I'm shocked that nobody went in after the memory card....no sense of responsibility some people :rolleyes:
**** ! Where is it around Ashbourne ? I get home tomorrow so I can help you recover it if you need as I live there, you can bring it back to mine if you like for now ?

Ill PM you too
Who was the Pillock talking about I knows how deep to go and experience counts La La La I know my limits in the 90Boy thread!
I'm just trying to think where the ford is that can be over 2 metre deep :eek: I thought I knew all my local lanes well

Tissington ? Although my friends house would have flooded too with that water.

One between Clifton and Ashbourne possibly with a lot ! Of rain ?
I'm just trying to think where the ford is that can be over 2 metre deep :eek: I thought I knew all my local lanes well

Tissington ? Although my friends house would have flooded too with that water.

One between Clifton and Ashbourne possibly with a lot ! Of rain ?

Don't think the ford was 10ft deep, from OP I'm assuming the disco got pushed down stream..
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**** ! Where is it around Ashbourne ? I get home tomorrow so I can help you recover it if you need as I live there, you can bring it back to mine if you like for now ?

Ill PM you too


I'm working close to Ashbourne at JCB this week , got my 110, I'm happy to lend a hand.
Don't think the ford was 10ft deep, from OP I'm assuming the disco got pushed down stream..

Those two are the only ones I could think it would be possible I've PM'd him anyway and the local police know how many recoveries I do haha 4 in 1 day with the same officer :p
Who was the Pillock talking about I knows how deep to go and experience counts La La La I know my limits in the 90Boy thread!

But he had a valid point in that thread, that you cannot predict water at any point, so what he said then was very true eh
Any experienced person can come unstuck or get stuck through badly signed fords anywhere or and error of judgement
Just great he's safe :)
But he had a valid point in that thread, that you cannot predict water at any point, so what he said then was very true eh
Any experienced person can come unstuck or get stuck through badly signed fords anywhere or and error of judgement
Just great he's safe :)

The way paul described it to us was he crept forwards into the water, decided it was to unsafe as he went to reverse he rolled forwards ever so slightley but the water/current had already started to take hold, pauls one of the most experienced laners i know, he wouldnt just go gunning through without throughly weighing up the odds first!
I feel gutted for the bloke and wished i could have helped more but there was nothing that could be done, just glad he got out and is safe!
The way paul described it to us was he crept forwards into the water, decided it was to unsafe as he went to reverse he rolled forwards ever so slightley but the water/current had already started to take hold, pauls one of the most experienced laners i know, he wouldnt just go gunning through without throughly weighing up the odds first!
I feel gutted for the bloke and wished i could have helped more but there was nothing that could be done, just glad he got out and is safe!

I know there's no way he'd have gawn gunning in at all shame there wasn't a cursory hook on the back just in case :(
Who was the Pillock talking about I knows how deep to go and experience counts La La La I know my limits in the 90Boy thread!

Different situation. I know what you're saying, but looking back we now think the road was washed away 'cos I was just getting into reverse as the front wheels dropped into a hole, the back end floated and spun. What I said in that thread still counts, but I dropped my guard a bit and got bitten, sh1 happens .. I never profess to have all the answers .. and I can always still learn. :)

David also dropped a wheel off, or started to, but he got back OK, and he was on a different line ..

In hindsight .. I'd do it differently.

Anyway, on a lighter note or two .. We're arranging a recovery on Saturday, thanks for all the offers but we have people we know and who have recovered stuff before ready to help. There may be a call or two going out ..

Ayresy, many, many thanks, you have a pm .. we'll talk tomorrow.

If (when) we get my phone back I might be able to recover a couple of videos, one with water coming up the windscreen, one where it's over the whole windscreen ..

So glad the call to Juliet didn't get through, 'cos I was about to tell her I loved her and the kids ... it was _that_ close ..

Really sorry for David who actually saw it go under with me still in .. unable at that point to open the doors (feckin' central locking) and not even able to find the door handle. Deep breath, sit down, relax, try door handle, nothing, unlock door, find and try door handle again, still nothing, same again but shoulder charge door and it opened. I had to swim up, but expected to stand on the sill, wave and shout at David I was OK, and that's when I got lungfulls or bellyfulls of water - later puked out halfway up A38!

I think David was happier to see me than I was to see him, he looked terrible, like he'd seen a ghost or something .. ;)

Seriously, cheers guys, just for being there and doing what you did. Steve and David for dragging me up the riverbank, Pete for the teas/coffees/whatever, it was hot and wet and sugary and Mark for some dry clothes, at which I said "It's OK, I have some in the .. er .." and of course for bringing me home. really appreciated, thank you.

Off for another bath now and sleep, hopefully. ;)

wow glad your ok Paul! Thats shocking!

Like you say, possessions are materialistic.

I will echo everyone else, if you need a hand getting your disco out i can come and help, im about an hour from Ashbourne.
No hints as to the ford. Last thing we want is someone else to have troubles there and damage Paul's car lol.
was it a new ford, or one you "knew"

Completely new .. that's what today was all about, recceing new lanes. the ford looked and felt innocuous, except for the centre, which I was nowhere near when 'it' happened! We'd already crossed the same river at a ford possibly less than an hour previously and it looked no worse than that one ..

I've learnt a bit more .. ;)

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