Signed. I'm afraid my punishment to the bast**d would to attach him to the rear of his truck and see how far and fast the fecker could run:mad::mad::mad:
I'm speechless. My current woofer came from a previous owner who use to beat him but that is shocking beyond words
Given the circumstances of this particular case, and the degree of upset and distress i knew it would cause to the many dog lovers i have encounterd on this thread, and my own targetabilty, i almost chose not to post up about it here at all.

But somehow, i cannot stop myself from imagining being in the place of that poor dog who no doubt obidently trusted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, i really can't go on and need a minute or two

Many thanks to everyone for all your support, understanding, compassion and comments.

While this event may seem almost unbelievable to the point of rendering most, including me, almost speechless that this could happen in this day and age.

I have posted many pictures of Poppie on this thread detailing her story that many have enjoyed seeing and sharing, but few fully comprehend just how lucky she really is.

Sadly, the reality is that Dogs especially have never been regarded with the same respect here in Cyprus as they are in most civilized countries.

I have lost count of how many times i see and hear of really very sad cases involving unbelievable cruelty, have rescued many Dogs and pups ourselves and donated money etc endless times to local dog sanctuaries.

There are of course some laws, but even these are not being enforced and in all likleyhood this
is probably wondering what all the fuss is about.

That is why this petition is not just about this particular Case but an attempt to make the Prime minister of Cyprus do something more positive and general to protect all the Animals in Cyprus.

So your signing this petition is especilly worthwhile and so very much appreciated.

As for this particular
, i really cannot advocate vigilantism, but i can tell you that Cyprus is a very small community based place where no one can remain anonymous and although the number plate is covered over in the picture, there is still 10 times more than enough information left to uniquely identify him.

One way or another i am very confident that life as he knew it is now over for him.

Once again, a huge thanks to you all

Warmest Regards


The next one will happen whenever enough members here choose to club together, make it happen and contact me.

My reason for this post is simply to unconditionally thank those who have responded to my call for help and signed the petition to help stop Animal cruelty in Cyprus and reward you all with a success story.

A couple of days back, while being given their morning walk on a bit of waste ground close to our premesis, our dogs became very interested in a length of discarded concrete sewer pipe about 3 metres long and about half a meter in diameter.

The reason for this became obvious when we discovered that at the far end of this pipe were two puppies that had been abandoned there possibly days before.

Of course we all mounted a rescue misson to free them.

Other than a bit of dust, they were healthy and clean but clearly very traumatized as can be seen in their eyes.


It took many hours of love, cuddles and stroking before they calmed down and once again found some trust and belief in humanity.


We left absolutely no stone unturned in contacting everyone we knew and supplying pictures, and sure enough by Mid day, both of these puppies had new homes and caring owners who will no doubt cherish and love them as they deserve.

Many thanks to all

Well done Colin and family!.Lets hope they have a happy life after their horrible start and the people who dumped them a miserable one.
+1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 - to infinity....
Sorry to keep popping back, but i have met so very many truly kind and appreciative dog lovers on this thread, i somehow feel obliged to post up such news as this here.

Lets hope they have a happy life after their horrible start

I can provide a bit more info about that.

The brother almost instantly went to a really nice local guy, married with 3 young kids, who had apparently been constanly begging him for a Dog. He also has a huge fenced in garden. We did our best to try to persuade him to take the sister as well but sadly he felt unable to take on more than one and not wishing to loose this opportunity of a good home for at least one we sadly elected to split them up.

The sister, who is the one pictured above, had these very same pictures circulated via the internet, which resulted in a German couple with 2 children paying over 1000 Euro for all costs to have her shipped to them first class via Lufthansa.

I will never know what her future holds, but after someone spending that kind of money, I seriously doubt she will ever want for anything or ever see the inside of a concrete sewer pipe ever again.
Sorry to keep popping back, but i have met so very many truly kind and appreciative dog lovers on this thread, i somehow feel obliged to post up such news as this here.

I can provide a bit more info about that.

The brother almost instantly went to a really nice local guy, married with 3 young kids, who had apparently been constanly begging him for a Dog. He also has a huge fenced in garden. We did our best to try to persuade him to take the sister as well but sadly he felt unable to take on more than one and not wishing to loose this opportunity of a good home for at least one we sadly elected to split them up.

The sister, who is the one pictured above, had these very same pictures circulated via the internet, which resulted in a German couple with 2 children paying over 1000 Euro for all costs to have her shipped to them first class via Lufthansa.

I will never know what her future holds, but after someone spending that kind of money, I seriously doubt she will ever want for anything or ever see the inside of a concrete sewer pipe ever again.
Not a bad deal for them as you can easily pay that kind of cash for an inbred runt from a pet shop or on line.
Dogs that have had a hard start often turn out to be the best IMO

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