
New Member
Daughter has finally reached the grand old age of 17 and talked me into buying her a Defender 110 as her first car ! So Hi to all you fellow owners. I have already spent two days working on it with her so already got to know the old girl


Daughter has finally reached the grand old age of 17 and talked me into buying her a Defender 110 as her first car ! So Hi to all you fellow owners. I have already spent two days working on it with her so already got to know the old girl



Hi and welcome, no need for old girl yet she's only 17, have fun
Hello and :welcome: Sounds like you've brought up a sensible girl with bloody good sense! :D How much was the Insurance for a 17 yr old?
I'm more impressed that a random 17 year old convinced him he's her dad... ;)

(working on the title being called 'new dad' anyway...)

Welcome... as long as you have thick skin you'll do ok here... you should really get your daughter on here though so she can introduce herself.

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