And just to prove it was a nice trip
Tim in the Ford, bit of a traffic jam on this as we met someone going the other way

Then on the next lane this boy wouldn't move out of the way :D

Artistic photo of a boggy bit on the second lane. We didn't get stuck on this
better tyres wouldnt have helped, bigger, maybe, but better, nah, was sat on me diffs, uploading vids now... may take a while :)
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whats going on with me LZ, its posting where i dint post...

anyway, the last one was to avoid the deep rut on the passenger side, over compensatedm and ended up sliding into the ditch, and sat on me diffs... oops :)

twas all good fun...
looked a bit dodgy that lane right from the start Sue :)

I am holding Tim totally responsible on this occasion (all the rest were my fault though) :p:p:p

I told him all about nrgserv and Zip having problems on that lane. Lucky really cause he knew where to find us :D
lol, you still followed me, and dint need much convincing.

TBH, I thought they had done it when it was wetter, though, ahh, cant be that bad, its been really dry, and on the way in, it didnt look too bad. until...
I am holding Tim totally responsible on this occasion (all the rest were my fault though) :p:p:p

I told him all about nrgserv and Zip having problems on that lane. Lucky really cause he knew where to find us :D
all part of the fun though ;)

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