yeh 23rd is ok just spoke to mrs its 24th were goin out, was panicing a bit then will get my map out and try plan a good route, has any body got any waders just in case we do need to cross river derwent or will you blast through gaz haha

River!! That cud be entertaining with my past record with water,what do you say nick?.get the tow rope ready.ha ha
great job suzie
police???????? what police??????
big thanks nick

22-25 april, i will lead way, on my maps there seems to be a few lanes there and ive been told that they are quite tricky aswell, there at wikeham forest just behind dalby and it looks like you have to cross river derwent too, take a look on you tube theres a few vids on there look for blakey topping, just looking on my map theres a few lanes to do there, map number is os 101 scarborough

Put my name down Joe, after sat im well up for it!
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Pateley bridge greenlaning landyzone[/nomedia] last lane of the day
i were gonna suggest sending you in first nunny... you the most experienced wader... ha ha ha...

holmfield eve i'm up for that... who knows the route and is willin to guide?
whats the map for holmfirth?

just had another look on the pateley map and we missed a few... sory...

nunny... pm on the way...

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