If it is OIL, and if the viscosity is about right, the engine will run fine, veg or mineral, it doesn't matter. Don't worry about lube oil dilution either as veg oils are better lubes than mineral oils, and anyway, the amount veg going down is tiny.

Our best ever brew (aka ROCKET FUEL because of the effect) is lube oil from a big machine, thinned with kero till it sloshes around about the same as diesel.

Discomania's NA Def 90 really shifts running on this stuff, and I did a 450 mile round trip in the Disco TD5 towing a caravan using it. Uphills on the M74 and M6 was superb using this fuel - far better pulling-power.

If I knew of any way to filter old engine oil well enough I would use that for fuel too. There is NO reason why not.

If I knew of any way to filter old engine oil well enough I would use that for fuel too. There is NO reason why not.

shirley if even a relatively small amount of burnt injun oil produces james bond type smoke screens then using it fer fuel would cover the whole country in blue fog after about 5mins of use?
I used to run an vauxhall astra diesel estate on heating oil.
My mate used to run an astra on anything he could get his hands on. New veg oil, used veg oil, heating oil, anything. Basically if it looked in any way like oil he used to pour it in. No modifications, no problems at all:)
Im really slow yeah, my 90 is 300tdi, if i go in tesco now i get 20 litrese of veg oil, half fill my tank with this then top up with normal diesel, it wont bugger up the engine no? Any particular type of veg oil????
i dont really go shopping, how much is this oil compared to diesel then?
do the 2 mix up well in the tank or do you end up with a huge lump of oil in the tank so it all gets burnt at once?
i dont really go shopping, how much is this oil compared to diesel then?
do the 2 mix up well in the tank or do you end up with a huge lump of oil in the tank so it all gets burnt at once?

if it wernt fer this now being PCLZ i'd have told ya to feck orf and do a search
185k and sweet as even in winter mate no heaters or anything and 90% veggie, might have a sweet engine though but it takes to it well, just takes about 3 more cranks to start up as opposed to half a crank -a crank on derv.
i dont really go shopping, how much is this oil compared to diesel then?
do the 2 mix up well in the tank or do you end up with a huge lump of oil in the tank so it all gets burnt at once?

ASDA do a 15 litre bottle of own brand type veggie oil for 8.20 which equates about 55p/l. I know what I'd rather put in my tank plus you gotta love the smell!

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