the one down harewood?? saw that signposted yesterday on me way home, wondered if you were going :)

Yeah that one, lyndsey love her golf properbly more than me, we have taken are new caravan, we have had it 2 weekends and bin away for 2 weekends. Currently sat inside with the heater on dring a cold beer as its chucking it down out side and its cold in the awning.

We got here Friday night and leaving Sunday tea time
Yeah that one, lyndsey love her golf properbly more than me, we have taken are new caravan, we have had it 2 weekends and bin away for 2 weekends. Currently sat inside with the heater on dring a cold beer as its chucking it down out side and its cold in the awning.

We got here Friday night and leaving Sunday tea time

my mate's there in is moded transporter hope the weather picks up for you
It did bin well nice today

only this problem is 2 hours to get out

Beats been sat at side of a169 in North Yorkshire waiting to get recovered home after 2 weeks away ��
My attempt at rescue, unfortunately we need both mine and Tims strap and one broke

International Rescue arrives :D:D:D

were wos the straps from poundland......

Tim said they are French military 10 tonne ones. Mine are 10 and 20 tonne ones from Adventure (they didn't break) Never trust the French

Out :D

Then on the way out this happened. Not my fault I was in front
This time it was drivers side


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