Can someone ask a rivet counter what thread the cover screw is. I dunt know any. :confused:

Its not that wood screw, although it does work :oops:
At last :rolleyes:
Just managed to finish the skirt. What a bleedin faff. With a bit of luck, that’s the metalwork done. I’ll try and remember mi phone tomorrow and show ya.
Right. On with the framework. :)
Ta daaaar


A trip to the roofing yard today resulted in two bundles of batten in two bi one flavour, in a delightful lemon. Swedish apparently.

Problem is I have to take a trip to Norwich tomorrow. It’s closer to bleedin Amsterdam than my owse :(
If I’m not back by six, send in the dogs :eek:

I should get a bit of framing done on Sunday :)
Ad a few hours this afty :)


Now looking at height, lock up door size and my stunning length I think a pop up roof is in order.
Also finding a stack of bus windows being chucked out at work, a few design changes are in order but nowt I can’t make up on the hoof.
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Having not managed much on the unfolding monster in the last few weeks I thought I’d better get a day in before a pending eye operation and the uncertainty of recovery time. Not much further on but got the frame as far as I want it. I’m leaving the front open so it’s easier to get the interior panelling inside. I can even cut the front panels and leave them inside before finishing the front frame.
Quite happy with the roofing baton studding although it varies in size quite dramatically. At least it will add to the vintage look when the outside is rippled. :confused:

I’ve used 300 oak dowels so far to keep this lot together. Easier to screw but I didn’t want any metal fixings, to save problems later on, when glueing and brad nailing the sheets on. Nothing destroys a surface like blasting a nail into a screw head.
That’s 600 holes drilled :eek: 300 dowels glued in and three bundles of baton measured and cut. :eek::eek:

I should be back on site makin a killin. A half decent wood butcher would make a good £3.84 an hour at that rate. Obviously before being laid off again. :p

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