Mr Noisy

Coming in your ears.
Well chaps, as above really, the new engine is running nicely and all seems well.

Have been out on yet another great weekend laning and the only real trouble apart from 160 quid in fuel for around 250 miles that equates to approx 10mpg was the ignition system.


I accept that behaviour such as this is likely to cause the odd misfire, although had I not forgotten to seal the distributor cap on it would usually have been ok. Schoolboy error on my part!!

The other, and bigger problem, is that despite the new timing chain and dizzy gear, there is still a lot of 'slack' in the ignition I think.

Let me explain:

I know that the clunky land rover is no racer and there is tremendous play in the transmission as a whole so rolling on and off the throttle is always going to be somewhat lacking in precision, but I really struggle in maintaining engine revs at a steady throttle, it's all a bit random, on a bit off a bit etc.

Apart from the bonus of waterproofing, Megajolt should surely improve things by getting rid of wobbly bob weights and slack rotor arms etc.

I am really quite fond of 14CUX and I don't think it is to blame for the crappy accelerator pedal response, although I do really have to be flat to the floor to make anything other than slow progress and the throttle response is far from moderated. Could this be an injection problem or just poor ignition advance?

Lets say I love the simplicity of 14CUX and hate the poor precision of the ignition system, so perhaps I am biased and looking at the injection through rose tinted spectacles???

The question is:

Is Megajolt the answer to my woes (accurate throttle and engine response, much better timing control and waterproofing beyond my wildest dreams) or should it really be full Megasquirt to lean out the mixture, gain plenty of power, smoothness and general improved engine behaviour, making the old Rover run like a much more modern electronically controlled unit, and no doubt making a greater economy due to getting rid of the awful bank firing technique!!!

Please share your collective knowledge with me!! :)

Thankyou in advance!
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Not totally up to speed with mega squirt yet, but have been doing plenty of reading on it for when I fit my v8 in me fender,so far I would go with full megasquirt for the little extra cost over mega jolt, but since looking into it you can get different ecu's that can do part seq two inj banks firing, semi seq 4x2 firing,and full seq all 8, still not decided my self yet which one but will defo go for megasquirt once I'm ready to fit the v8 as we do like a bit of water:)
Hello mate, thanks for the reply :)

Since posting I found the megasquirt threads on LR4x4, and basically it confirms what you said, megasquirt is worth the extra!!

I would only be interested in full sequential, if I'm taking the plunge I'm going in deep! (No pun intended! :D)

Will be speaking to some suppliers tomorrow I think, once I've finished the LR4x4 threads a d properly digested the info.

With ya there mate the instal thread on lr4x4 is Long but a worthwhile read, have been thinking along the same lines as you and prob going to go full seq myself, the install doesn't look to difficult it's the programming of the fuel maps and ign map that I can't seam to get me head around, think it might be worth while downloading the software onto the lap top and having a good poke around with it;)
Hi mate

Yes of course the programming will be complex indeed but no doubt involving and kinda fun too!

I'm also thinking that wideband lambda will help a lot with tuning, it's generally considered a good shortcut for fuel map trimming.

Lots more reading to do yet though!! :)
I looked at megajolt but the setting up and fiddling around to get it spot on put me off. I've just fitted a mallory electronic dizzy and it's a noticeable improvement on performance and response. I think the lack of part throttle response is just down to the basic ecu software
Been doing a bit more reading and it seams that as long as you have a good base map the software can adjust itself for fuel and ign by data logging and then using algorithms to recalculate advance and fuel times, so that makes that alot easier, also they recon full seq isn't req with a standard v8 and only really benefits race spec builds. Must admit thou reading through so much info on megasquirt hurts me head but defo the way to go.
Yeah there is a serious amount of info!

I'm waiting to be accepted for LR4x4 then I can get full access to the megasquirt section and really hurt my head!

I'd just like full sequential if I can, depends how much extra it costs I guess!!

I know it's wasted spark system, but was pretty sure that 8 injector channels are available without much hassle!

Want to avoid putting fuel in where possible, that's all!!

Yeah had read about self learning, that's my kinda ****! :D
I'm just going to throw this curve ball in. Far superior system to megasquirt, much better for 8 cylinder use and not a huge difference in price.

lovely idea but its not like i can pick up the phone and speak to a guy who knows it inside out, or pick up the laptop and get a forum full of users, bods and experts.

sorry mate but its the fact that dozens of people who use megasquirt are just a click away.

im looking for tried and tested improvements, mods and data, definitely not looking to go out there experimenting on my own.

thankyou for the suggestion nontheless :)
Got my order finalised today :)

Turns out full sequential injection is only available on MS-3, and unless "you can split an atom blindfolded with an axe" you don't want MS-3!

Turns out Wideband is helpful, but not really necessary at all, tuning on Narrowband is quite possible and the sensors are a sixth of the price and much more durable.

It is possible to upgrade to WB if necessary though.

I am making the order on Monday so will have some pics for y'all soon. Jesus it's gonna be a major rewire, dashboard out i think, make space and tidy a lot of other wiring up whilst im there.

Thanks again for the curve ball Dan but just cant risk going into the unknown!
what ecu did you order ms1 or 2 , also I saw that the newer ecus don't need the edis8 to fire the coil packs as the can fire them directly, also if you don't mind me asking where did you order the kit from in the end?
why not just go for the plug n play - saves rewiring

Got my order finalised today :)

Turns out full sequential injection is only available on MS-3, and unless "you can split an atom blindfolded with an axe" you don't want MS-3!

Turns out Wideband is helpful, but not really necessary at all, tuning on Narrowband is quite possible and the sensors are a sixth of the price and much more durable.

It is possible to upgrade to WB if necessary though.

I am making the order on Monday so will have some pics for y'all soon. Jesus it's gonna be a major rewire, dashboard out i think, make space and tidy a lot of other wiring up whilst im there.

Thanks again for the curve ball Dan but just cant risk going into the unknown!
MS1 V3

yes i also read that there is a version that can fire coil packs directly but didnt go that far into it, i am PRIMARILY CONCERNED about tried and tested technology, i want to use the good old stuff that everyone else is using!

It will be a huge improvement to my V8, full electronic ignition and tuneable management which also happens to be waterproof.

Havent made the order just yet (Monday) but it is from Nige @ Megasquirt, who also happens to be the main MS bod on LR4x4, and there are a **** load of people using it on there.

Oddly enough POAH i dont actually want plug and play, i'd rather make up my own custom loom, for instance the ecu is being custom fitted with a tacho output so i will need to build that into my loom also.

Thanks for your comments chaps!

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