i,ll take the new quad drone camera up this weekend as its promiseing to be nice get some pic's of the climb i reckon sam you should get up the climb, but i know that a few of the vehicles coming hav'nt got winches. so we'd need one up there with a good winch and one as a anchor just in case. but will be fun plenty of waist deep mud to wallow in
Typical, that's the weekend my wife is flying to the UK from Ethiopia. No Essex to North Wales excursion for this Scotsman. Sounds like a great weekend. I'll have to come sample your hard work in spring/summer when 'She who must be obeyed' has acclimitised to British weather. Anyone going to do a write up on the weekend with pics? Maybe a good article for the Landy mags.
well i,ve been clearing the lane more or less for 4 years to try & get it open. its one of those tracks where the entrance is hard to find especially from the other end as trailwise's is wrong on one end of it. but your welcome the next one i,m planning will be the end of march but thinking of a 48 hr enduro type event. just looking now how to link it all together.
[quote name="twelsh37" post=3378634]Typical, that's the weekend my wife is flying to the UK from Ethiopia. No Essex to North Wales excursion for this Scotsman. Sounds like a great weekend. I'll have to come sample your hard work in spring/summer when 'She who must be obeyed' has acclimitised to British weather. Anyone going to do a write up on the weekend with pics? Maybe a good article for the Landy mags.[/quote]<br />
well i,ve been clearing the lane more or less for 4 years to try & get it open. its one of those tracks where the entrance is hard to find especially from the other end as trailwise's is wrong on one end of it. but your welcome the next one i,m planning will be the end of march but thinking of a 48 hr enduro type event. just looking now how to link it all together.<br/>

Yep, I could definitely be up for that.
right sorry about this lads a slight hiccup on the sleeping front the place i normally use has let me down at the last minute. and my second job has just suddenly decided to lay us all off for the next three weeks. so finances are being stretched abit. everything can still go ahead as i know some of you were coming for either just saturday or sunday. but those off you were coming for the weekend can still come as i live local to the lanes are welcome to crash at mine. as long as you don't mind sleeping bag and living room/dining room and two crazy dogs & kids. i know mr noisey was gonna sleep in his disco but he's welcome to stop in the house. just my second job has the habbit of plowing on with production for the sake of production. until sorry lads & lasses come back in three weeks or two months when the warehouse has sold everything.
i forgot to end that with i know there was about 8 or 9 of you coming for the whole weekend. so p'm me those that are coming for the weekend & i'll give u my address.
when we,ve sorted that out. i'll pm meeting saturdays meeting place & sundays meeting place for those of you that can only make those days
My series has no winch and 7.50 All terrains, reckon it'll be alright for most of it?

Still coming on the Sunday hopefully, fly back from spain on saturday and will drive down Sunday morning
Hey up disco

Makes no odds for me mate we'll go with the flow for whenever we can get there

Samc88, if you're not confident you can get yourself out of the **** it's not a good idea to consider venturing into the unknown, in my opinion you need to think if worst case scenarios, but that doesn't mean you can't drive some of the lane, last time a standard 90 made it look easy!

Hey up disco

Makes no odds for me mate we'll go with the flow for whenever we can get there

Samc88, if you're not confident you can get yourself out of the **** it's not a good idea to consider venturing into the unknown, in my opinion you need to think if worst case scenarios, but that doesn't mean you can't drive some of the lane, last time a standard 90 made it look easy!


Its my first time laning in it you see, my dad should be coming and hes a bit more clued up on laning as hes been a few times in the rough stuff with his old disco around the bala track and a few other places
thanks lads we,ve got room for you that want to come for the weekend. might be a bit warmer than the back of your landie's. but your all welcome still. so who evers still coming for the weekend let me know. saturdays route is on if no more big stuff come down on pig lane. sundays route is as planned so looking forwards to seeing you all(don,t ferget yr wellies and for the really deep bit waders)
no problem with slowness just thinking winch is the order of the day mate

the one on the 90 is excellent
Is there any official person for clearing the lane ? or do you own it ? I am sure folk would chip in to help ? I would
It's one of those things where a right of way needs to be used so that the council cannot simply close it due to lack of use

The best thing for green lanes is regular, responsible, recorded use
It's one of those things where a right of way needs to be used so that the council cannot simply close it due to lack of use

The best thing for green lanes is regular, responsible, recorded use
well said mr noisy also gwynedd highways hav'nt got the money to trim every lane .i,ve always double checked with them first and let them know when i,ve been clearing. save's them time. pig is still on john will slow cook it friday night so its ready to take with us saturday & sunday. the main thing for this weekend was to re open the lane. but as my second job helps keep me a float money wise. a sorry lads we,ve over produce this month your all off for three weeks. can make a dint in your wallet.
but thats enough of me getting of thread. this weekend was also my way of giving something back to the lanes as well.
Where are we meeting on the sunday?
i,ve pm'd you where sundays meeting is sam. rest of you pm with which days yours coming and i will get back to you with details for what ever your doing. whether it be stopping at mine or roughing in the back of your landies

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