Sorry I haven't been on much to update people been busy with the new house, but all is still going to plan. Just need the snow to thaw, still 6ft deep in places.

Ill give David a ring tomorrow so he can update Paul and any others regarding the route. I may get 1 more recce in before the trip but got to be moved in the house the weekend before and still got loads to do :eek:
So any of these people who haven't replied or paid the B&B ones :eek::eek::eek:

Still not given up hope :D:D

Is there not a bed going in the big room that freddy's booked? He may look a little weird but i think he's an ok sorta bloke , anyway me and mr muds will be next door and gemsdad the other side so i think you'd be ok:D:D:D
Sorry I haven't been on much to update people been busy with the new house, but all is still going to plan. Just need the snow to thaw, still 6ft deep in places.

Ill give David a ring tomorrow so he can update Paul and any others regarding the route. I may get 1 more recce in before the trip but got to be moved in the house the weekend before and still got loads to do :eek:

No worries Craig, whatever helps you.

Let me or Dave know if you need any particular lanes specifically going over, or anything specific checking. I'm aiming (hoping the others agree to it too) to do the whole run so we can make notes on them all for you.

Try to get another meeting of us all before the run so we're all sure of what we're doing?