It wont sell in the US unless it's got a v8 :D

Fook China and their low quality vehicles! Let em stick to designing airports :)
Better than the other one. A bit Yankee-Doodle but inevitable really. Loads of potential for the underpigeon fanatics :) :)
I still really dont like that concept but I've been looking at it more and imo if they sort the windows (bring them down to the level of the door handles), sort the front end (by giving it a bumper by moving the grill and lights back a bit, give it more of a defined curve to the end of the bonnet like a real landy & getting rid of the recessed mud trap lights) + round off the horrible square corners at the top of the windscreen & it'd look a whole lot more like a modern evolution of a 110... ;););)
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It's clearly not an official design, as the link above proves. That's a shame, I really like it, so much better than that DC100 abortion.

What does everybody think?

I quite like it, especially if they fit the TDV8 for a limited edition launch model....
What concept??? All I see is a rather poor computer rendition with no technical info at all.

Anyone can draw a picture and a call it a concept, doesn't mean it's worth **** though.
Ok, so it's been found that its not an original Land Rover design, when I started this I was unsure and only had the pic. But looking at the link above the person who did this should work for JLR, at least then there might be a good replacement.
Ok, so it's been found that its not an original Land Rover design, when I started this I was unsure and only had the pic. But looking at the link above the person who did this should work for JLR, at least then there might be a good replacement.

To me it doesn't really matter whether it's a JLR design or not so thanks for posting it anyway :)

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