"Exit" <exit@nomore.com> wrote in message
> Papa Smurf wrote:
> > "Exit" <exit@nomore.com> wrote in message
> > news:FUlOa.77857$%L.14724@news-lhr.blueyonder.co.uk...
> >> Papa Smurf wrote:
> >>> "Exit" <exit@nomore.com> wrote in message
> >>> news:%piOa.77802$%L.61128@news-lhr.blueyonder.co.uk...
> >>>> Papa Smurf wrote:
> >>>>> "Exit" <exit@nomore.com> wrote in message
> >>>>> news:zXgOa.77790$%L.30607@news-lhr.blueyonder.co.uk...
> >>>>>> Papa Smurf wrote:
> >>>>>>> "Exit" <exit@nomore.com> wrote in message
> >>>>>>> news:NcaOa.77017$%L.6314@news-lhr.blueyonder.co.uk...
> >>>>>>>> Papa Smurf wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> "Exit" <exit@nomore.com> wrote in message
> >>>>>>>>> news:%93Oa.76197$%L.68601@news-lhr.blueyonder.co.uk...
> >>>>>>>>>> scrape at mindspring dot com wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 06 Jul 2003 22:23:42 GMT, "Exit" <exit@nomore.com>
> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> scrape at mindspring dot com wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 06 Jul 2003 20:40:07 GMT, "Exit" <exit@nomore.com>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Forgive my lack of knowledge of US political parties as I
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> am an Englishman - I take it the democrats are the very
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> right wing party and the republicans are the even more
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> right wing party?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Nope. You've got it wrong. The Democrats are the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> socialists and the Republicans are the liberals.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Democrats are socialists?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> To be a socialist (like Tony Blair or Karl Marx :)) you
> >>>>>>>>>>>> need to believe in:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> State ownership of big business.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> A command economy.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Redistribution of wealth.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> That the struggle between the proletariat and bourgeois is
> >>>>>>>>>>>> a politcal struggle.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> State provision of services.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> It still looks to me as though you have two right wing
> >>>>>>>>>>>> parties neither of whom would know socialism if it hit them
> >>>>>>>>>>>> in the face! ;-)
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps you need to look a bit closer. I'm not familiar
> >>>>>>>>>>> with the phrase "command economy", but everything else you
> >>>>>>>>>>> mentioned is dead on what the Democrats want.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Really? Which industries have the democrats nationalised
> >>>>>>>>>> recently?
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> If they were socialists a national health service would be
> >>>>>>>>>> top of their list, but they don't ssem to have provided one
> >>>>>>>>>> yet.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> We run into a little trouble with that one. Since largely it
> >>>>>>>>> is US companies fronting the bill for the R&D that provides
> >>>>>>>>> cheapers better drugs and procedures for the rest of the world
> >>>>>>>>> it becomes difficult for US to achieve a leechbased healthcare
> >>>>>>>>> system without putting at least some of the cost on the
> >>>>>>>>> non-producers.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I'm afraid thats not true. Global Trade Information Services
> >>>>>>>> show that the US exported 8695 and imported 14309 GBP Millions
> >>>>>>>> pharamceuticals in 2002. The UK by comparison exported 10031
> >>>>>>>> and imported 7446. We don't put the costs on the
> >>>>>>>> non-producers, so why would you need to?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I'd be very curious to see how pharameceuticals is defined to
> >>>>>>> make that statistic true.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Same way the US Govt defines it.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I'd also be curious to know how many of said drugs are we
> >>>>>>> originally developed or knockoffs thereof.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> None are knockoffs, the UK is one of the worlds leading
> >>>>>> pharmaceutical developers, not some 3rd world sweat shop copying
> >>>>>> US drugs. US Giant Pfizer is the worlds biggest pharmaceutical
> >>>>>> co. with
> >>>>>> 7.5% of the world market share. GlaxoSmithKline in the UK have
> >>>>>> 7.0% of the world market and none of the other US companies
> >>>>>> comes close. Bear in mind that 53% of the worlds patents are
> >>>>>> registered to UK individuals or companies and a significant part
> >>>>>> of that is pharmaceutical.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I was completely unaware of this. BTW: I am very much enjoying our
> >>>>> conversation.
> >>>>> Do you have any links that I could look into this with? Always
> >>>>> like to upgrade the worldview where it is flawed.
> >>>>>
> >>>> It is rather enlightening isn't it?
> >>>
> >>> Always. It is nearly impossible to have a nice reasoned political
> >>> arguement any more. Both sides are so charged, so ****ed, so wary of
> >>> being lead it a trap, and neither side really listening, that mostly
> >>> it rapidly breakdowns into ridiculous statements and personal
> >>> attacks. And I'm just as guilty as this, coming in with as much
> >>> baggage as I have. It's been very pleasent to have a discussion that
> >>> hasn't hasn't imediately been reduced to the: "I'm a dickhead? No,
> >>> you're a dickhead." level.
> >>>
> >> Agreed - I think party politics is treated a little less seriously
> >> here and is all the better for it,

> >
> > Part of why it is taken seriously, here is that it is serious. The
> > differences argued might seem little from your vantage point but for
> > me it means how deeply others are allowed to rip into my pocket, and
> > for others it's how deeply into the trouth they can dig. Since I
> > dislike being robbed, it upsets me. Since others have been taught not
> > to handle things themselves they live in fear of this support being
> > taken away, and are angry at the reality of the situation. So angers
> > and fears run high and cloud judegments on all sides. And then the
> > politicians stir up and exaggerate those fears to get votes....
> >

> You should remember it's only money - nothing worth getting stressed over.
> There are more important things in life. I personally put a lot of this
> stress down to inadequate holidays/vacations in the US - you chaps work

> and take no time off to appreciate the finer things in life. Most people

> around 25 days holiday per year here which is very civilised.

Before my wife, I had a girlfriend from Ireland. I always envied the Holiday
system over there.
However, while I do work hard, I work for myself, and I tend to hire
competant (self reliant) people, so I delegate a lot. While I tend to not
take off too much time in a block of days, I don't work all that hard. Money
for monies sake has never been a goal of mine. Smelling the roses is very
important (especially as I get older). I could have been much richer than I
am, but the sacrifices would have been to great. My children are safe and
provided for (but fully expect to build empires on their own), my wife is
happy. It is enough.

The rest is about Principals, and that's were I get worked up.

> >> but if you've ever watched the British parliament
> >> live, it's hard to take them seriously. On the whole however most
> >> MP's do a good job of representing their constituencies and have to
> >> run an open 'surgery' every week where their electorate have
> >> unfettered free access to them to complain about the bins not being
> >> emptied or whatever - it's great leveller and brings them down to
> >> earth! :)

> >
> > I like that, sounds like a great humbler, and keeps them more in
> > touch with the people.
> > Tough to implement that with such a large population I would think
> > though..
> >>

> It works out to about 92,000 people per MP - how many senators/congressmen
> are there versus the population over there?

Population is what, must be about 275,000,000 by now and 50 senators and 466
congressmen. So that's 5.5 million per Senator or about 600,000 per
Congressman (sorry no calculator around)
(Just did a search, the population is slightly over 290 million.)
> >>>> ISTR getting the world market share figures for Pfizer and GSK from
> >>>> their respective websites and the reference to 53% of the worlds
> >>>> patents being British was actually calculated by the Japanese
> >>>> Ministry Industry in 1996, though I can't find the link currently.
> >>>> Shame we are not as good at selling them as we are at inventing
> >>>> them.
> >>>>
> >>>>>>>> Since this is totally
> >>>>>>>>> unacceptable to leechvoters and hugely unpopular with those
> >>>>>>>>> that would end up footing the rest of the bill, it has
> >>>>>>>>> trouble even being formed to come for a vote. Take recent
> >>>>>>>>> events where Bush has said "Get me a healthcare bill, I'll
> >>>>>>>>> sign it" and then the press starts giving out the details
> >>>>>>>>> that it will (gasp) cost some more than they are getting back
> >>>>>>>>> (they wanted the magical cow to pay for it all), suddenly
> >>>>>>>>> they are all up in arms and it probably won't get passed.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I'm not saying you should have a national health service,
> >>>>>>>> thats a choice for your electorate, but I do suspect the
> >>>>>>>> arguments are not being fairly assessed.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I call them like I see them.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Of course you do, but I suspect political dogma gets in the way
> >>>>>> of a fair assessment of whether a NHS would help or hinder your
> >>>>>> country.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I've posted my reasons in the other half of this thread. I can
> >>>>> only go on, what my experience shows me, and what observe about
> >>>>> similar matters. If it is shoved down our throats, and it works,
> >>>>> I'll be first in line changing my tune. If, as I suspect, that I
> >>>>> end paying not only for my own medical expressives, but those of
> >>>>> several hundred others, maybe it will finally be time to admit
> >>>>> defeat, and look for a freer country.
> >>>>
> >>>> On the other hand, you might get really ill and have several
> >>>> hundred others paying for your medical bills! :)
> >>>
> >>> Unlikely to happen here. Since the government doesn't view me as
> >>> poor, should I spend all my money I will still be kicked out on my
> >>> ass rather than helped.
> >>> Even so, most HMO and insurance policies have caps lower than my
> >>> bond. And it serves me right if I haven't planned properly. :)
> >>
> >> Never mind - if you feel ill, nip on a plane and book yoursellf in
> >> here for a free service!

> >
> > Not really my style (self-reliance and all), it would feel wrong to
> > use a system I pay nothing into.

> I doubt you'd care if you were ill but I respect your ethics.

It's moments like that when a persons values are really tested. Wouldn't fly
there, but if I was there and they wouldn't let me pay.....

On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 16:00:30 GMT, "Exit" <exit@nomore.com> wrote:

>Ahhh, I see your definition. In truth nationalisation really involves the
>creation of a state owned monopoly which would mean for example, your govt
>buying every electricity company in the US, lumping them all together and
>calling it American Energy Inc or similar. What you describe seems to be
>simply heavy handed remote control.

It's Phase One of the Master Plan.

>Out of interest, here low earners pay about 22% income tax and the top rate
>is 40% even for millionaires - and everyone gets an annual tax free
>allowance of around $8000 before they start paying tax. How does that
>compare with the US tax system currently?

Low income earners here pay ZERO income tax. They are subjected to
sales tax, property tax, tobacco tax, beer/wine/liquor tax, assorted
fees, etc. that all the rest pay as well. Of course, if they're given
everything, they pay no tax. I'm smack dab in the middle of middle
class and pay around 40% of my wages back in the form of one tax or

>We both believe similar things then, but my belief in my fellow Englishmen
>leads me to trust that their self-respect will allow them only to use
>entitlement as a last resort, whereas you seem to think many Americans will
>immediately give up trying if they can get the basics for free.

LOTS of people have been conditioned for years to expect to have
things paid for them - medical care, food, housing, child care, etc.
Try telling them they have to start paying their own way. Not only
will they object ferociously, but so will the "well meaning" liberals.

"Papa Smurf" <fakeaddress@Iwantnospam.crap> wrote in message

I worked for Blue Cross for about three years once and let me tell you: the cost of health
care has absolutely no relationship to the insurance premiums charged. It's legalized
extortion; like dealing with the mob... Companies like Blue Cross **** money like it was
water. They are "non-profit" so they have to make sure they don't show any profit every
year; as a result you should see where they squander their booty (they also invest in lost
cause enterprises which are guaranteed money losers; that's not by accident either).


"scrape at mindspring dot com" <scrape@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 16:00:30 GMT, "Exit" <exit@nomore.com> wrote:
> LOTS of people have been conditioned for years to expect to have
> things paid for them - medical care, food, housing, child care, etc.
> Try telling them they have to start paying their own way. Not only
> will they object ferociously, but so will the "well meaning" liberals.

It would be nice if CEOs and upper level management got paid what they are worth (that
doesn't include time playing gold and screwing their secretary).


"Barry White" <Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote in message
> "Papa Smurf" <fakeaddress@Iwantnospam.crap> wrote in message
> news:sjnOa.34311$U23.3806@nwrdny01.gnilink.net...
> >
> > "Barry White" <Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote in message
> > news:r2nOa.2416$7e.49@fed1read07...
> > >
> > > "Papa Smurf" <fakeaddress@Iwantnospam.crap> wrote in message
> > > news:gqlOa.34012$U23.29853@nwrdny01.gnilink.net...
> > > >
> > > > "Tbone" <Fatchance@noway.now> wrote in message
> > > > news:iKScncbwpvKQRJSiU-KYvA@comcast.com...
> > > > > "Papa Smurf" <fakeaddress@Iwantnospam.crap> wrote in message
> > > > > news:GZjOa.3$78.1@nwrdny03.gnilink.net...
> > > > > >
> > >
> > > > That's okay, I'm quite comfortable causing thinsg to be made right

> > > > Of course by right here, I mean in the US. I am not comfortable with
> > > > Massachusetts which is why I am in the process of moving everything

> > > > Florida.
> > >
> > > Oooh you're trading cold & wet for hot & wet. I always did like the

> > panhandle despite
> > > their antediluvian politics

> >
> >
> > Florida has the advantage of trying to work with buisiness, while Mass
> > appears to have been for many years activately try to drive business

> > (and with me and many others they have succeeded)
> > I do fear the heat a bit, but that is what AC is for. And will be nice

> > live in a state where the EC doesn't make my Presidental vote

> >
> > --
> > "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner"
> >
> >

> After moving West some 30 years ago, everything East of the Continental

Divide seems like
> another world; although I would drop Phoenix like a lit match if I could.

Remember, if you go too far West it gets really weird....

"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner"


"Barry White" <Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote in message
> "scrape at mindspring dot com" <scrape@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> news:hk1kgvs38bk8pn6q6jvr929bhd1ikibugb@4ax.com...
> > On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 16:00:30 GMT, "Exit" <exit@nomore.com> wrote:
> > LOTS of people have been conditioned for years to expect to have
> > things paid for them - medical care, food, housing, child care, etc.
> > Try telling them they have to start paying their own way. Not only
> > will they object ferociously, but so will the "well meaning" liberals.

> It would be nice if CEOs and upper level management got paid what they are

worth (that
> doesn't include time playing gold and screwing their secretary).

I knew I wasn't doing things right. But then, I own the company, so I get
paid whatever is left :)
Glad I don't have to screw Alan though.... Playing with gold, that might be
fun for a moment? Or did you mean Playing golf? Dreadful sport, (for me)
don't find it relaxing and way too much sun. Given my choice I'd rather play
iwth gold, or maybe reevaluate Alan :)

"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner"


"Papa Smurf" <fakeaddress@Iwantnospam.crap> wrote in message
> Remember, if you go too far West it gets really weird....

Nope. Did that. Lived in LA during the 70's and other than the fact that I hate big
cities, it was very livable. Southern CA used to be a really neat place to live. Now fast
forward to today. Too many undocumented "people" have taken with their heritage of over
crime and drugs. Places like East LA, Hollywood, Watts for gawd's sake! - were really nice
bedroom communities after WWI. A lot has changed since then. Never cared for earthquakes
either. However, as I have said many times, Phoenix now has all the reasons I left LA -
so it's creeping EAST :)


"Papa Smurf" <fakeaddress@Iwantnospam.crap> wrote in message
> "Barry White" <Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote in message
> news:tLnOa.2436$7e.1982@fed1read07...
> >
> > "scrape at mindspring dot com" <scrape@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> > news:hk1kgvs38bk8pn6q6jvr929bhd1ikibugb@4ax.com...

> I knew I wasn't doing things right. But then, I own the company, so I get
> paid whatever is left :)
> Glad I don't have to screw Alan though.... Playing with gold, that might be
> fun for a moment? Or did you mean Playing golf? Dreadful sport, (for me)
> don't find it relaxing and way too much sun. Given my choice I'd rather play
> iwth gold, or maybe reevaluate Alan :)

yeah it's the Alzheimer's and arthritis: should be golf. I am painting with a broad
brush but in the larger companies, what I said stands.... You know: the places where
employees are just numbers and not people...


Gees. I can't believe the philosophical discussion you created. This is
supposed to be a problem forum, I thought. However, I also like my V10.

Signed, a MELLOWED independent.

"Educated Republican" <educated_republican@yahoo.com> wrote in message
: I love my V-10 sittin way up high. The power is unimagined and I feel
: heroic singing to Lee Greenwood. I like to push the guy ahead in the
: liberal econobox. Even more when I have my headlights on blinding his
: mirrors! God made this country great so we could have power on demand
: because its all about us. God told Rush that only HE can change
: warming so my little output don't matter. If the enviros ban big
: motors we will be robbed of our power rights so write to your
: repesentatives or just crush the next Subaru you see!
: Steve

On Mon, 7 Jul 2003 16:53:53 -0700, "Barry White"
<Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote:

>> LOTS of people have been conditioned for years to expect to have
>> things paid for them - medical care, food, housing, child care, etc.
>> Try telling them they have to start paying their own way. Not only
>> will they object ferociously, but so will the "well meaning" liberals.

>It would be nice if CEOs and upper level management got paid what they are worth (that
>doesn't include time playing gold and screwing their secretary).

They're "worth" what they can get, just like anyone else. What they
need to be is more accountable to the shareholders.


"Barry White" <Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote in message
> "Papa Smurf" <fakeaddress@Iwantnospam.crap> wrote in message
> news:xjoOa.16375$Ha.15243@nwrdny02.gnilink.net...
> >
> > "Barry White" <Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote in message
> > news:tLnOa.2436$7e.1982@fed1read07...
> > >
> > > "scrape at mindspring dot com" <scrape@mindspring.com> wrote in

> > > news:hk1kgvs38bk8pn6q6jvr929bhd1ikibugb@4ax.com...

> >
> >
> > I knew I wasn't doing things right. But then, I own the company, so I

> > paid whatever is left :)
> > Glad I don't have to screw Alan though.... Playing with gold, that might

> > fun for a moment? Or did you mean Playing golf? Dreadful sport, (for me)
> > don't find it relaxing and way too much sun. Given my choice I'd rather

> > iwth gold, or maybe reevaluate Alan :)
> >

> yeah it's the Alzheimer's and arthritis: should be golf. I am painting

with a broad
> brush but in the larger companies, what I said stands.... You know: the

places where
> employees are just numbers and not people...

Yeah, that can be a problem. Once a company goes public it tends to be all
bottom-line, and not about the people.
Owing to the fact that in Mass when a company gets over 39 employees, the
merely ridiculous laws become absolutely ludicrous, I have tended to make
more companies rather than larger ones.
As a bonus, this does tend to keep me more in touch with my workers and able
treat them better.
Of course it helps that my employees are superior people, and worthy of all
the respect I can lavish on them.

"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner"

On Mon, 7 Jul 2003 16:51:42 -0700, "Barry White"
<Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote:

>I worked for Blue Cross for about three years once and let me tell you: the cost of health
>care has absolutely no relationship to the insurance premiums charged. It's legalized
>extortion; like dealing with the mob... Companies like Blue Cross **** money like it was
>water. They are "non-profit" so they have to make sure they don't show any profit every
>year; as a result you should see where they squander their booty (they also invest in lost
>cause enterprises which are guaranteed money losers; that's not by accident either).

Blue Cross/Blue Shield is in the process of going "for profit" in
North Carolina. Loads of folks are bitching about that too.

"John Hinckley" <Aiming@atBush.com> wrote in message

> taken a look at the unemployment stats lately? I didn't think so.....

Is the umemployment rate above 50%? I didn't think so. Most people have
jobs, like I said...


"scrape at mindspring dot com" <scrape@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> On Mon, 7 Jul 2003 16:51:42 -0700, "Barry White"
> <Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote:
> >I worked for Blue Cross for about three years once and let me tell you: the cost of

> >care has absolutely no relationship to the insurance premiums charged. It's legalized
> >extortion; like dealing with the mob... Companies like Blue Cross **** money like it

> >water. They are "non-profit" so they have to make sure they don't show any profit every
> >year; as a result you should see where they squander their booty (they also invest in

> >cause enterprises which are guaranteed money losers; that's not by accident either).

> Blue Cross/Blue Shield is in the process of going "for profit" in
> North Carolina. Loads of folks are bitching about that too.

Oh that will be a license to cornhole!


"Paul Jensen" <pjensen@gnt.net> wrote in message news:vgk6id1ttci68c@corp.supernews.com...
> "John Hinckley" <Aiming@atBush.com> wrote in message
> news:Vl4Oa.2198$7e.2064@fed1read07...
> > taken a look at the unemployment stats lately? I didn't think so.....

> Is the umemployment rate above 50%? I didn't think so. Most people have
> jobs, like I said...

You've said nothing and made no salient point. Typical Rushbo shill. All ass & gas.
However, if things keep to their current course under the Bush junta, we could be looking
at a real unemployment rate near 20% by 2004. Certainly nothing the Washington man-child
has done will make things better. Voodoo economics from a voodoo pResident. And about
those jobs; real income is equal to about 1979......... Gotta love right to work and
union busting Pubicans


"Barry White" <Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote in message
: "David L. Moffitt" <moffitcl@prodigy.net> wrote in message
: news:aEmOa.184$Y%7.8@newssvr31.news.prodigy.com...
: >
: > : "John Hinckley" <Aiming@atBush.com> wrote in message
: > : news:OOiOa.2352$7e.1996@fed1read07...
: > : >
: > : > "David L. Moffitt" <moffitcl@prodigy.net> wrote in message
: > : > news:qAdOa.345$CV6.170@newssvr33.news.prodigy.com...
: > : > >
: > : > > "John Hinckley" <Aiming@atBush.com> wrote in message
: > : > > news:DU6Oa.2245$7e.2076@fed1read07...
: > : > > :
: > : > > :
: > : > > : you sure are setting your sights high. I think Chimpyboy should
: > : > > flipping the burgers.
: > : > > : It's closer to his skill level. Of course he'd have to compete
: > : all
: > : > > those teenagers
: > : > > : looking for work so his chances would not be good. 'Getting an
: > : education"
: > : > > doesn't mean
: > : > > : **** if your company moves to Taiwan.
: > : > >
: > : > > %%%% Yes it does. You need to be able to do more than just glue
: > widgets
: > : > > together or run a column of figures.
: > : > >
: > : >
: > : >
: > : > Oh tell that to the thousands of degreed professionals who are now
: > : jobless. Is absolute
: > : > zero the temperature of your heart?
: > : >
: > : > (BTW we don't have any widget jobs anymore; just Wart Mart greeters)
: > :
: > %%%% Is being a degreed professional all that they know or is it all
: > are willing to do? I've pumped gas at a service station and flipped
: > with a degree because the money I was getting was more than I would
: > sitting on my ass feeling sorry because I didn't have the job I wanted.
: > had a family to feed and not the time to sit and whine. I guess that is
: > way I was brought up to be self reliant and not depend on others.
: Oh I see. Pride has no place in the equation.

%%%% You can't eat pride and if your family need to be fed you need to
swollow it and fiind work. The grocery store cannot tell the difference
between a dollar made in the stock market from a dollar from recycling soda
cans. Would you let your family go hungry because you couldn't find an
executive job Barry??


On Mon, 7 Jul 2003 18:38:32 -0700, "Barry White"
<Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote:

>> >I worked for Blue Cross for about three years once and let me tell you: the cost of

>> >care has absolutely no relationship to the insurance premiums charged. It's legalized
>> >extortion; like dealing with the mob... Companies like Blue Cross **** money like it

>> >water. They are "non-profit" so they have to make sure they don't show any profit every
>> >year; as a result you should see where they squander their booty (they also invest in

>> >cause enterprises which are guaranteed money losers; that's not by accident either).

>> Blue Cross/Blue Shield is in the process of going "for profit" in
>> North Carolina. Loads of folks are bitching about that too.

>Oh that will be a license to cornhole!

Nonnonono. It will be fine. My premiums only went up 40% this year.

Great expression, by the way. I will use it freely as if I'd thought
of it myself.
<obligatory grin garbage>


"David L. Moffitt" <moffitcl@prodigy.net> wrote in message
> "Barry White" <Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote in message
> news:54nOa.2418$7e.1003@fed1read07...
> :
> : > : > (BTW we don't have any widget jobs anymore; just Wart Mart greeters)
> : > :
> : > %%%% Is being a degreed professional all that they know or is it all
> they
> : > are willing to do? I've pumped gas at a service station and flipped
> burgers
> : > with a degree because the money I was getting was more than I would
> receive
> : > sitting on my ass feeling sorry because I didn't have the job I wanted.
> I
> : > had a family to feed and not the time to sit and whine. I guess that is
> the
> : > way I was brought up to be self reliant and not depend on others.
> :
> :
> : Oh I see. Pride has no place in the equation.
> %%%% You can't eat pride and if your family need to be fed you need to
> swollow it and fiind work. The grocery store cannot tell the difference
> between a dollar made in the stock market from a dollar from recycling soda
> cans. Would you let your family go hungry because you couldn't find an
> executive job Barry??

No it's what do you do when there are no jobs? Being self reliant doesn't have a damn
thing to do with it. There are 1.7 million people out there who can't find work. Wart Mart
isn't going to offer someone with two degrees a job as a greeter. Even if they do, try
supporting a family on $8 an hour (you'll love the medical benefits too).

This country has been pushing towards a service based economy for over a decade. Now we're
stuck with it. A giant third world country....


"scrape at mindspring dot com" <scrape@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> On Mon, 7 Jul 2003 18:38:32 -0700, "Barry White"
> <Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote:
> >> >I worked for Blue Cross for about three years once and let me tell you: the cost of

> >health
> >> >care has absolutely no relationship to the insurance premiums charged. It's

> >> >extortion; like dealing with the mob... Companies like Blue Cross **** money like it

> >was
> >> >water. They are "non-profit" so they have to make sure they don't show any profit

> >> >year; as a result you should see where they squander their booty (they also invest

> >lost
> >> >cause enterprises which are guaranteed money losers; that's not by accident either).
> >>
> >> Blue Cross/Blue Shield is in the process of going "for profit" in
> >> North Carolina. Loads of folks are bitching about that too.

> >
> >Oh that will be a license to cornhole!

> Nonnonono. It will be fine. My premiums only went up 40% this year.
> Great expression, by the way. I will use it freely as if I'd thought
> of it myself.
> <obligatory grin garbage>
> >


You would get sick if you saw how BCBS here in AZ just throws money around everywhere. Of
course as an employee you get free coverage which is great. But for those on the outside,
paying $350 a month for coverage is legalized robbery. And they have the balls to run ads
on TV telling how cheap their coverage is. Of course they quote rates for people like a 14
year old or a 30 year old. When you pass 40, you need a diamond (or gold) mine to pay the


"Barry White" <Singingin@theafterlife.com> wrote in message
> "Paul Jensen" <pjensen@gnt.net> wrote in message

> >
> > "John Hinckley" <Aiming@atBush.com> wrote in message
> > news:Vl4Oa.2198$7e.2064@fed1read07...
> >
> > > taken a look at the unemployment stats lately? I didn't think so.....

> >
> > Is the umemployment rate above 50%? I didn't think so. Most people

> > jobs, like I said...
> >
> >

> You've said nothing and made no salient point. Typical Rushbo shill. All

ass & gas.
> However, if things keep to their current course under the Bush junta, we

could be looking
> at a real unemployment rate near 20% by 2004. Certainly nothing the

Washington man-child
> has done will make things better. Voodoo economics from a voodoo

pResident. And about
> those jobs; real income is equal to about 1979......... Gotta love right

to work and
> union busting Pubicans

Did a union get busted. Only union related thing I remember at all was
Bush's bizarre decision to prop up the Steel Union.

"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner"