He did say he worked awfully hard for it...but methinks he's actually paid less that half that for his mums hand-me-down.

I agree with you that he was doing well here.
I was too busy at college for hard graft. Worst thing i ever did! Not like i even got any grades to show for it!
Is cheaper when you drive round without insurance
Most that age need a black box and £6G to insure a 1.2
modified EJoke I think not o_O
He did say he worked awfully hard for it...but methinks he's actually paid less that half that for his mums hand-me-down.

I agree with you that he was doing well here.

Unluckily enough for me i just had to work hard and save, altogether it was £15,000 after some haggling, i wish my parents were generous to hand down a car ;)

If your willing to forgo other things, all the weekend jobs and now my apprenticeship, really add up
Is cheaper when you drive round without insurance
Most that age need a black box and £6G to insure a 1.2
modified EJoke I think not o_O

You aren't wrong it is black boxed, but if your clever about it you can save yourself a bit of money, for me i just tacked it onto my old policy and then got rid of the old one from it, and the price never went up by more than £40 a month, god knows what ill do next year, best start saving again i think ;)
Any pics you've found of the kind of look you're after, maybe not on an evoque, but something similar
I think you will have to provide the paper and crayons so that his imagination can run riot as I am sure he won't find the exact one otherwise.:D
I cannot help but compare the welcome this hard working young lad has received on here with this:
Just because he has chosen to buy a practical, comfortable, partner-friendly LR that is not leaving a trail of oil, smoke and rust behind it, he gets little but abuse. Most people buying modern LRs don't need access to this site because the bonnet only ever gets opened by their dealership. This guy is breaking that mould, he is willing to get spanners out and work on his own car and this site is supposed to be about helping all LR owners do just that. Park your prejudice and welcome a kindred spirit.
I cannot help but compare the welcome this hard working young lad has received on here with this:
Just because he has chosen to buy a practical, comfortable, partner-friendly LR that is not leaving a trail of oil, smoke and rust behind it, he gets little but abuse. Most people buying modern LRs don't need access to this site because the bonnet only ever gets opened by their dealership. This guy is breaking that mould, he is willing to get spanners out and work on his own car and this site is supposed to be about helping all LR owners do just that. Park your prejudice and welcome a kindred spirit.
Not sure he wants to get spanners out, his post is about fitting a light bar and raising the suspension height, many would say neither are appropriate on an Evoke. He might have got a different response if asking for help with a fault.
I cannot help but compare the welcome this hard working young lad has received on here with this:
Just because he has chosen to buy a practical, comfortable, partner-friendly LR that is not leaving a trail of oil, smoke and rust behind it, he gets little but abuse. Most people buying modern LRs don't need access to this site because the bonnet only ever gets opened by their dealership. This guy is breaking that mould, he is willing to get spanners out and work on his own car and this site is supposed to be about helping all LR owners do just that. Park your prejudice and welcome a kindred spirit.

I think he has been given some very good advice! In amongst the banter for which LZ is world- famous, he has frequently been advised that, for many reasons, the car he has bought is inappropriate for the 'look' that he craves. It is up to him if he chooses to accept the advice or just carries on with what he really wants to do. He cannot say that he has not been warned.

People have tried to tell him that just because it says Land Rover or even Range Rover on the bonnet, it is not meant for being used in the same way as the rugged family of vehicles that Land Rover is known for. It is a new type of vehicle that LR has 'invented' for a very different market in the hope of not being left behind in the sales stakes. Perhaps it was a good move for LR as the age of 'spannering' does not seem to appeal to many of the young of today, indeed, the family of vehicles has slowly but surely been moving away from the time when vehicles could be tinkered with at home - electronics seem to be beyond the understanding or even ability of many - including some dealers!
Not sure he wants to get spanners out, his post is about fitting a light bar and raising the suspension height, many would say neither are appropriate on an Evoke. He might have got a different response if asking for help with a fault.

Firstly who are we to decide if fitting a light bar or raising the suspension is appropriate or not? The vehicle belongs to him, not us. It is his choice, not ours. Secondly, while no one would take a stock Evoque to a pay and play centre, I strongly suspect that with decent tyres an Evoque would be far more capable off road than people seem to assume. It should be no less capable than a Freelander 2 and they tackle green lanes without too many issues. Is there some LR ruling that says Evoque drivers are prohibited from using theirs off road? Is this why they must be denied access to common LR modifications? Finally, fitting modifications requires tools. I don't know what his apprenticeship is in, but the OP strikes me as someone who would want to fit his own modifications. Why would you assume otherwise? If he had bought an SII you would not have made that assumption.
Firstly who are we to decide if fitting a light bar or raising the suspension is appropriate or not? The vehicle belongs to him, not us. It is his choice, not ours. Secondly, while no one would take a stock Evoque to a pay and play centre, I strongly suspect that with decent tyres an Evoque would be far more capable off road than people seem to assume. It should be no less capable than a Freelander 2 and they tackle green lanes without too many issues. Is there some LR ruling that says Evoque drivers are prohibited from using theirs off road? Is this why they must be denied access to common LR modifications? Finally, fitting modifications requires tools. I don't know what his apprenticeship is in, but the OP strikes me as someone who would want to fit his own modifications. Why would you assume otherwise? If he had bought an SII you would not have made that assumption.
I would have made the same comments if it was a P38. Raising the suspension may make the car unstable for road use, personally I think such modifications should be banned as they are in some countries.
I think he has been given some very good advice! In amongst the banter for which LZ is world- famous, he has frequently been advised that, for many reasons, the car he has bought is inappropriate for the 'look' that he craves. It is up to him if he chooses to accept the advice or just carries on with what he really wants to do. He cannot say that he has not been warned.

People have tried to tell him that just because it says Land Rover or even Range Rover on the bonnet, it is not meant for being used in the same way as the rugged family of vehicles that Land Rover is known for. It is a new type of vehicle that LR has 'invented' for a very different market in the hope of not being left behind in the sales stakes. Perhaps it was a good move for LR as the age of 'spannering' does not seem to appeal to many of the young of today, indeed, the family of vehicles has slowly but surely been moving away from the time when vehicles could be tinkered with at home - electronics seem to be beyond the understanding or even ability of many - including some dealers!

So this is about style tips. Your view that an Evoque would not suit a light bar or a lift and larger wheels - and how have you managed to determine what look he craves? Frankly having seen some of the monstrosities people create out of Defenders I think some traditional LR owners have very poor taste.

The OP seems well aware that an Evoque is not a Defender and he has given no indication that he wishes to haul sheep or drive across the Kalahari with it. He understands that the Evoque was built to appeal to a different market, but as cars get older they are bought by different people with different desires and aspirations. Your final generalisation about young people and spannering is patronising drivel. You know nothing about this young man, for all you know he is on an engineering apprenticeship

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