Was going to post in 'what have you done today' ...

CBA to type .. excerpts from my Facebook ..

Posted at about 3.30

Feeling quite ill ...

A good days laning screwed by an overflowing ford .. The landrover is now under 10' or so of fast running water .. it may well still be being pushed along the river bed. I was lucky to get out after it sank, the doors had locked and I couldn't find the handle! Home now, sans phone, wallet, keys, Landrover and all my off-roading gear and tools .. and feeling very sick. Swallowed a ****-load of dirty river water, puked it out an hour ago, but feeling really quite sore and ill.

Glad Juliet or the kids weren't with me, or anyone else for that matter .. and that I'm alive to have the **** taken!

If we get the phone back I might have a funny video to show ... it could so easily have been different.

Posted at 4.15 ish ..

Feeling warm again now and had a cuppa, so much more chipper.

Will be calling insurance in a short while 'cos it'll depend on them about recovery, just waiting for some other info. Police informed in Ashbourne and I've been given an incident number .. told there should have been signs up! The officer said it's unlikely I'll be the last .. possibly even today! On my own but in a group with David Wheatley, Pete Sproston, Steve and Mark .. can't remember second names. Happily, Kev who came as Dave's passenger, had been in the Disco only a mile or so earlier .. but got out to get back in Daves!

David and Steve pulled me out the river 'cos there was a vertical bank and I couldn't climb up it! Last I saw of the Landrover was a foot of CB aerial .. bearing in mind the Landrover is about 2.1m high, with a 2" lift on it and 3" larger tyres and the CB aerial is 4' or 5' long .. it went pretty deep. I thought I'd easily open the door, stand on the sill, see David and casually say "it's all OK" .. Not a chance, I had to swim up! Actually it was probably pretty dramatic, sorry to say that Dave had to see a Landrover submerging with a mate inside, desperately trying to get out .. whilst he could do nothing, he went white! Not sure who was happiest when I came up gasping ..

One good thing, sort of, the engine kept running right till the snorkel submerged, and I shut it off hopefully before hydraulicing it, so I know I put **** together properly ... I'll do the same on the next one! Left the bloody keys in the ignition though, so when Mark brought me home, I'd forgot Juliet was at work and he had to take me there!

No worries now, feel sick as a dog and a bit upset but also sorry I gave the lads a fright, although I guess I'll get a ribbing on the forums .. I've only lost 'stuff' though .. we all know that can be replaced easily enough, whereas I, obviously, can't ..


Nowt to say, sh1 happens, I was a twunt, it happened quickly, I'm OK, watch this space!!

bloody hell paul.glad you are ok though bud.you are one lucky person.
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10ft FFS Paul even stood on the roof you'd still have been completely under water :eek:

Glad you got out ok. if there's anything I can do to help give us a shout
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#### sake Paul :eek::eek: The real important bit is you're ok....ish. Now give us the why/what/where....ok maybe not where but details

Don't hesitate to to put a thread in lzir if you need to
#### sake Paul :eek::eek: The real important bit is you're ok....ish. Now give us the why/what/where....ok maybe not where but details

Don't hesitate to to put a thread in lzir if you need to

+1 lzir recovery then we get the photos you get the landy back and lzir helpers should get gold stickers for this one;)
Not known you for long Paul, but bloody glad you got out alright! So, when you feel better are we having another class on recovery techniques for submerged vehicles?

Don't know if I'll be of much use regarding LZIR for your situation, but by all means let us know!
I thought Staling Busk were a bit deep the other week, but then I am a wuss with a stock vehicle :D

Did the ford burst it's banks or summat? What happened? :eek:
10ft FFS Paul even stood on the roof you'd still have been completely under water :eek:

Glad you got out ok. if there's anything I can do to help give us a shout

you would have to stand on a 8 foot ladder and maybe just be able to see out the water :pound:
Not known you for long Paul, but bloody glad you got out alright! So, when you feel better are we having another class on recovery techniques for submerged vehicles?

Don't know if I'll be of much use regarding LZIR for your situation, but by all means let us know!
I thought Staling Busk were a bit deep the other week, but then I am a wuss with a stock vehicle :D

Did the ford burst it's banks or summat? What happened? :eek:

Nothing wrong with the ford at Stalling Busk :p:p You just chose to follow us down the river instead of using it :D:D:D:D
:mad: just cuz I said yesterday that we should head out on some lanes soon Paul...

If you didn't want to go, could have just said. Bit of an extreme reaction!
Ok you ghouls - there's no pics!!! :eek:
Finding him and ensuring he was ok was the order of the day.
It's also a waste of time trying to see it as it's under too much water lol.
Was soooo glad to see Paul rise out the depths.
The funniest bit was when I screamed to him to get out of the motor, as it was going down. Amongst the expletives he said 'What do you think I'm trying to do glug glug glug' lol
Ok you ghouls - there's no pics!!! :eek:
Finding him and ensuring he was ok was the order of the day.
It's also a waste of time trying to see it as it's under too much water lol.
Was soooo glad to see Paul rise out the depths.

Must of been terrifyin for you to see :eek: :(
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Jesus !!

Glad to hear your ok :)

hopefully someone will get their arses servearly kicked for not having signs up ! could have ended up so much worse

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