Ace day cheers lads for letting me tag on, have to do it agen sometime! And what we doing about the evening trip?
ya all stuck me at front cos i got the standard motor an if i could do it ya all knew you could.....

very sneaky!!!!!

was fun though... he he he..

who was the young lady doin the filmin? did she get some good footage?
Few pics from today boys curtosy of suzie






[nomedia=""]YouTube - Pately Bridge 9 4 11 0001[/nomedia] there u go boys make a cupper and sit your self down its a long 1
great vid..

pat on the back for suzie me thinks...

how come mine didnt look like it was leaning over as far as everyone else's...

yr all very welcome but can go in middle next time... i've seen enough gates to last me a while...
great vid..

pat on the back for suzie me thinks...

how come mine didnt look like it was leaning over as far as everyone else's...

yr all very welcome but can go in middle next time... i've seen enough gates to last me a while...
u wasn't trying hard enough lol:hysterically_laughi
good day yesterday, cheers for leading way nick dont think my mate was up to reading maps we defo would have got lost (**** head), nice to meet the people i didnt already know, when does everyone want to give dalby and wikeham forest a bash then, only weekend i cant do is 22nd-25th
22/25 of april or may?

sat is best 4 me... cant do sundays...

doh... just looked on calender... april....

AND WHO'S NAVIGATING!!! must be someone elses turn... lol

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