injection pump timing, its when the injection pump is set up to put the correct ammount of fuel at the correct time into the cylinder bores
Injection pump timing - i.e. the exact point in the compression stroke when the fuel is injected into the cylinder. changing the timing can have a major effect on performance (positive or negative) and emissions etc.
Right. The more I read the more I hope that it is going to be soething simple and adjustable. What worries me is that if it did actuall go off to the desiel speicist and they did not find anything....what hope have I got!
you like a man with a large box then eh ;)

Well someone had to say it didn't they!

What are you lot like, we get a girl on the forum and all of a sudden it's the longest post in LRZ history! Next time I have a question I'm opening up a new account and pretending to be a landy lady :) Now I come to think about it, she's being very coy about someone giving her a hand - bloke in diguise I reckon! :eek: :eek:

have yer eliminated the fuel filter - that's the most likely and cheapest possible problem.
Well to be honset, I haven't done anything to it yet, just been doing alot of searching and reading. All this running between rooms in making me puffed!
well stop running then!
just stay next to the puter - that's where yer really want to be innit?
Next question. Will I be needing access to a ramp to get access to the two fuel filers?
One's on the bulkhead at the top / rear of the injun. the other's on the tank. unless yer 20 stone, yer can reach it without even jacking up.;)

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