Fair play mate, live and learn, you have come to the right place for help and guidance. These guys really know what they are talking about..
**** me boys I can't believe you guys are kinda sitting on the fence here "it kinda looks like a petrol"

It's a ****ing rover v8! :eek:

ANYWAY Andy, my advice is this:

Go round and have a chat with the seller and ask exactly wtf is going on.

Also, before you do, and BE HONEST, what did you pay for the engine?

That will allow us to decide on what amount of shouting you should do.

The rover v8 is a fabulous (take that in the best context please) engine and the 3.5 is a reliable old donkey at that, but that to me looks very much like what we would call a P6 engine which will have low compression, thus make around 120 bhp and will still do around 10mpg average.

Let us know how much you paid and your thoughts on whether you REALLY want the v8 fuel cost because a 200di or tdi conversion is much more popular (similar drive ability but double the economy)

By the way if you are having us on I will shaft you myself.

Cheers :)

Yes defo a rover v8, its a erly 3.5l su carb engine, why not just rebuild it?
If you still want to fit this V8 feel free to ask me lots of questions as iv'e fitted a few to various series 2a's and 3's and currently run a 2a with a SD1 3.5 with about 150bhp and can get 20 mpg if driven right :eek: :behindsofa:
As stubborn or as naive as I may be I want to keep the V8.

I need now to find a suitable gearbox with transmission box to fit it. Any suggestions?

Anyone interested in the old one?

Currently have a diesel fuel system which I know I can drain and get professionally cleaned (obviously changing the lines). Is this the best way of doing this?
After a rocky start (on my behalf) I have to say you guys are great. I really appreciate the advice and will definitely take you up on your offers. Thanks again!!!

I was thinking of building a 4 lane suspension bridge- Ive got the use of a crane and boat but dont know how to use either, Ive seen bridges and always fancied having one- Id like to get it done by Christmas. I was hoping Doc evil and tipper could help?

I know what I am doing , honest I am at uni doing bridge building you know :doh:
**** me boys I can't believe you guys are kinda sitting on the fence here "it kinda looks like a petrol"

It's a ****ing rover v8! :eek:

ANYWAY Andy, my advice is this:

Go round and have a chat with the seller and ask exactly wtf is going on.

Also, before you do, and BE HONEST, what did you pay for the engine?

That will allow us to decide on what amount of shouting you should do.

The rover v8 is a fabulous (take that in the best context please) engine and the 3.5 is a reliable old donkey at that, but that to me looks very much like what we would call a P6 engine which will have low compression, thus make around 120 bhp and will still do around 10mpg average.

Let us know how much you paid and your thoughts on whether you REALLY want the v8 fuel cost because a 200di or tdi conversion is much more popular (similar drive ability but double the economy)

By the way if you are having us on I will shaft you myself.

Cheers :)

Noisy me old mate, not teaching you to suck eggs as I reckon you have done more engine work than me now, and you sure know more about heads :p but most UK p6 v8s had 10.5:1 comp and made 155bhp or more. They are a bastid for pinking though!
Fellas I appreciate its a ridiculous mistake and its the most rookie of rookie errors so i will accept the abuse with good humour. As if I'd have a choice anyway?!

I love cars, especially land rovers but my mechanical knowledge is minimal at best but I learn best "on the job" (oooo cheeky!)

I have barely looked at the engine I have and granted I did the square root of FA research on a replacement. Upon reflection I accept I am a complete twonk.

I certainly don't profess to know anything mechanical about Landy's.

In hind sight I REALLY wish I'd done a little more research myself before coming on here and making myself look like a right **** but I have broad shoulders so I can take it.

What was the very first project you guys took up?
that engine you have might be alright, Google the engine number and see what its from and what year!

My first project was my first car and they just get bigger as time goes on lol.

We will take the **** but we will help out where we can too mate, just dont get all upset with the **** taking like some do.

You didn't pay too much for that v8 unless its totally ****ed, in which case you can send it my way and I will make a wine rack out of it :D
Lol and fancy it would be!

Nah I'm not too precious about this kind of stuff and I know I fluffed it anyway.

Have already had more help here than ANYWHERE else I've looked.
As stubborn or as naive as I may be I want to keep the V8.

I need now to find a suitable gearbox with transmission box to fit it. Any suggestions?

Anyone interested in the old one?

Currently have a diesel fuel system which I know I can drain and get professionally cleaned (obviously changing the lines). Is this the best way of doing this?

From what i can see from your pic the v8 has the conversion plate on it to allow you to fit it to the series gearbox,this way you don't have to **** about trying to fit another box and modify propshafts etc (the series box will cope with the extra power ,just go easy on it)
You need to use a series clutch on the v8 flywheel but it wont fit straight on as its smaller than the v8 one and the boltholes wont line up but if its been in a series already the flywheel will probably have been drilled and tapped to take the series clutch (iv'e got a spare flywheel already drilled for the series clutch if you need one ;)) The spigot wont fit into the V8's original one so you need the modified one that bolts to the flywheel (got one of them somewhere as well :D) see pic below


Once all thats done and the engine is mated to the box all you need then is to make some engine mounts,make an exhaust and get it running.......simples ;):D:D
Keep your head up...With the help from the guy's on here you will get it on the road again. Every day we live and learn and i think you have the bottle to complete this......:D
Failing that, sand blast the block of the ole V8 get some loverly glass and make a coffee table for the front room, Id love one. I'd call it an alter though, I say a prayer everytime I start mine!!!!!!!
In hind sight I REALLY wish I'd done a little more research myself before coming on here and making myself look like a right **** but I have broad shoulders so I can take it.

What was the very first project you guys took up?

dont worry fella, we all gota start somewhere, as for me myn was my 106, cheap and just tried what ever I could to modify it.
Noisy me old mate, not teaching you to suck eggs as I reckon you have done more engine work than me now, and you sure know more about heads :p but most UK p6 v8s had 10.5:1 comp and made 155bhp or more. They are a bastid for pinking though!


Well what would it be then, an old rangey v8?

Assume the p6 engine was the same but with different pistons??

I'm no expert in any way, especially when there's around 40 different v8s available :D

Tipper, by the way, you seem like a top bloke and should do well here. Don't be a twazzock and mess things up along the way though or people will lose interest in helping you! :D

Rules for success:

Be a dude.

Be active on the forum.

Spend money when it needs spending and take pictures of your spendage. Even take a comparison pic of the money and then the items.

Don't complain. Or winge.

Just get the **** on with it, work hard on the project and be very grateful for the help you receive. And take pictures of it.

Generally keep forum members excited/interested (why else do we go online?!) and you will continue to receive help where needed and won't get disowned!

LZ is a hostile environment for twazzocks or keenos, if you don't fit it you quickly GTFO but if you do/will fit in then you'll find it's a ****ing awesome forum!

Particularly if you're a twazzock like yourself who bought a diesel rover v8 and needs some serious guidance to magic it into a petrol and fit it to his series! :rofl:

Welcome! :)

Well what would it be then, an old rangey v8?

Assume the p6 engine was the same but with different pistons??

I'm no expert in any way, especially when there's around 40 different v8s available :D

Tipper, by the way, you seem like a top bloke and should do well here. Don't be a twazzock and mess things up along the way though or people will lose interest in helping you! :D

Rules for success:

Be a dude.

Be active on the forum.

Spend money when it needs spending and take pictures of your spendage. Even take a comparison pic of the money and then the items.

Don't complain. Or winge.

Just get the **** on with it, work hard on the project and be very grateful for the help you receive. And take pictures of it.

Generally keep forum members excited/interested (why else do we go online?!) and you will continue to receive help where needed and won't get disowned!

LZ is a hostile environment for twazzocks or keenos, if you don't fit it you quickly GTFO but if you do/will fit in then you'll find it's a ****ing awesome forum!

Particularly if you're a twazzock like yourself who bought a diesel rover v8 and needs some serious guidance to magic it into a petrol and fit it to his series! :rofl:

Welcome! :)

A lot will depend on what he finds with that magic engine number and also hopefully the compression ratio next to it :D

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