You should take engine back at get your money back if you are really tht i dont even know what the word is
Hi Tipper certainly looks like a rover v8 petrol probably a 3.5litre what engine do you really want in your landy petrol or diesel?
View attachment 37733
It was sold to me as a V8 diesel???

It looks like a petrol V8 ...

the inlet manifold on the right and carb mount above it are a clue ...

could be a SD1 Rover lump, (like the old Police cars), or ...

out of a Stage One Land Rover or even a 101

sorry man it looks like you've been fibbed to ...

find the engine number and put it in here :

Rover V8 Engine Numbers

if no joy post back and we'll see what we can do ...
looks like the famous v8 steam motor to me :p have you got the carbs and dizzy to go with this, are you related to dr evil by any chance ;)
Thanks for the advice bencorkill.

Happy to have the petrol and will accommodate accordingly.

Thanks for your help guys no matter how damaging its been to my self esteem lol
**** me boys I can't believe you guys are kinda sitting on the fence here "it kinda looks like a petrol"

It's a ****ing rover v8! :eek:

ANYWAY Andy, my advice is this:

Go round and have a chat with the seller and ask exactly wtf is going on.

Also, before you do, and BE HONEST, what did you pay for the engine?

That will allow us to decide on what amount of shouting you should do.

The rover v8 is a fabulous (take that in the best context please) engine and the 3.5 is a reliable old donkey at that, but that to me looks very much like what we would call a P6 engine which will have low compression, thus make around 120 bhp and will still do around 10mpg average.

Let us know how much you paid and your thoughts on whether you REALLY want the v8 fuel cost because a 200di or tdi conversion is much more popular (similar drive ability but double the economy)

By the way if you are having us on I will shaft you myself.

Cheers :)
I have the rest of the bits too. Tempted to just sell the whole thing and forget about this ugly affair
Tipper seem to remember having to grind off the end of the crankshaft and changing the spigot bush for a series 3 one also use series clutch, plate maybe this will jog someone else's memory who has done this conversion... cheers muskrat
like the guys said better to get a tdi i put a 300 in my 110 and now it dosn't cause tailbacks anymore and still reasonable mpg
don't get down, whack the lot on ebay saying exactly what it is and you will probably make your money back..then get the tdi.

better to find out now than after you've farted on fitting it
What's the engine number?
It'll be stamped on a tag on the same side as the dipstick or on an ear on the bell housing.
It's currently in Avergavenny so I won't be able to get up there until next Weds. I'll post the engine number as soon as I get up there.

Thanks for the offer muscrat. I may well be giving you a shout.

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