Managed to get more done today, cleaned as much as I could, de-carpeted it, water jetted it, then normal hosepipe to help flush silt out .. jeez it gets everywhere! Amazingly enough there were layers of mud in some places, dunno where they came from!
Few small videos .. First one is me going round after first rinse just mumbling on about the Disco condition of body etc .. surprisingly good for a 16 ish year old vehicle!
Cleaning 003 - YouTube
Cleaning 005 - YouTube
Cleaning 006 - YouTube
De-humidifier to try and dry it out a bit ..
Cleaning 004 - YouTube
So that's it .. all's in a bit of a mess, no room in my shed, no room in the garden any more, but it's looking good so far! De-humidifier has been working for two hours or less, been to have a look just now and the floor is as near as dammit dry!! Gob-smacked!! Gonna leave it in overnight.
One up to Juliet, again. She has no clue of mechanics but ups and just says "why not try the de-humidifier in Tom's bedroom?" ...
"Huh?, Wha?" says I , eloquently.
Didn't even know we had a de-humidifier ...
Apparently Tom's room suffered from damp a year or so ago and she bought it to dry it out .. not been used since .. but whatever she paid for it, it looks bloody worth it!!