:mad: OMFG........... you are sooo off my christmas card list.
I don't have to come here to get insulted... I can go anywhere :p;)

well you did look weird from where i was standin' cos i could only see up yer nose ....:bolt:

I dint mean it really did eye .... do you want aunty muds to bring you a lovely scone with strawb jam and lush cornish clotted cream ...to say sorry ;)...:(
well you did look weird from where i was standin' cos i could only see up yer nose ....:bolt:

I dint mean it really did eye .... do you want aunty muds to bring you a lovely scone with strawb jam and lush cornish clotted cream ...to say sorry ;)...:(

Errr dont you need to apologise to me for somethin.. anythin plz :eek: :D ;)