when open but cause no end of issues when closed. Just for pretty you understand. So off with these bits...........


and these.............


Then a trial fit to see if the desired gorgeousness is achieved.


With the ply slung on the back I can start to envisage the finish. :eek::oops::oops::oops:


The yellow bits wont be scraps (eventually) but will be the 3mm ply lining with a bit of fancy oak window frame seamlessly planted round it. o_O

That was it for today and on the morrow I'll be doing a little job up the road but with a bit of luck these little bits should be complete over the next few days and I can start lining the ruddy thing.
No idea how I'm going to do the window in the door yet as it'll be constructed differently so it might just be curtins. ;)
Oooo look a hot tub :) great fun:)

Is it party time at the Sticles ouse?:D
Snot my ouse. I go to the pub if need be. Not bring the pub to me. ;)
Just a little job today raising the wall by two feet so they can do whatever they do in the hot tub without the passing trucks watching.
I built the bar for them several weeks ago.

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