my chain saw just gone t##s up so if anybody's got one please bring it along as my bow saw is a bit past its sell by date plus plenty of room sam welcome to the group.
Thanks all for a great day, managed to get home under my own steam, and have ordered a new OE waterpump
Holy **** boys that was one hell of a day.

Glad you made it back john but gutted you couldn't stay, the pig track was a beauty beyond words.

Needs further attention to get it passable but holy smokes good god almighty that's my all time never before seen anything like it favorite lane :eek:

It's kinda like bull lane on a steroid overdose

We made it home at around 9.15, damage report minor, needs cable ties for arches and some new track rod ends cos sloppy!

Great to meet you Gary but mainly mega thanks to Dave for the guidance and for showing me some great lanes.

Look forward to getting the pig track in working order.

Cheers, Sam!
glad u all made it home safe. now u know why its affectionatly called pig lane. i,ll post something later in the week, for feb & i,ve had a quick look at my company finances, i,ll
cover the cost of the bunkhouse on that weekend for those that come. i,ll try and see what video and pics later in the week. and get them up. damage report roof rack mountings broken fog lamp glass.remounted roof rack this morning. been & had shoulder restitched after operation christmas eve so alls well . so look forward to seeing u all in feb.
When you thinking about doing this in Feb I'd love to come along.
probably the weekend after valentines(so some of us can spoil the better halfs then bugger off mud bashing the next weekend) so they'll be no complaints we,ve ripped the roof rack off again)
I saw Disco had his camera out, i never get chance, too busy breaking my car! :D
i did have camera's along i,m busy sifting through them at the moment but i,m struggleing with landyzones photo upload at the moment it does,nt support my picture format so my eldest boy is gonna convert them for me(on a separate note just brought a new drone camera that has a auto pilot feature so it will follow the rangie should be here in time for febs outing)

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