good day yesterday, cheers for leading way nick dont think my mate was up to reading maps we defo would have got lost (**** head), nice to meet the people i didnt already know, when does everyone want to give dalby and wikeham forest a bash then, only weekend i cant do is 22nd-25th

what map is it for that area joe,,
here you go 1st one of mine .going to take a while as its taking bowt 3 hr per video,and excuse the cab noise didnt have the squelch turned down on cb,oops

[nomedia=""]YouTube - 209 0021[/nomedia]
Hello everyone... Sorry i missed last sunday had spent the weekend at hospital with wife's uncle:(

Gutted i missed it, me and a coupe of pals went up to Dalby yesterday but only found one small lane so buggered off to whitby for fish n chips lol.. I bought the map OL26 for that area and there are quite a lot of dotted public access routes round there but nothing challenging. I bought a map for the lakes a few weeks back and there is some really nice ones round there i comfirmed them by google earthing them and checking youtube looks like some good ones:D... What ever your planning count me in Joe.. If you fancy a night run to investigate i'll be up for that too
22-25 april, i will lead way, on my maps there seems to be a few lanes there and ive been told that they are quite tricky aswell, there at wikeham forest just behind dalby and it looks like you have to cross river derwent too, take a look on you tube theres a few vids on there look for blakey topping, just looking on my map theres a few lanes to do there, map number is os 101 scarborough
great job suzie
police???????? what police??????
big thanks nick

22-25 april, i will lead way, on my maps there seems to be a few lanes there and ive been told that they are quite tricky aswell, there at wikeham forest just behind dalby and it looks like you have to cross river derwent too, take a look on you tube theres a few vids on there look for blakey topping, just looking on my map theres a few lanes to do there, map number is os 101 scarborough

Put my name down Joe, after sat im well up for it!
great vid nunny... thats one solid mount... didnt look half a bumpy as it felt..

that 1st lane was pretty steep... nice warm for what was to follow... ha ha ha
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Green Laning North Yorks Forests - A Photo Diary 15[/nomedia],
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Blakey Topping Part 5 - Donkey Lovin[/nomedia]
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Blakey Topping Part 4[/nomedia]
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Blakey Topping Part 3[/nomedia]
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Blakey Topping Part 1[/nomedia]
looks like 23rd then...

here we go..

1 joe disco
2 callum d90
3 nick2303

add ya names if ya playin out...
23rd april dalby trip

1 joe disco
2 callum d90
3 nick 2303
4 defender11069
5 nunny bdsc
6 richy-2011
7 gazjackson

ad your name if ya playing out:rolly:
Last edited:
North Yorkshire Lanes


23rd april dalby trip

1 joe disco
2 callum d90
3 nick 2303
4 defender11069
5 nunny bdsc
6 richy-2011
7 gazjackson

ad your name if ya playing out
yeh 23rd is ok just spoke to mrs its 24th were goin out, was panicing a bit then will get my map out and try plan a good route, has any body got any waders just in case we do need to cross river derwent or will you blast through gaz haha
yeh 23rd is ok just spoke to mrs its 24th were goin out, was panicing a bit then will get my map out and try plan a good route, has any body got any waders just in case we do need to cross river derwent or will you blast through gaz haha
Thats the lanes we did yesterday at blakey topping but other than a rut it was just track we came other way and out through newgate farm... bout a mile long or less... had map number ol27 and it was the only BOAT on it we tried a few green dotted public access routes but they were mostly blocked, might have to meet up with you and go through map with ya Joe :)

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