
Active Member
leaving Blaenau ffestiniogbetween 9am to 9.30am going to be doing a circuit of castle,lost lake, lost valley and the infamous pig track welcome to join me & 1 other but bring your own waffles and hatchets as no ones been down the pig track for 15 years. i,ve got to proof use of this lane or were gonna lose it. pm me or put your name down here.
Hi lads

So if you'll have us myself and a friend of mine would like to join.

please let us know details

thanks, sam

1. disco924
2. his mate
3. macytia
4. mr noisy
5. v8simon
Hi lads

So if you'll have us myself and a friend of mine would like to join.

please let us know details

thanks, sam

1. disco924
2. his mate
3. macytia
4. mr noisy
5. v8simon
i,ve p.m you all the meeting place plus i hope you like cupcakes the missus brought a couple of hundred back from work:cool:
Me and the chaps will be all over those cupcakes, don't worry!

PM received, many thanks, see you Sunday AM :)
see u all sunday & don,t forget yr gate bunnies:clap2:eek:r brood/dogs or what ever else u want to bring
My mate simon has unfortunately had to drop out but we'll still see you there at 9ish :)

1. disco924
2. his mate
3. macytia
4. mr noisy
I will pm you as Disco is not online, will be good to have another diesel defender out, I think the other guys are petrol heads:)

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