Well i like coffee cake... but chocolate cake is better :D

I'll rattle up a choccy cake then , need to give Matilda and Penny a swift kick tho cos frankly they've been slacking on the egg front .... Can't have a lovely fresh choccy cake without proper Kernish free range eggs can yer! :rolleyes::D
I'll rattle up a choccy cake then , need to give Matilda and Penny a swift kick tho cos frankly they've been slacking on the egg front .... Can't have a lovely fresh choccy cake without proper Kernish free range eggs can yer! :rolleyes::D

Me mouths waterin at the thought :eek:

How long we got left to wait :(
Mrs Sniffs will bake a fruit cake, vanilla and choccy sponge. So we'll share out what's left after the trip up :p

what yu mean whats left after the trip up? :confused: is mr Ratty goin..cos the greedy bastid will leave not even crumbs... if he is travellin up in convoy with you :(
what yu mean whats left after the trip up? :confused: is mr Ratty goin..cos the greedy bastid will leave not even crumbs... if he is travellin up in convoy with you :(

Mr Ratty's reputashun for cake consumshun is legendary... but all those hours on the M1, me and Mrs S will need some sustinance!
Mr Ratty's reputashun for cake consumshun is legendary... but all those hours on the M1, me and Mrs S will need some sustinance!

Mr MUDs and I will sneak our cake up the M5/M6 so ratty won't know ......
....unless he reads this:doh:
Mr MUDs and I will sneak our cake up the M5/M6 so ratty won't know ......
....unless he reads this:doh:

muds,no cake can ever sneak past ratty,he has a speshull cake detector gizmo permanently switched on.u been warned.:eek::D
As you shoulda been in the kitchen and therefore shouldn't have been here your position in the queue is void.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D

As you is such a greedy fooker and could live off your own body weight for a fortnight....you would be better off at the back...cos the cake will run out before the queue ends..... :p ;)
As you is such a greedy fooker and could live off your own body weight for a fortnight....you would be better off at the back...cos the cake will run out before the queue ends..... :p ;)

if you're lucky I'll let the queue form around me.:D