MG Mal

130.jpg 90 Tdi.jpg Basket case 72 LWT.jpg 130 & LWT 2.jpg

2003 TD5 130
1993 200 Tdi 90
Basket Case 1972/3 LWT (V8)
1983 LHD Ex RAF LWT (Day I collected it)
That's the plan.
Am Semi Retired, so hope to keep busy with the LWT's .
If the 130 and 90 behave themselves!, so far the 90 is proving to be quite the "Naughty Landy"!
Good projects the LWT's. I'd like to have one for a project. If done as faithful restoration they have good value, plus they look the business. Good luck with the project.
We've added a 1981 Range Rover to the fleet.
We had not planned to look for one until after summer as a replacement for the 200 Tdi 90 while it was overhauled etc.
However, the 90 decided to suffer turbo seal failure, so we brought forward the purchase.
It's not "mint" but it is solid and failry tidy, original V8 was Pro - replaced many years ago with the Perkins/Mazda 4.182 3.0 TD engine, which pulls well and still in good order.
The 90 is now being prepped for Turbo replacement, once done and confirmed "all is well", we will either carry out the planned overhaul, or think about selling it on to invest the funds released into the Range Rover.
You are calling this " Small Collection" ?? I should hang myself.

Yep, a "Small Collection" compared to my previous 70's/80's fleet.

At one point it was over 30 strong!.

Moving house and getting back into Land Rovers again, has helped reduce numbers.

30+ classic and retro cars.
Oldest was a 1960 Rover 100 P4
Youngest was a 1993 Rover 827

In between the two where MGB's, Midgets, Metro's (Nasp and Turbos) MG Montego and Maestro Turbo's, Rover Coupe's (2.0l and 2.7l models) Rover Sterlings and Vitesse models.
+ various other British makes which fluctuated over time. (Triumphs/Austins/Jags/Morris/ etc)

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