Not worried about the lappy, it was an old IBM thinkpad, and only had a GPS SatNav system on it, Memory Map, maps and lanes .. slow as a slow thing so I won't be putting any time into it, I have more available .. ;)
Not worried about the lappy, it was an old IBM thinkpad, and only had a GPS SatNav system on it, Memory Map, maps and lanes .. slow as a slow thing so I won't be putting any time into it, I have more available .. ;)

Meant for just getting the data off, might be worth a try save you getting all that stuff again!
Meant for just getting the data off, might be worth a try save you getting all that stuff again!

I know what you mean and thanks for the suggestions, I know you're trying to help, but I've got three (at least) separate copies of everything. I just scrapped 7 laptops, gave TC a reasonable one, scrapped three desktops and have maybe three other laptops I could use in the Landy, albeit with larger screens.

I'm actually thinking of getting a 10" Android Tablet with built in GPS instead of a lappy anyway and using MMTracker to follow the existing maps .. I know it works 'cos I have a 7" tablet without GPS that works in GPS Sim mode .. Computing power and hardware prowess I ain't short of .. even when the system all goes down occasionally! :)

Only reason I took so many pics and spoke about the lappy so much is 'cos it's integral to how I go laning, and people understand a mucky laptop and relate to it more than a mucky seat .. :)
Why break it?

None of the panels are straight, and who'd buy anything worth money off it knowing it's been submerged?

IMHO the engine should be fine, as should the gear and transfer boxes and diffs .. only issue, I reckon, will be the electrics, but it's not an auto and doesn't have computers .. jeez it never even had electric mirrors or window winders ...

It'll be running within a couple of weeks or so for minimal outlay apart from replacement nuts and bolts, oils and greases, filters and other replaceables and a bit of effort ...

In a way (let's ignore the near death thing for a minute ;)) I suppose you're going to end up better off than you were before what went off. You've got your toy back some spending money for it and the motivation to do a shed load of jobs that might have wanted doing anyway, eh?

Result all round!
In a way (let's ignore the near death thing for a minute ;)) I suppose you're going to end up better off than you were before what went off. You've got your toy back some spending money for it and the motivation to do a shed load of jobs that might have wanted doing anyway, eh?

Result all round!

Yeah, not thought of it that way, but yeah, it is looking OK so far! ;)

It means I can maybe add longer rear shocks, I already have fronts, possibly cranked trailing arms to help cope and renew things like all the suspension bushes etc .. second battery and split charge setup to get the winch working more reliably and possibly even a new rope as this winch rope was second hand and quite short.

I can't see anything terribly wrong in any of the running gear or engine/drive-train so can't see any major expense in getting it running, just time. I know one swivel ball is rough so I'll get a teflon one (One side already has one), the lightbar wiring has torn out so that'll need sorting and I guess the remote for the winch will need replacing and the radio .. Possibly a loom but I'll only know that when it's running and being pushed I think ... everyone said it's the electrics that might come back to bite. I'm good with mechanicals and have a mate who's good with the leccy so think it's all easily (ish) sorted .. :)

Yeah, looking good, makes a change .. ;)
i'd recommend adding a few oil drums to the outside this time :.

glad it's looking good. did the insurance company keep out of it in the end?
I reckon the actual physical wires will be ok the problem is more likely to be the relays and connectors and sensors. I would just replace the relays, fuses and end sensor components and spray some sort of water dispersant into all the connectors and see how you go. Like you said nothing major in terms of ecus etc. wiper motor is prob fecked though

But then it's prob not that much more work to swap out the loom

Just do the best you can with the jetwash then put the heater on for a long time.

Might have to empty the heater motor of **** first though!

Great opportunity to take the dash out and remove some **** you don't need! :)
If you can, get it in a closed garage and put a proper 240v dehumidifier in it and a dry heat source ( eg electric oil filled radiator) for 24hrs or longer, if you haven't got use of a garage wrap it in plastic sheeting and do the same.
Managed to get more done today, cleaned as much as I could, de-carpeted it, water jetted it, then normal hosepipe to help flush silt out .. jeez it gets everywhere! Amazingly enough there were layers of mud in some places, dunno where they came from! ;)

Few small videos .. First one is me going round after first rinse just mumbling on about the Disco condition of body etc .. surprisingly good for a 16 ish year old vehicle!

Cleaning 003 - YouTube

Cleaning 005 - YouTube

Cleaning 006 - YouTube

De-humidifier to try and dry it out a bit ..

Cleaning 004 - YouTube

So that's it .. all's in a bit of a mess, no room in my shed, no room in the garden any more, but it's looking good so far! De-humidifier has been working for two hours or less, been to have a look just now and the floor is as near as dammit dry!! Gob-smacked!! Gonna leave it in overnight.

One up to Juliet, again. She has no clue of mechanics but ups and just says "why not try the de-humidifier in Tom's bedroom?" ...

"Huh?, Wha?" says I , eloquently.

Didn't even know we had a de-humidifier ... ;)

Apparently Tom's room suffered from damp a year or so ago and she bought it to dry it out .. not been used since .. but whatever she paid for it, it looks bloody worth it!!
See how oftern it needs emptying... or do the de-humidifiers not have a water tank to empty out similar to a tumble dryer?
See how oftern it needs emptying... or do the de-humidifiers not have a water tank to empty out similar to a tumble dryer?

Good call, thanks .. ;)

I didn't know, Juliet said yep go look, it already needed emptying! probably 4 litres of water in a few hours ..

She reckons the next one won't be anywhere near as full. ;)
Surprising how much water they suck up isn't it?
You wouldn't think from looking that there was that much water still in it, eh!

Have you put "extend the snorkel" and "fit periscope" on yer list of jobs yet? ;)
Once you've got it dry try a product called Fertan on the rust. It stops it going further until you can he it sorted properly. I've used it on both my Defenders with excellent results. Get it on fleabay.
Heh, along with water dispersal spray and silicone sealer ..

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