DIRTY AIR!!!!! And I am not drunk I am MAD!!! My mother died at age 52
from pulminary fibrosis she got from smog while living in Chicago!!!!
Everyone In my family who lives in rural areas has lived past 80. Now the
smog from other states as well as my own has foged up the air so bad no
one wants to come to my fishing resort!!!!!!!! The ones who do come
constanly ask why they cant see the mountains like they can in the pics on
my web site. The pics were taken 20 years ago before the smog ruined the
view!!!! Cities are filthy and the people who live there dont even notice
the smell of it because they are so use to it, Then they make stupid
remarks at people who try to point out the obvious!
32 mpg and your FORD
wont see anything
but peices of tarmac
my FRONTIER tore up
cracking your windshield

Don't you love it when a drunk finds his way to a computer keyboard?!

99 V-10 Super Duty, Super Cab 4x4

On Fri, 12 Aug 2005 02:24:41 -0400, "cantcatchthis" <degrayct@cei.net>

>The "enviros" are not trying to rob you of your "power rights" they are
>trying to save the planet,You know the place you live and the place your
>kids live. Far more advanced means of making the power you are talking
>about is available. But the auto makers are in bed with the oil

>so they wont invest in new tecnology. The hybrid vehicles are a gimmick,
>The only reason they invested in them is because THEY STILL BURN GAS!

I still say you are a drunk at the keyborad. Regardless, your
spouting off here, (errr trolling actually), tells alot about you and
I would guess your disposition and public behaviour are the reasons
people aren't coming to your fishing resort.

I'm glad you are happy with your little Frontier. I'm equally happy
with my LARGE V-10 powered truck. (If you ever need to haul a real
load or tow a big trailer, let me know and maybe I can take care of it
for you.)

99 V-10 Super Duty, Super Cab 4x4

On Sat, 13 Aug 2005 00:25:13 -0400, "cantcatchthis" <degrayct@cei.net>

>I am not drunk I am MAD!!! My mother died at age 52 from pulminary fibrosis
>she caught from smog while living in Chicago!!!! Everyone In my family who
>lives in rural areas has lived past 80. Now the smog from other states as
>well as my own has foged up the air so bad no one wants to come to my
>fishing resort!!!!!!!! The ones who do come constanly ask why they cant
>see the mountains like they can in the pics on my web site. The pics were
>taken 20 years ago before the smog ruined the view!!!! I WOULD LOVE IT IF
>filthy and the people who live there dont even notice the smell of it
>because they are so use to it, Then they make stupid remarks at people who
>try to point out the obvious!
> 32 mpg and your FORD
> wont see anything
> but peices of tarmac
> my FRONTIER tore up
>Don't you love it when a drunk finds his way to a computer keyboard?!
>99 V-10 Super Duty, Super Cab 4x4
>On Fri, 12 Aug 2005 02:24:41 -0400, "cantcatchthis" <degrayct@cei.net>
>>The "enviros" are not trying to rob you of your "power rights" they are
>>trying to save the planet,You know the place you live and the place your
>>kids live. Far more advanced means of making the power you are talking
>>about is available. But the auto makers are in bed with the oil

>>so they wont invest in new tecnology. The hybrid vehicles are a gimmick,
>>The only reason they invested in them is because THEY STILL BURN GAS!


OK once and for all I dont ever drink anything except water, not even a
coke, so you can stop with your thoughtless insults!I can assure u I do
not need any help hauling anything either. I have a 2005 Titan 4X4 that
does just fine hauling whatever I hook to it including my 24ft striper
boat! The point is I only use it when I have to haul something or go off
road. I dont drive around in it all day felling like king of the road and
wasting gas! I use the frontier for everything else like going to the
dump, getting grocieries, pulling my 16ft crappie boat, racing. Yes
racing!! The "little frontier" will out run and out handle the larger
trucks including my own! None of my customers have ever complained about
my attitude in fact I have longtime cutomers that have been coming here
for 28 years. The ones that have not returned caught plenty of fish but
were upset that the view was so horrable, they said the smog reminded them
of the city they were trying to escape! People come here for peace and
relaxation and the last thing they want to be reminded of is the
filthy,stinky,crime filled,city they left! I just wonder why people get so
upset at "enviros"?
All they are trying to do is clean up a little of the filth we produce.
Agfc issued a warning about trace amount of mercury in the fish that I am
selling!! Guess where mercury comes from? POLLUTION! Yet another reason to
hate the polluting smog heads. Hey,if you go in your garage and close the
door with your truck running what happens? YOU WILL DIE! With over 100,000
new drivers hitting the roads every day how long do you think it will be
before we all die in a cloud of our own making.

OK once and for all I dont ever drink anything except water, not even a
coke, so you can stop with your thoughtless insults!I can assure u I do
not need any help hauling anything either. I have a 2005 Titan 4X4 that
does just fine hauling whatever I hook to it including my 24ft striper
boat! The point is I only use it when I have to haul something or go off
road. I dont drive around in it all day felling like king of the road and
wasting gas! I use the frontier for everything else like going to the
dump, getting grocieries, pulling my 16ft crappie boat, racing. Yes
racing!! The "little frontier" will out run and out handle the larger
trucks including my own! None of my customers have ever complained about
my attitude in fact I have longtime cutomers that have been coming here
for 28 years. The ones that have not returned caught plenty of fish but
were upset that the view was so horrable, they said the smog reminded them
of the city they were trying to escape! People come here for peace and
relaxation and the last thing they want to be reminded of is the
filthy,stinky,crime filled,city they left! I just wonder why people get so
upset at "enviros"?
All they are trying to do is clean up a little of the filth we produce.
Agfc issued a warning about trace amount of mercury in the fish that I am
selling!! Guess where mercury comes from? POLLUTION! Yet another reason to
hate the polluting smog heads. Hey,if you go in your garage and close the
door with your truck running what happens? YOU WILL DIE! With over 100,000
new drivers hitting the roads every day how long do you think it will be
before we all die in a cloud of our own making.

I'm sorry, but with your endless ramblings, offering nothing of value
to a 4x4 newsgroup, I find it hard to believe you aren't drinking
something harder than water.....

Hey, if you really want to make a difference, curb your own pollution.
You know, lead by example. Sell the Titan and the Frontier. Hey, they
both pollute. Try walking, bicycling. (I'd suggest horseback, but
technically they produce emissions as well, if you know what I
mean....) And you certainly need to get rid of your 24ft striper boat
and 16ft crappie boat as they are polluting and wasting our resources.
Try rowing or sailing to your favorite fishing spots. (Not
convenient, but hey, you gotta make the sacrafice, right?) And
RACING?! Geez, talk about non-essential polluting.

Sorry, but you just come across as a ranting lunatic to me......

99 V-10 Super Duty, Super Cab 4x4

On Sun, 14 Aug 2005 00:46:41 -0400, "cantcatchthis" <degrayct@cei.net>

>OK once and for all I dont ever drink anything except water, not even a
>coke, so you can stop with your thoughtless insults!I can assure u I do
>not need any help hauling anything either. I have a 2005 Titan 4X4 that
>does just fine hauling whatever I hook to it including my 24ft striper
>boat! The point is I only use it when I have to haul something or go off
>road. I dont drive around in it all day felling like king of the road and
>wasting gas! I use the frontier for everything else like going to the
>dump, getting grocieries, pulling my 16ft crappie boat, racing. Yes
>racing!! The "little frontier" will out run and out handle the larger
>trucks including my own! None of my customers have ever complained about
>my attitude in fact I have longtime cutomers that have been coming here
>for 28 years. The ones that have not returned caught plenty of fish but
>were upset that the view was so horrable, they said the smog reminded them
>of the city they were trying to escape! People come here for peace and
>relaxation and the last thing they want to be reminded of is the
>filthy,stinky,crime filled,city they left! I just wonder why people get so
>upset at "enviros"?
>All they are trying to do is clean up a little of the filth we produce.
>Agfc issued a warning about trace amount of mercury in the fish that I am
>selling!! Guess where mercury comes from? POLLUTION! Yet another reason to
>hate the polluting smog heads. Hey,if you go in your garage and close the
>door with your truck running what happens? YOU WILL DIE! With over 100,000
>new drivers hitting the roads every day how long do you think it will be
>before we all die in a cloud of our own making.

don't cofuse the poor guy with facts.
old john

Hello, Matt!
You wrote on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 09:04:24 -0700:

MM> Hey, if you really want to make a difference, curb your own pollution.
MM> You know, lead by example. Sell the Titan and the Frontier. Hey, they
MM> both pollute. Try walking, bicycling. (I'd suggest horseback, but
MM> technically they produce emissions as well, if you know what I
MM> mean....) And you certainly need to get rid of your 24ft striper boat
MM> and 16ft crappie boat as they are polluting and wasting our resources.
MM> Try rowing or sailing to your favorite fishing spots. (Not
MM> convenient, but hey, you gotta make the sacrafice, right?) And
MM> RACING?! Geez, talk about non-essential polluting.

MM> Sorry, but you just come across as a ranting lunatic to me......

MM> Matt
MM> 99 V-10 Super Duty, Super Cab 4x4

MM> On Sun, 14 Aug 2005 00:46:41 -0400, "cantcatchthis" <degrayct@cei.net>
MM> wrote:

??>> OK once and for all I dont ever drink anything except water, not even
??>> a coke, so you can stop with your thoughtless insults!I can assure u I
??>> do not need any help hauling anything either. I have a 2005 Titan 4X4
??>> that does just fine hauling whatever I hook to it including my 24ft
??>> striper boat! The point is I only use it when I have to haul something
??>> or go off road. I dont drive around in it all day felling like king of
??>> the road and wasting gas! I use the frontier for everything else like
??>> going to the dump, getting grocieries, pulling my 16ft crappie boat,
??>> racing. Yes racing!! The "little frontier" will out run and out handle
??>> the larger trucks including my own! None of my customers have ever
??>> complained about my attitude in fact I have longtime cutomers that
??>> have been coming here for 28 years. The ones that have not returned
??>> caught plenty of fish but were upset that the view was so horrable,
??>> they said the smog reminded them of the city they were trying to
??>> escape! People come here for peace and relaxation and the last thing
??>> they want to be reminded of is the filthy,stinky,crime filled,city
??>> they left! I just wonder why people get so upset at "enviros"? All
??>> they are trying to do is clean up a little of the filth we
??>> produce. Agfc issued a warning about trace amount of mercury in the
??>> fish that I am selling!! Guess where mercury comes from? POLLUTION!
??>> Yet another reason to hate the polluting smog heads. Hey,if you go in
??>> your garage and close the door with your truck running what happens?
??>> YOU WILL DIE! With over 100,000 new drivers hitting the roads every
??>> day how long do you think it will be before we all die in a cloud of
??>> our own making.

With best regards, ajeeperman@comcast.net. E-mail: ajeeperman@comcast.net

Let me get this straight... if you close your garage door
with either your Frontier or Titan running, you WON'T die?
Oh, they're both gassers...so, you will die... so your
point about pollution is nothing but hypocrisy or could it
be just as simple as you "bragging" about your new Titan?
If you are really concerned about pollution or fuel
consumption, you should drive around town in a VW Rabbit
TDI. Not your type? Each one to his own, eh?

BTW, mercury pollution is mainly from manufacturing
processes, not emissions from IC engines. Lay off the
firewater before you tap on the keyboard so you can make a
little sense. Jeez...

"cantcatchthis" <degrayct@cei.net> wrote in message
> OK once and for all I dont ever drink anything except

water, not even a
> coke, so you can stop with your thoughtless insults!I can

assure u I do
> not need any help hauling anything either. I have a 2005

Titan 4X4 that
> does just fine hauling whatever I hook to it including my

24ft striper
> boat! The point is I only use it when I have to haul

something or go off
> road. I dont drive around in it all day felling like king

of the road and
> wasting gas! I use the frontier for everything else like

going to the
> dump, getting grocieries, pulling my 16ft crappie boat,

racing. Yes
> racing!! The "little frontier" will out run and out handle

the larger
> trucks including my own! None of my customers have ever

complained about
> my attitude in fact I have longtime cutomers that have

been coming here
> for 28 years. The ones that have not returned caught

plenty of fish but
> were upset that the view was so horrable, they said the

smog reminded them
> of the city they were trying to escape! People come here

for peace and
> relaxation and the last thing they want to be reminded of

is the
> filthy,stinky,crime filled,city they left! I just wonder

why people get so
> upset at "enviros"?
> All they are trying to do is clean up a little of the

filth we produce.
> Agfc issued a warning about trace amount of mercury in the

fish that I am
> selling!! Guess where mercury comes from? POLLUTION! Yet

another reason to
> hate the polluting smog heads. Hey,if you go in your

garage and close the
> door with your truck running what happens? YOU WILL DIE!

With over 100,000
> new drivers hitting the roads every day how long do you

think it will be
> before we all die in a cloud of our own making.

Like I said I drive the TITAN only when I have to. The frointer is the most
fuel efficent truck available! . In addition I have installed a number of
devices on both trucks that increase fuel efficency "I Take them off on
race day".When they finally get around to making something more efficent I
will buy it!!! As for the boats all of them are outfitted with evinrude
E-tec outboards. I dont know if you know anything about boats or not,but
look up this type of outboard and do some studying! I havent seen a cloud
of smoke or smelled burned oil since I bought them 4 months ago!! I am as
efficient as possable my resort has geo-thermal heat/air,and solar
lighting! Everyone has to drive and consume energy to live now days, It is
up to you to do it wisely or foolishly. I have a two story house and 7
cabins my electric bill is probally less per month than what you pay for a
week worth of gas! I drive a mile and a half a day during the week that is
my round trip from the resort to the water. On sunday the only other place
I go is to church in the afternoon. Saturday is the store day and race day.
Sturday is my busiest day and total i will travel less than 35 miles. DO
the math I drive less than fifty miles a week! I consume about 25 gallon a
week in my boats. In my opinion I have curbed my emissions what about you?!
And my "endless ramblings" have something to do with everyone living on
this planet even the immortal people posting in 4x4 news group. It is your
choice to be efficent,clean,have low bills or do the stupid thing and
follow the other smogheads wasting all thier money on energy!

Honestly, I don't think you know enough about the big picture to be
having this disussion. You are one of these "Johnny come lately"
environmentalists who makes what they think are "significant" changes
to curb your energy use and all of a sudden, you deem yourself an
expert and then take offense at everyone else who you *THINK* is
wasting energy.

OK, let's say you only "drive the Titan only when you have to". Did
you buy either the Titan or the Frontier new? If so, you are hurting
our environment. Significant energy is used to build these trucks -
manufacturing the steel, forming the plastics, etc., etc. Even if you
didn't buy these trucks new, (and I think it is a safe bet you bought
at least the Titan new....), why didn't you really make an effort and
instead buy an older diesel powered truck? If you really want to help
make a difference, you could be making your own environmentally
friendlier bio-diesel. Not only would you have saved energy in the
manufacturing sector by recycling a vehicle, you would also now be
recycling used vegitable oil and saving our precious petroleum for
more "necessary" uses.

I commend you for your E-tec outboards. I read about them some time
back. But you just bought them four months ago? Your track record as
an "environmentalist/conserver" doesn't seem to be that long......
What were you doing to conserve in regards to boating before that?

My suggestion is for you to change your tact on this newsgroup and
elsewhere. Rededicate yourself to REALLY conserving energy. You have
taken a few positive steps, but there are little old ladies out there
doing more and haven't even changed their lifestyle one bit. Stop
that needless racing for sure! Then, once you have some real
experience, share your energy saving/pollution reducing successes with
people (but in the appropriate newsgroups) in a positive, helpful way
and not this heavy fisted, irate and condescending way you have here.

99 V-10 Super Duty, Super Cab 4x4

On Sun, 14 Aug 2005 23:45:41 -0400, "cantcatchthis" <degrayct@cei.net>

>Like I said I drive the TITAN only when I have to. The frointer is the most
>fuel efficent truck available! . In addition I have installed a number of
>devices on both trucks that increase fuel efficency "I Take them off on
>race day".When they finally get around to making something more efficent I
>will buy it!!! As for the boats all of them are outfitted with evinrude
>E-tec outboards. I dont know if you know anything about boats or not,but
>look up this type of outboard and do some studying! I havent seen a cloud
>of smoke or smelled burned oil since I bought them 4 months ago!! I am as
>efficient as possable my resort has geo-thermal heat/air,and solar
>lighting! Everyone has to drive and consume energy to live now days, It is
>up to you to do it wisely or foolishly. I have a two story house and 7
>cabins my electric bill is probally less per month than what you pay for a
>week worth of gas! I drive a mile and a half a day during the week that is
>my round trip from the resort to the water. On sunday the only other place
>I go is to church in the afternoon. Saturday is the store day and race day.
>Sturday is my busiest day and total i will travel less than 35 miles. DO
>the math I drive less than fifty miles a week! I consume about 25 gallon a
>week in my boats. In my opinion I have curbed my emissions what about you?!
>And my "endless ramblings" have something to do with everyone living on
>this planet even the immortal people posting in 4x4 news group. It is your
>choice to be efficent,clean,have low bills or do the stupid thing and
>follow the other smogheads wasting all thier money on energy!

On Mon, 15 Aug 2005 08:37:34 -0700, Matt Mead
<mdmead@DELETETHIScharter.net> wrote:

>Honestly, I don't think you know enough about the big picture to be
>having this disussion. You are one of these "Johnny come lately"
>environmentalists who makes what they think are "significant" changes
>to curb your energy use and all of a sudden, you deem yourself an
>expert and then take offense at everyone else who you *THINK* is
>wasting energy.

OK, let's be totally blunt! The only way to significantly reduce
pollution is to *significatly limit* population.

Why do you need to drive a truck when you can drive a sedan
that can get almost double the fuel efficiency?

It's noveau pseudo-environmentalist-wannabes like you that
give environmentalists an even worse name!

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Haven't laughed this much in a while! At
least, thank you for the comic relief... you really ought to
lay off drinking for a while, though... On the other hand,
drinking may sometimes work as an excuse for one's sorry

"cantcatchthis" <degrayct@cei.net> wrote in message
> Like I said I drive the TITAN only when I have to. The

frointer is the most
> fuel efficent truck available! . In addition I have

installed a number of
> devices on both trucks that increase fuel efficency "I

Take them off on
> race day".When they finally get around to making something

more efficent I
> will buy it!!! As for the boats all of them are outfitted

with evinrude
> E-tec outboards. I dont know if you know anything about

boats or not,but
> look up this type of outboard and do some studying! I

havent seen a cloud
> of smoke or smelled burned oil since I bought them 4

months ago!! I am as
> efficient as possable my resort has geo-thermal

heat/air,and solar
> lighting! Everyone has to drive and consume energy to live

now days, It is
> up to you to do it wisely or foolishly. I have a two story

house and 7
> cabins my electric bill is probally less per month than

what you pay for a
> week worth of gas! I drive a mile and a half a day during

the week that is
> my round trip from the resort to the water. On sunday the

only other place
> I go is to church in the afternoon. Saturday is the store

day and race day.
> Sturday is my busiest day and total i will travel less

than 35 miles. DO
> the math I drive less than fifty miles a week! I consume

about 25 gallon a
> week in my boats. In my opinion I have curbed my emissions

what about you?!
> And my "endless ramblings" have something to do with

everyone living on
> this planet even the immortal people posting in 4x4 news

group. It is your
> choice to be efficent,clean,have low bills or do the

stupid thing and
> follow the other smogheads wasting all thier money on


in article uu22g1p5qbjkjagf15vcaos1spcu2b1kc1@4ax.com, Peter D. Hipson at
phipson@deletethisword.darkstar.mv.com wrote on 8/15/05 2:42 PM:

> On Mon, 15 Aug 2005 08:37:34 -0700, Matt Mead
> <mdmead@DELETETHIScharter.net> wrote:
>> Honestly, I don't think you know enough about the big picture to be
>> having this disussion. You are one of these "Johnny come lately"
>> environmentalists who makes what they think are "significant" changes
>> to curb your energy use and all of a sudden, you deem yourself an
>> expert and then take offense at everyone else who you *THINK* is
>> wasting energy.

> OK, let's be totally blunt! The only way to significantly reduce
> pollution is to *significatly limit* population.

I don't think it really matters what you drive. I did a bunch of Googling
one day at work, looking at the raw data on US energy consumption, and what
I came up with was this: The entire transportation sector uses less than 25%
of the US energy tab annually. Passenger cars use less than a third of that
25%, or, considerably less than 10% of the total. So... do the math. If
every single person bought a Prius and used a third of the fuel they are
using now, all you've done is reduce the overall usage by a couple
percentage points, since all you are doing is affecting that 8% or so that
is passenger car consumption. The real kicker here is that reducing, say,
2004 energy usage by a couple percentage points only gets us to about 2001
overall energy use levels. Anyone paying attention knows that 2001
consumption levels were taking us to hell in a handbasket!

It's very easy for the guy in his Subaru or Camry to feel morally superior
to someone in an SUV, but that's just laughable. Any American driving a
car, living in a house, and just sort of being an American is a consumer and
polluter of such magnitude that a little better gas mileage does not really
matter. The Chinese shoes on your feet took one hell of a toll by the time
they were made in China, boated to the US on a container ship, and trucked
all over the country to the stores, for example.

I'm not on a high horse here; I'm a part of the problem just like we all
are. I own a '95 Land Cruiser (15 mpg), a '97 Wrangler (17 mpg), and a
Volvo 240 (30 mpg). They all get used when I need that type of rig for a
given job.

I don't doubt that the gentleman with the guide service on the lake is upset
about the pollution. As an avid outdoorsman, it literally makes me ill to
think about it. Unfortunatly, the solution is out of reach. It's not like
we are going to significantly change our lives/lifestyles, collectively
speaking, for the enviroment. We all gotta do what we gotta do. When I
want to go somewhere, I get in the car and go, and unfortuantly so do all
you other ****ers! :)

Here's an analogy that I think is telling. One of the huge bays in the
Northeast, like the Hudson (but don't bust my balls if that's not the one)
has a nitrogen problem. The nitrogen is from the septic systems of all the
houses around this bay. Unfortunatly, the nitrogen that is hitting the bay
right now, and is a huge, unfixable problem in it's own right, was pooped
down the toilets in the 60's and 70's! The REAL nitrogen "surge" won't get
to the bay, via the soil, for decades; this is just the leading edge of all
that nitrogen. That bay is ****ED. That's essentially how I see the larger
enviromental issues. We have already done the damage; what we are seeing
NOW is the result of the stuff we did decades ago, and the price for our
(much larger) present-day sins won't be paid until much later. Pretty
