welded up one side..cross pipe almost finished

all will be painted then heat wrapped and painted again..i know the heat wrap is good stuff,wrapped my headers in the other 2 door with it..you can hold the pipes tightly and it just feels warm/hot..

if anyone stupid enough to make manifolds and turbo flanges may i suggest..BLOODY BUY THEM...fecking turbo flange took ages ..file file file...

run outa argoshield..PUB GAS SUCKS!!so angry at this point camera was shacking with rage..

bit late now..lol

mrs was happy anyway..no shirt on getting sweaty..lol..thats me not her..
as i said..pub gas is ****e

got some more argoweld tomorrow..so if splatery then you can slaggggg me off..

you near new forest i hope..like it there..

anyway..discoverd me stering colum uj,s are shagged..great..

clearence for turbo exhaust exit is tight..great..due to me welding in flange in wrong place,but it stays there,no time to change...so much still to do,beginning to feck me off,boss hassling me big time...still heres tghis eves efforts..

The LT95 is tougher than most give credit for but surely you are going to be feeding it quite large doses of torque?
Very impressive work so far mate....the whole setup under the hood is very well done. I had assumed you were gonna go for the twin-turbo setup instead of that one large turbo to reduce turbo lag.....
Keep up the good work.
toughest landy box there is horsey (along with lt85), would have to go away from landy bits to get better.

zen I am surprised you were not fecked off a lot sooner, I would have been!

New forest about 30-40 mins away

lt95 will be fine..have killed 3 lt85's now!!

re single turbo decided to go that way as i had a brand new one that should be just right..lag should not be an issue i hope, its bigger ,yes,but has twice the gases to get it going...

anyway..3 bucket seats do fit in the back..thats good..but taking 4 hours to bolt the n/s manifold on was not..talk about a barstard!!it will NOT be coming off again!
oil cooler mounts all made,just gotta buy some heat shielding silver stuff to wrap the oil pipes near the before mentioned manifold..

hers an upside down piccy

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Cheers chaps.

What about gearing? I'm assuming that with this amount of torque so low down that you could cruise at motorway speeds about 1000rpm lower than the norm?

One area I've looked at is the different cogs you can put into the LT230.
gearing..gonna be fitting kam 2.82 diffs
and looking for late lt95 gears as they 1;1 (talking transferbox gears here)

this eve fitted oil cooler..decided where to route cooler pipes..started connecting up hydraulic pipes to hydroboost..

have an issue with air intake and filter..ie wher to place and wher to suck air in!!

moved them now..lol

now hydo lines to brake booster all in..

exhaust crossover in and wrapped

now how to route turbo exhaust exit?? rather tight you know!!

straight pipe through the front wing :D

lets face it its not standard neway so wot the hell lol :p
Without actually seeing the car. From the pic I would say 90 forward then wavy bendy down under the inter cooler pipe, past the manifold and out past the box.
Actually, have I got the pipes the wrong way around. If I have then scrap that, take a 90 down and out.

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