
Active Member
:clap2:hello as promise'd pig lane revisited weekend is planned for the 27th feb last weekend of the month, so sharpen up yr bowsaw,s/hatchets/chainies.
because no doubt after this last lot of winds there'll be more tree,s down to clear (pigs on order so there'll be plenty of hot food all day) depending on people coming i,ve got a choice of two place's to book for the weekends kip one's a bunk house, the others a large private cottage with big enough grounds for a caravan or two. and a bottle of bubbles and ribbon when we,ve got the first landie down it so the list will start here with me.

Disco 924.
oily. my boys series 2 (who ever's crazy enough to drive it)so drivers seat open
i,ve now gotten hold of a mountian bike trailer so if you,ve got kids with mountian bikes they,re more than welcome lets make it a family affair if nothing else they can be used to bring u tea & cake from the refreshment tent. and prize for best roof head lining in a landie' -2" heavy duty front shock turrets.
the list now reads
oily my sons series (needs a driver)
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What sort of lanes are they going to be?
nothing to taxing except for the last one that needs abit off clearing up so saturday will be spent clearing the last lane. sunday will be a nice 8 or 9 hours on the lanes. alternate route back to kipping area will marked on printed maps for those of u who don't want to undertake certain sections
What part of North Wales is might be up for this
going to be doing castle lane,lost lake,lost valley,pig lane, depending on people coming i might give the option for the osprey ring or if mr noiseys coming as he knows the castle route now. run two groups from opposite ends but your going to be operating from Blaenau ffestiniog area
Sounds good :) Looking forward to going. Will be the first time laning in my series, my Dads coming along with me by the way hes a bit more experienced than I am :D
Just spoken to the guys from my greenlaning group, were up for it.

Put us down for two cars provisonally.
I'm with the MrMayze group, defo want to bring mine along since there's some series going:D (so probably 3 vehicles if that's cool)
just add your names to the list then lads, and i,ll get onto mr noisey see if he willing to lead the second group.
List now stands at

oily my sons series (needs a driver)
Will you be many lanes on the Saturday or is that mainly reserved for clearing duties, I only ask as I've been given a 'day pass' by the wife but can't really make Sunday due to work constraints
Hi chaps

Sorry I've been speaking to disco but didn't realise there was a thread going.

I'm at this point uncertain if im able to make it, will need to let it get nearer the time unfortunately, and then I don't know if I'll be able to make the weekend or just the Sunday

However, I'm subscribed now so I'll keep an eye on the thread

Thanks for doing all the organising disco

Cheers Sam
I'd prefer not too but if needed I'll lead a group. I normally lead our group so its no different.
thanks guys the itinerary will be.
friday night meet & greet(for those that are weekending)beers & music
saturday two groups one from each end to clear pig lane.if numbers permit(4 more trees down bloody big ones)tea/coffe/ whole charcol roasted pig local chef cooking) ribbon cutting & bubbles to declare it passable.
sunday 10 am start 8 to 9 hours laning finishing with pig lane(back to where were stopping to leave the place clean then home)

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