
New Member
Had the pressure washer out yesterday and decided to give the underneath a clean up from roadsalt. Started the car and went down the shops to get cash ( a mile away ). Locked the car got the money jumped in and nothing, just a click which sounded like the immobiliser( Didnt make this click when I pulled it out of Park). Relocked the car went back into the shop and waited for 10 mins( Has worked when this happened a couple of times before ). Tried again and still nothing just a click. Checked it was in Park , had a look around engine bay. Opened and closed all doors and re locked and repeated procedure. Still nothing... So walked home had dinner and came back down in the wifes car an hour later. Still nothing. Stuck jump leads on from other car and tried again . Still nothing. Expletives followed then one more try and STARTED. What the feck is going on? Could the pressure washer have been the issue? It started fine today but I dont want this to happen when farther away from home. Anyone got any solutions / ideas. I always carry jump leads anyway but still confused...:confused:
how old is your starter and is your fuel pressure regulater leaking this happend to mine worth look as the fuel drips on to the starter
Had the pressure washer out yesterday and decided to give the underneath a clean up from roadsalt. Started the car and went down the shops to get cash ( a mile away ). Locked the car got the money jumped in and nothing, just a click which sounded like the immobiliser( Didnt make this click when I pulled it out of Park). Relocked the car went back into the shop and waited for 10 mins( Has worked when this happened a couple of times before ). Tried again and still nothing just a click. Checked it was in Park , had a look around engine bay. Opened and closed all doors and re locked and repeated procedure. Still nothing... So walked home had dinner and came back down in the wifes car an hour later. Still nothing. Stuck jump leads on from other car and tried again . Still nothing. Expletives followed then one more try and STARTED. What the feck is going on? Could the pressure washer have been the issue? It started fine today but I dont want this to happen when farther away from home. Anyone got any solutions / ideas. I always carry jump leads anyway but still confused...:confused:
or could be starter solenoid , there is a repair kit for denso ones
Hi all, first time on this site. Reason being, I just had to drive half hour to pick up my wife because our Disco Series 2 (year 2000) wouldn't start. In fact, the key wouldn't even turn in the ignition. I tried everything, gear in park, steering wheel locked, locking and unlocking the car, everything. Similar issues have been happening for years now, but not this bad and not very often. Usually all we need to do is re-lock the car and then try again.
This time what I had to do is sit in the car (Landrover) lock it, stick the Key in the ignition and set off the alarm, then unlock it to stop the alarm, then she went like a beauty. Painful though.

Landrover have told us the older cars have a quirky fault with the computer that controls all this, and there is really no explanation.

Hope this helps, but I would like to know a little more about my similar problem... before taking it into the Landrover Dealership, which always costs a fortune. I don't think they even try to fix these problems, they just replace the parts at a premium price.

Can you guys help me from getting ripped off.... again.

Thanks Brett
If it is quite a loud metalic click then the betting is, as other have said, the starter solenoid is on its way out.

Mine did exactly the same on a sporodic basis, normally worse in the wet? for over a year till it finally gave up.

You can get a repair kit (I Did) but as i have large hands there was no way I could get the far bolt on the starter motor off. In the end had a garage put a new Starter Motor on, they have a specially modified socket extension bar just the right length do to the job and use a vehicle lift. Think the starter motor was about £130 labour about £20
Hi all, first time on this site. Reason being, I just had to drive half hour to pick up my wife because our Disco Series 2 (year 2000) wouldn't start. In fact, the key wouldn't even turn in the ignition. I tried everything, gear in park, steering wheel locked, locking and unlocking the car, everything. Similar issues have been happening for years now, but not this bad and not very often. Usually all we need to do is re-lock the car and then try again.
This time what I had to do is sit in the car (Landrover) lock it, stick the Key in the ignition and set off the alarm, then unlock it to stop the alarm, then she went like a beauty. Painful though.

Landrover have told us the older cars have a quirky fault with the computer that controls all this, and there is really no explanation.

Hope this helps, but I would like to know a little more about my similar problem... before taking it into the Landrover Dealership, which always costs a fortune. I don't think they even try to fix these problems, they just replace the parts at a premium price.

Can you guys help me from getting ripped off.... again.

Thanks Brett
If the key wouldn't turn then you probably have a worn switch. Mine does this sometimes if I push the key in too enthusiastically. Taking the key out and inserting it gently while wiggling it about normally sorts it eventually. Solution is a new switch, but I'm mean.
Thanks Fellas,
Had a look today and some oil around area esp on wire ( I think it is to the solenoid). Cleaned up and sandpapered spade. Disco has been fine all day now. But sounds as though I need to flash the cash for a new starter / solenoid. Is there anything to look out for when changing it out?
If all your elecrics worked and the dash lit up, then I,d agree that is the starter solenoid.
Fairly easy job with a repair kit for £ 10. My brothers 99 Defender just been done.


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