Disco Divette

New Member

Getting my new-to-me Disco later next week ... can't wait but in the meantime I am looking into getting a THB handsfree kit and I'd also like to wire my i-pod into the stereo ... has anyone already done that with their i-pod, is there a relevant auxilary socket at the back of the standard kit?

By the way, it's a 2002 ES model. Cheers :)
If it doesn't have cruise control you can fit that for about £30 in an hour!
Just fit two switches .... job done!

I did mine, and I love it.

Blank the EGR as soon as possible. It took my average from about 27/28 mpg to nearly 35!

Hi - sorry to be :eek: but what is EGR and how would I go about blanking it???

Before you lot let loose, let's find out if Disco Divette is young and beautiful and friendly .....

Then we advise her to check the threads for TD5 EGR.

But if it's a typical thick ugly bloke .... do your worst!

Oops, see I was bound to fall in that trap, this tinterweb lark is fraught with danger hehehe!!

Off to find the search button now, as for young, beautiful and friendly, well that would be telling lol!
Oops, see I was bound to fall in that trap, this tinterweb lark is fraught with danger hehehe!!

Off to find the search button now, as for young, beautiful and friendly, well that would be telling lol!

Dammit Boys!
I am doing my best but the furthest I have got is that she's a LadyLandyLover.

Apart from that she's not giving much away.

If we knew where she stays one of us could nip over and fit the EGR, then come back and make a full report.

I'll need to be careful here or my beloved HBG will be smacking me about for three-timing her.

she ain't giving her location away either is she. oh well I will welcome her to the Loony Zone and say HI.
Hello you mad lot!!!

I'm right on the West Wilts / Somerset border, in Westbury - anyone nearby I can wave at????

Thanks CharlesY for the advice, I'm looking into that, anyway to save a few bob gets my vote!!

Loving this forum, how nice to have such friendly, helpful - oh yes, and barking mad - folk about :)

Will let you all know how I get on. In the meantime, only 3 more sleeps till I pick up my Disco and I CAN'T WAIT :D
Hi :D ... waving madly!!

Hmmmmm........... watch out for that Griffdowg guy ..... he's a wow with the ladies so I heard ............. but I bet he'll see to your EGR question in no time flat.

I'm only about 400 miles north if you care to pop up ..

Bless ya, might take you up on that yet ... the instructions sound right if you have the tools and know what the other bits look like (all those things you have to move out of the way!)

To me though it's all :confused: - but never mind!
Charlesy you tart!

Believe it!
My natural charm, and my four Landies big workshop and millions of tools contribute to my being irresistible to LandyLadies.

By the way, for Heaven's sake don't tell Hybridgirl .... jealousy is a powerful emotion, and I don't need to be on the wrong end of a series starting handle!

Believe it!
My natural charm, and my four Landies big workshop and millions of tools contribute to my being irresistible to LandyLadies.

By the way, for Heaven's sake don't tell Hybridgirl .... jealousy is a powerful emotion, and I don't need to be on the wrong end of a series starting handle!


OY! Woss goin on ere then??! Eh??! Turn me back fer FIVE minits an yer off cavortin wi other wimmins!! :rolleyes: An woss that post about three timing me??! THREE timing??!! THREE TIMING????!! Grrrr..!
OY! Woss goin on ere then??! Eh??! Turn me back fer FIVE minits an yer off cavortin wi other wimmins!! :rolleyes: An woss that post about three timing me??! THREE timing??!! THREE TIMING????!! Grrrr..!

Australia .... maybe New Zealand ..... fast jet .... false passport .......
Not if I get there 1st hey charlesy swap yer 2 landies and half yer tools for a passport & a ticket to Sydney.

If the frost here doesn't lift soon that's going to be a tempting offer!

It hasn't been above freezing day or night for a week.

If HBG was here there would be plenty warmth though.


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