Hi zen,

Yep I have an innovate lc1 which I will be fitting to tune it up.

Going out for a shakedown drive tonight then back to the garage tomorrow to swap to WB to do some datalogging if it is dry.

Won't be keeping the WB full time though as they are too fragile, will get it tuned nice over next few weeks hopefully and then switch to NB for general use.

Do still need to get my head round it all though!

Regards the price, I got the full kit, and tbh I'm happy with what I got. I just said to Nige I want a price for everything possible and then I could decide what to do.

Price went from £980 for the full kit to £1200 for the Sam kit because i got relay board, MAF adaptor tube thingy and new ht leads kit. There was probably some other stuff too :D

Wish me luck :)
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?why strange??

if thats yours..lose the reg number ..

re wb..not fragile..mines doing just fine..

for your interest..ms controlling this

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Strange cos I've not seen it with a bonnet on since October!!! :D

Have ditched the picture all together, don't want stuff getting too hot!

I have been told that WB do not like to get dunked in mud and water, they take an external air reading?? I couldn't see anything on mine though tbh!

Even so, I think plan is to tune on WB then back to NB, cos my car gets some serious axle deep **** and its not worth ruining or even damaging the WB sensor and controller under there.

So what exactly have you got in that rangey? Cos all this talk of boost and water/meth makes me think its pushing some output!
re wide band...leave it in..then ms can use it to trim a/r on the fly..if you use narrow band all it can do is keep it 14.7;1...no good for power or economy..

it wont mind the mud..besides they cheap now..

re power..v8 quad cam..s/c about 400hp..
Would be nice to have it running off AFR target tables all the time indeed!!

Yeah the sensors are about 50 quid I think, which is alright.

I have been strongly advised not to though, pah, so much conficting advice :(
rover lump??...old fashioned..fuel guzzling..gutless american castoff..yes i know,liable to upset afew people..but hey..true..

no its not a rover lump.. clue rangie has TRD badges..
rover lump??...old fashioned..fuel guzzling..gutless american castoff..yes i know,liable to upset afew people..but hey..true..

no its not a rover lump.. clue rangie has TRD badges..

lol, you done lie, but im gona need a few more clues lol
Lexus 4.3! Awesome!

Rv8 is **** but full of character and keeps me happy.

Had a good drive about and the MS is incredible, SO much more drive ability!

Got the WB setup and it is well worth keeping fitted.

Just having slight query in megalogviewer giving me part throttle AFR around 19-21:1 which is a bit worrying, needless to say have gone back to safe map!

Need to read up on MLV better maybe, regards the AFR tables in MLV!
just curious but when your up to your nuts in water, is there anyway to stop your belts from screaming like banshees?
been hitting a couple of ponds and the roads this week
you wait untill them p@k!s set off an EMP you will be wanting dizzys and carbs back you modern lot :p
Yeah I know, have been having dreams of building a car for the apocalypse but the ECU just kills that idea! :p

Might have to store a carb setup in the shed with quick release connectors for when disaster strikes! :D
Yeah I know, have been having dreams of building a car for the apocalypse but the ECU just kills that idea! :p

Might have to store a carb setup in the shed with quick release connectors for when disaster strikes! :D
youd want a tdi for that could be pushed started and plunger in solenoid removed plus will run on cooking oil
Evening All :D

Few things now appearing on this thread both here and on LR4x4 that are of interest, inc Zens and his comments on MS3, and 'Phil Ringwood' of Extra DIY

So, some info to fill in some gaps.

Phil Ringwood of Extra EFI, erm "Guru" on Megasquirt, don't think for one minute I am ever going to knock Phil - he will forget prob more than I will prob ever know on Megasquirt - he is a Lecy genuis, part of the team theat actially programmed the "Firmware" for the ECUs - think of firmware as say Windows XP, Vista & etc and MSQ as Rover V8 Zetec XJ whatever etc, and that is not only waaaaay beyond me, but frankly always will be

Phil I think gets huge pleasure and satisfaction being right in the heart of the techy stuff, that makes MS work, he and I are a million miles apart in what we do, and thats why MS is so bludy great !

Without the Phils of this world some of the cutting edge stuff wouldn't happen, MS is Shareware, the software and support is free, peeps of all walks of life with a mixture of skills and knowledge make it what it is.

What Phil and I hope I bring to MS are poles apart, he is the chap for things like MS3, I am not, even tho I have a mate wnating one for a V10 racer - me getting involved will prob be a one off, and it will most likley give me a big F off headache or 10 :(

But Phile is super knowledgeable on MS, software, programming etc etc etc. What he does is more the cutting edge sytuff, and support the further development etc which I am in awe of, what I do is very different.

Yonks back now I had this Daft engine - a 4.5 John Eales Rover V8 full race, had Jag injectors, Jag AFM and a Mark adams modified ECU - it ran worse than a bag of ****. It was a race engine I wnated it in my road going 90 :confused:

Net result was if I could give it large at 3000+ RPM all was fine but thats tricky on Guilodford high street :rolleyes: so it often coughed sputtered and died in embarrasing places and times

Que MS

I heard about this from a couple of well known culprits John Utterride and Bill Shurvington, both have minds size of planets like Phil and knowledge that turns mine to Pulp, but I saw the light


MS was a HUGE process to fit on my truck, whilst the ECU was fairly easy to get and get made (beyond me !) the trigger wheel, brackets for VR sensor, coil packs, and a raft of other stuff took me absolutely ages to make and I near gave up so many times. The trigger wheel was made on a milling machine by me with a dividing head and some maths, 5 wheels later I had one that was "OK" I now have them cut on a near 900,000 laser machine accurate to a wigets nagger (thats tech speak BTW :p ) and can be fitted in minuties

And thats basically what I do I SPECIALISE in ROVER v8s and have a series of Kits (a La What Sam Bought) with anything > eberything you need for a full and easy install

I use MS1 V3.57 with the latest firmware and a series of V8 MSQs that I have got over the years of tinkering.

The Rover V8 is really a bit of a snotter of an engine, a USA Cast of Buick 50s engine, Bought and messed up further by BL, with applainging unrelaible and badly Mapped ECUs with no diagnostics and die at the sight of any water and ot die cos they are bludy Lucas junk.MS3 is really really state of the art, some peeps think that MS have moved away from their initial base of being simple user friendly and robust etc, maybe, but engije technology has come in leaps and bounds since MS arrived, MS3 means you can take the quatrrovalve 5. diddleee CANBUS power coded injectored nightmare engine from a scrappee shove it in a racer and get prob more power and Torque than factory ! (loose the Emmission garb, tune for power not economy etc etc) BUT MS3 on a Rover V8 ? As I say sometimes, thats like putting stockings and suspenders and lipstick on a Pig, under all the glam, its still a Pig

MS3 IS good on modern complex engines, MS2 I am not a lover of, MS1 I love and is far more than enough for a rover V*, Twin Maps ie 1 x fuel 1 x LPG NOS yes, Traction control yeah if you wnat and Boost yes that too, MS1 is underrated and too many people think more is better - if you wnat to learn get MS1 learn learn and learn then see if you really need MS2. I am delihted that a MS1 powered modded TVR Chimea that I tuned on the UK Roads with MS and MLV out performed a muppet who had spendy emerald fitted (and badly tuned) he therefore decided to go MS and did, had it again badly set up, but it wa MS2 so had to be better eh ? Nope my mate in his lowly MS1 pees all over it. MS2 IS better with injector control and bigger tables but for a cooking Rover V8 Hmmm, also a MS1 well set up will beat5 a MS2 MS3 or DTA / emerald spendy time hands down when NOT set up properly. More complex = more tricky to get right and more chances of being wrong

What I do is complementary to MS, what Phil does is the same, the Rover V8 doesn't need MS2 or defo doesn't need MS3, but I love my Rover V8s and thats what I play with. I hope that peeps will see me in the megasquirt world as a nice nutter who helped and supported them to get Megasquirt on the V8, get it sorted and get the bug, if I have done that I am a happy man.

I had a big well paid job that near put me in a box 6 foot under at an early age, paid well, hated it, now I get up every day and get to fiddle with ideas and items to help peeps squirt a V8 without the sheer terror I had.

Am I better then than Phil R ?

Er, non, defo not !

Different yes, specilaised Yes, but better defo not, he is one of those "Geeky Gurus" I look up to !. I have also pointed a number of TVR MS2 enquiries to him, yes buy my brackets No, MS2 = go talk to Phil :O)

You'll find the MS world is bigger than you may think, but 1 HUGE word of warning - DO NOT BUY ANYTHING that isn't sold as GENUINE B&G stuff, there are some nasty devinat copy merchants out there selling rip of copies, they are cheap for a reason - they are F junk

Even little old me has been approached to have stock of copy stuff, they got really obnoxoiyus when I told them what I though of them ! - scum

Bruce was hugely supportive of Me when I wrote to him years back and asked and explained what I was planning to do, his view and comment back was "Suport the Megasquirt comunity and help make it better" was what he said, thats what I try to do in me own little way, and there are a number of good guys out there and some that are not, including ECU builders that frankly need shooting.

The only reasosn they are stil alive is that its illegal to kill them :D

But be warned carefull who and what you buy, DO NOT BUY NON GENUINE B&G STUFF - period :mad:

So, hope the above adds a bit to the thread and the wonderfull world of Megasquirt

I'll end with a Pic of my new even sillier engine

All 5.2 342 BHP and HUGE Torque full race Rover V8 5.2 CC from Mr JED again, bought it a dreadfull condition of boxes of bits and now running again

Makes for a fairly "rapid" Challenge 90 on the road :D

Love megasquirt :D



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Great post Nige :)

Kinda sums you up really, a properly top bloke who ok may not know the exact answer to the most technical question but certainly has the pals to get the answer from.

The thing that makes me really happy is that I've just spent the most on my car in one go that I have ever done before and I felt completely at ease with the whole situation beforehand and now I feel like part of the family.

It's a relief that I now appear to have the tuning on the right track, but I am really enjoying the community that I have bought into.

You don't get that with Demon Tweeks when you buy an Omex management, I think it's the simplicity and open source nature of MS that makes it what it is.

It has ****ing transformed my v8, and I can tell it doesn't need anything more than MS1 because frankly it squirts fuel in, burns it and smells it on the way out, and that's about all old man rover is capable of!

Absolutely well chuffed to bits with my new found 85mph 2.6ton Discovery :D

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