
From the nagging....
Mine's arrived - very efficient service - thankyou!

Not had time to try it yet, but I've printed off the faults/settings charts from the 2 links in the 'more information' section on the BBS site, which illustrate very well the empirical structure of the various ECUs and the Nanocom's relationship with them.

Unfortunately, the link to the user guides - in the product literature doesn't work.

After some searching I eventually found it here:- Home Page.

Perhaps it's because this is a new site - and it's certainly much better and clearer than the BBS one - but as most people on here seem to go via BBS (at least at the moment) it would be a good idea to put a link to it on the BBS site.

Also noticed on the home page on the diagnostic site, Colin, you've described it as "the infamous diagnostic system for Land Rover vehicles".

I think (hope) 'infamous' may well be the wrong word - it's defined as 'having an extremely bad reputation'.

'Famous' maybe, or 'world renowned', 'widely praised' perhaps . . .

Best regards - Alastair
Mine's arrived - very efficient service - thankyou!

Not had time to try it yet, but I've printed off the faults/settings charts from the 2 links in the 'more information' section on the BBS site, which illustrate very well the empirical structure of the various ECUs and the Nanocom's relationship with them.

Unfortunately, the link to the user guides - in the product literature doesn't work.

After some searching I eventually found it here:- Home Page.

Perhaps it's because this is a new site - and it's certainly much better and clearer than the BBS one - but as most people on here seem to go via BBS (at least at the moment) it would be a good idea to put a link to it on the BBS site.

Also noticed on the home page on the diagnostic site, Colin, you've described it as "the infamous diagnostic system for Land Rover vehicles".

I think (hope) 'infamous' may well be the wrong word - it's defined as 'having an extremely bad reputation'.

'Famous' maybe, or 'world renowned', 'widely praised' perhaps . . .

Best regards - Alastair

Yes Alastair I guess they have updated the site the down load page is much clearer now :) I use it as a reference on my phone but have the files saved on my laptop.

I did nearly panic when my bookmark didn't work :)
Hiya all

Sorry, as i am currently participating in this site due to this group buy event, i have no excuse for neglecting to let you all know about this recent Nanocom web site update, but in my defence i have been a bit rushed off my feet recently due to a number of things, including this new site, but mainly trying to meet a Dec 1st deadline for the introduction of the new CAN BUS coverage we have been developing for the Nanocom Evolution i should also perhaps mention.

For anyone who uses saved links to the origional or web sites, these links will no longer work as the origional web site is no more.

This is because we have recently introduced an entirely new web site for the Nanocom at

This new site provides all the same functionality that the old one did and owners can use their existing log in details to access the restricted area to obtain their unlock codes and software updates.

In addition the new site also contains it's own web Shop and links to the Nanocom Forum etc

The change is so new that we still have to update all the links in existing documentation etc so apologize for any inconvenience and Panic caused.

As with all we have already done to improve this product since we saved it including introducing the Nanocom Owners forum and now adding CAN BUS vehicle coverage development, This new Web site is just another of the things we are pleased to have got sorted as the origional set up meant we only had CRM access to the existing site.

Now we have got the site actually up and live we intent to start to add more user friendly features to the site.

Many thanks for the pointer to another link that needs fixing as well as the incorrect term used in the home page text Alastair. Already fixed the text ;)

Now that is a thought i really did not need :eek:

Yep it is indeed now the very last day of this month long Group Buy event and there are now only a few short hours to go, and i may actually have to call a slightly early close to this offer in about 3 hours time which i will explain more about.

Yep, got your order, which will be processed by my Admin Angels on Monday Morning.

I am actually a little behind with Poppie Pictures anyway and since these may well be the last !!!!

Saint.V8 you may well want to look away now and tell your other half the computer is broken :boink:




And finally a picture that reveals where Poppie usually is when i am on the Internet during the evenings, enjoying a glass of wine just as i am now and very often am posting up these pictures of her.


So now you know :)

So which photo was your favorite ?

All the very best to all.

....not one of a cat.....the missus is distraught....;)

Roll up.....roll up ....the countdown has begun!!!!............and its a premature ending.....according to BBSguy!!!!!


I am so really very glad to have met so many new, truly decent and friendly folks on this thread and to have let you all appreciate what a few members have realised, known and totally understood about me from the very start.

And i truly thank you all for making me so very welcome and appreciating and sharing with me the pictures and story of something that has indeeed been and continues to be a very significant part of my life.

The Nanocom was always a really great and very technologically advanced product that represented the best possible capability at the lowest possible cost, and i am most proud to say that in some way or another, that despite a really very shakey and uncertain beginning in our hands after we stepped in to rescue it and so many negative critics, that we have managed to not only save it but do very much more.

As such, i have called a very slightly premature ending to this group buy only for the best of reasons.

The reason in fact being that not only am i now offering a 20% introductary discount on the Nanocom Evolution for purchasers of the new CAN BUS coverage, Throughout December i am actually offering an unconditional 20% discount on absolutely everything BBS provides that will automatically be added to all orders.

May i be among the first to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

Oh i must not forget to add an xmas doggie picture so here is one of Cindi
Santa comes in many forms BBSguy..........brilliant, well done, done let the begrudgers get you down.

Thanks again!

Excellent , don't get me wrong As much as I love seeing poppy I have two fully grown lab's here lying in front of me, a chocolate greedy nutter and a tall black eat when I like gentleman :D

I cannot thank you enough for the kind generosity you have shown in offering us such a great deal.

Over the last few weeks you have shared with us a story of courage, compassion and caring which shows us that there is still an ounce of humanity left in this world. Whilst I have been nagged by the other half to let her have a puppy and with each new instalment the nagging gets louder and more frequent, it is a tiny price to pay for what is an amazing story.

I know not of your previous 'life' on Landyzone, but I do hope you have seen that in amongst some of the 'chaff' Landyzone does have some 'wheat' dotted around and will pop along once in a while to keep us up dated with Poppie and co.

I truly wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and I hope the New Year brings new joy.


I cannot thank you enough for the kind generosity you have shown in offering us such a great deal.

Over the last few weeks you have shared with us a story of courage, compassion and caring which shows us that there is still an ounce of humanity left in this world. Whilst I have been nagged by the other half to let her have a puppy and with each new instalment the nagging gets louder and more frequent, it is a tiny price to pay for what is an amazing story.

I know not of your previous 'life' on Landyzone, but I do hope you have seen that in amongst some of the 'chaff' Landyzone does have some 'wheat' dotted around and will pop along once in a while to keep us up dated with Poppie and co.

I truly wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and I hope the New Year brings new joy.

Colin was jumped on by some of the nastier characters that inhabit this site, knocking the product and price. Colin sometimes didn't help himself with some of his comments though.
I have no doubt that the BBS stuff is the best there is for LR products, I do have a fair bit of experience in electronics so think I'm qualified to judge.
His departure from the site was a great loss as his knowledge of Range Rover electronics is second to none.
Nothing is perfect, I have managed to report a couple of glitches which were quickly corrected which is all that can be asked, so customer support is also pretty good.
I have no connection other than being a satisfied Faultmate MSV 2 Extreme user.:D

I cannot thank you enough for the kind generosity you have shown in offering us such a great deal.

Over the last few weeks you have shared with us a story of courage, compassion and caring which shows us that there is still an ounce of humanity left in this world. Whilst I have been nagged by the other half to let her have a puppy and with each new instalment the nagging gets louder and more frequent, it is a tiny price to pay for what is an amazing story.

I know not of your previous 'life' on Landyzone, but I do hope you have seen that in amongst some of the 'chaff' Landyzone does have some 'wheat' dotted around and will pop along once in a while to keep us up dated with Poppie and co.

I truly wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and I hope the New Year brings new joy.


I would like to echo these sentiments, it was a fabulous deal!

I have dealt with BBS twice this year and on both occasions communication has been both prompt and courteous. I have no hesitation in recommending them.

Oh! And those pictures, the icing on the cake:)
Many thanks for the December offer, Colin. I have just ordered mine - oh and by the way, our Labradoodle puppy is being collected in two weeks - this dog thing must be contagious !!
Hello again.

Thank you all for your very kind comments.

pop along once in a while to keep us up dated with Poppie and co.

Indeed, and as Christmas is a time for sharing, as such i thought to pop back and share a few pictures of Poppie enjoying her first Christmas with you starting with this one of her enjoying being dressed up for the part.


At least she is more excited and enthusiastic than Cindi LOL.

As well as dressing up she really loves her cuddly toys


she will go to great lengths to get one


And even seems to know she needs to keep a close watch on Rudolph


In fact she clearly picked up on the excitement days before the event and has such a keen sense, we had to wait until late Chrismas Eve before putting their presents under the tree.

Of course Poppie was straight in there first thing Christmas Morning


And it was not long before our other dogs showed poppie how to rip open the presents.


The ripping, shredding and excited tugs or war continued for well over an hour before they were all flaked out and me and the missus got to start opening our presents.

It was a really great and very memorable day and i can only but hope and wish that you all had an equally enjoyable Christmas.


Hey Colin,

I adore those pictures and a great many thanks for sharing....even if I did get the 'Why didn't I get a puppy for Christmas' in the ear afterwards :D

God Bless you Colin, and I hope 2014 is full of more mesmerising Poppy (and other dog) filled joy.

Cheers Guys
Yea, it would sure be nice to have at least a fair and equal opportunity for a change Datatek, or at least just cop a decent break.

Things here in Cyprus are really still very problematic for local businesses especially.

Thankfully, as you see by the pictures, Success cannot always be counted or banked and there is always true inspiration in that no matter what your own problems may be, there is always someone worse off than you that you can help.

Thanks for your kind comments also Saint.V8 (Ant)
It honestly gives me just as much pleasure to share these really nice pictures of this most cute and adorable little Dog and share the unbelievable story she has. After all we all need a little something to smile about these days

Seeing Poppie today looking so cute, enjoying her first Christmas and wearing a santa outfit makes it really hard to remember the early days when she barely covered my fingers.

Here is a reminder picture


When this picture was taken, although Poppie seemed very sleepy, just like her brother and sister, otherwise all seemed well, but very sadly within 48 Hours her brother and sister had both died and Poppie was almost lifeless too and not expected to survive for more than an hour.

But as you know we overcame all odds and although you can see the results in the pictures i have posted, the one thing that no picture can show is that Poppies personality and interaction with us is very often equally as adorable and endeering.

Poppie really has no idea of how lucky she really is, and i hope never will, and yes there are moments when i look at her today and reflect upon things that bring a small tear of joy to my eyes.

Thankfully Poppie always seems to be around to lick my face clean when that happens as well as pretty much every morning ;)

I can but only hope that you all have and find at least something equal to be grateful for next year and so would wish you all a very Happy New Year.



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