Thanks, I will try not to bump into you coming out.

If you have a rational argument any time, do let me know. ;)
Thanks, I will try not to bump into you coming out.

If you have a rational argument any time, do let me know. ;)
There are no rational arguments with conspiracy theorists.

Why shouldn't Nodge, or anyone else, state there preference for an end to fossil fuel use at some future time?

No need to go into a rant about it.
In any case, I thought you were leaving?
He he. Spent a bit too long sniffing that cow 5hit eh? Whilst you don't warrant it, I will respond 'as if' you are at least capable of rational thought, never mind behaviour... (I know you're not, but it's good to remain positive isn't it?)

There are no rational arguments with conspiracy theorists.

You have no rational arguments, that's why you have to call me names instead of trying to offer one. If you had any intellectual courage or open-mindedness, you might have mentioned what exactly you’re calling a "conspiracy theory" so I could respond and perhaps even educate you, God knows you need it. But naaah, way too dangerous that discussion stuff isn’t it!

Nodge gave his opinion, fair play. I gave mine, fair play? Oh, no definitely not because you don’t agree with it, I see. Just another tyrant in waiting aren't we. Someone says something you don’t agree with and you respond with names. BURN HER, SHE’S A WITCH! Hasn’t humanity progressed!

Nodge said: “At least the oil companies won't be able to hold the entire globe to ransom.” - That doesn’t qualify as a conspiracy theory, but my beliefs do? Oh dear.

Why shouldn't Nodge, or anyone else, state there preference for an end to fossil fuel use at some future time?
Erm, no you’ve got confused again. Did I say Nodge (or anyone) “shouldn’t” state their (Note: that’s E before I. You’re welcome.) preference? On the contrary, it is MY firm belief that Nodge SHOULD state his opinion if he wants to, that’s why I didn’t attack him for it, or call him names, or recommend a doctor appointment for him. I respect his opinion. I just politely explained my opinion which in some ways differs, but in other ways is on exactly the same page. Along came some moron, having had no part in the discussion, and opens with name-calling and insults, suggesting I need my head looked at.

Yet you can’t even see that YOU are the one trying to attack people and shut people up. Nobody else has done that here except you! Tell me, is this the only psychosis you suffer from? I can see how you knew the way to the trick-cyclist’s office. :D

I chose polite conversation. You chose insults. Yeah, your way is far superior. Keep taking the meds sweetie, and I'd recommend you up the dosage on anti-psychotics, pronto.

P.S. I suspect you're scared of words (you're clearly scared of conversation) so in case your ever-so-stable mind tells you this is a rant, I am perfectly calm and it's perfectly coherent, so it isn't one of those. But if it 'feels' that way to you, let me know and I will post it translated into pictures for you. That's my way of extending you an olive branch as I do like to help the disadvantaged whenever I can. :)
He he. Spent a bit too long sniffing that cow 5hit eh? Whilst you don't warrant it, I will respond 'as if' you are at least capable of rational thought, never mind behaviour... (I know you're not, but it's good to remain positive isn't it?)

You have no rational arguments, that's why you have to call me names instead of trying to offer one. If you had any intellectual courage or open-mindedness, you might have mentioned what exactly you’re calling a "conspiracy theory" so I could respond and perhaps even educate you, God knows you need it. But naaah, way too dangerous that discussion stuff isn’t it!

Nodge gave his opinion, fair play. I gave mine, fair play? Oh, no definitely not because you don’t agree with it, I see. Just another tyrant in waiting aren't we. Someone says something you don’t agree with and you respond with names. BURN HER, SHE’S A WITCH! Hasn’t humanity progressed!

Nodge said: “At least the oil companies won't be able to hold the entire globe to ransom.” - That doesn’t qualify as a conspiracy theory, but my beliefs do? Oh dear.

Erm, no you’ve got confused again. Did I say Nodge (or anyone) “shouldn’t” state their (Note: that’s E before I. You’re welcome.) preference? On the contrary, it is MY firm belief that Nodge SHOULD state his opinion if he wants to, that’s why I didn’t attack him for it, or call him names, or recommend a doctor appointment for him. I respect his opinion. I just politely explained my opinion which in some ways differs, but in other ways is on exactly the same page. Along came some moron, having had no part in the discussion, and opens with name-calling and insults, suggesting I need my head looked at.

Yet you can’t even see that YOU are the one trying to attack people and shut people up. Nobody else has done that here except you! Tell me, is this the only psychosis you suffer from? I can see how you knew the way to the trick-cyclist’s office. :D

I chose polite conversation. You chose insults. Yeah, your way is far superior. Keep taking the meds sweetie, and I'd recommend you up the dosage on anti-psychotics, pronto.

P.S. I suspect you're scared of words (you're clearly scared of conversation) so in case your ever-so-stable mind tells you this is a rant, I am perfectly calm and it's perfectly coherent, so it isn't one of those. But if it 'feels' that way to you, let me know and I will post it translated into pictures for you. That's my way of extending you an olive branch as I do like to help the disadvantaged whenever I can. :)
I suggest you try posting about all that in AG. Not really the place for it on the public forum.

Or, you could just look up the many previous discussions of all these subjects.
Not a clue what you're on about, but I note your avoidance of any of the specifics, much as expected.
Your first suggestion to me was to see a psychiatrist, suggesting I am mentally ill (as is a close relative of mine, nice one).
So forgive me if your 'suggestions' aren't likely to have a great uptake rate with me after that. That said, I have to ask...

Try posting about all that in AG

All what? No idea what you're referring to. OPEC? Fending off irrational idiotic online bullies? Supporting open discussion and freedom of expression as a path to positive change in the world?
What is "AG" when it's at home?

Or, you could just look up the many previous discussions of all these subjects.

All WHAT subjects?! Not sure why you seem to think I am looking for suggestions from you, guidance from you, or in fact anything from you (except rational discussion which obviously was never on the cards :D). Why would I want to look up anything? I read an opinion posted by someone on a forum thread I am actively involved in. I then commented on it and gave my own opinion, partially in agreement and partially in disagreement. How could any other thread be of any use? Did those posters know my opinions on anything? Or is this another weak and intellectually dishonest attempt to 'shut me up', when the insults didn't work first time as they probably usually do for you? Pray tell.

(Cue another incoherent tactical retreat, don't run away, you can't back up your points because you haven't dared to make any, but you could at least back up your insults, you know, in as gentlemanly a way as possible :D)
I was always told it depended on whether the pump was lubricated with engine oil or relied totally on the diesel it pumped.
Those that were lubed with engine oil tended to not suffer.
A son in law used ornery chip oil from the supermarket for quite a while until it got more expensive then diesel, with no ill effects.
Don't know what vehicle on though.
Not a clue what you're on about, but I note your avoidance of any of the specifics, much as expected.
Your first suggestion to me was to see a psychiatrist, suggesting I am mentally ill (as is a close relative of mine, nice one).
So forgive me if your 'suggestions' aren't likely to have a great uptake rate with me after that. That said, I have to ask...

All what? No idea what you're referring to. OPEC? Fending off irrational idiotic online bullies? Supporting open discussion and freedom of expression as a path to positive change in the world?
What is "AG" when it's at home?

All WHAT subjects?! Not sure why you seem to think I am looking for suggestions from you, guidance from you, or in fact anything from you (except rational discussion which obviously was never on the cards :D). Why would I want to look up anything? I read an opinion posted by someone on a forum thread I am actively involved in. I then commented on it and gave my own opinion, partially in agreement and partially in disagreement. How could any other thread be of any use? Did those posters know my opinions on anything? Or is this another weak and intellectually dishonest attempt to 'shut me up', when the insults didn't work first time as they probably usually do for you? Pray tell.

(Cue another incoherent tactical retreat, don't run away, you can't back up your points because you haven't dared to make any, but you could at least back up your insults, you know, in as gentlemanly a way as possible :D)
AG is the area of the forum for non Land Rover related subjects. It is very interesting.

As an observation, I didn't say you needed a psychiatrist, just gave an imaginary location of one, it was a light hearted response to your flounce.

I almost wish I was seeing one myself, it might have given me an excuse to get out of the jury service in which I am engaged at present.

Biodiesel in old engines? The truth is nobody knows. Personally, I would play it safe and use additive, as I have commented earlier in the thread.
To add...I do know of someone who ran a td4 freelander on it and the pump packed up after a bit.
Bio not wvo.
Useful comment thanks. I have heard this a few times now, trouble is you can't know how "polished" their Bio was, some people call some pretty mucky stuff "biodiesel", others are anal and want something as pure as snow. That said, it might take more balls than I have to risk my TD5 even with biodiesel that could be used as holy water!
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AG is the area of the forum for non Land Rover related subjects. It is very interesting.
Going by what you've said above, it sounds like it's just a hang out for "conspiracy theorists" and the mentally ill. Maybe I should take a look after all, I'll obviously fit right in :). I wonder if Nodge is in there, maybe there's a thread about the global conspiracy of OPEC. I hope so, as I believe that "conspiracy theory" as strongly as he does.

As an observation, I didn't say you needed a psychiatrist
OH! In that case I apologise. I must have completely misunderstood what you were getting at when you said:

Bye, then.

The psychiatrists office is second on the left down the corridor on your way out.

I totall missed the 'light-heartedness' of your quirky and harmless bit of comedy. My mistake entirely I am sure.

I almost wish I was seeing one myself, it might have given me an excuse to get out of the jury service in which I am engaged at present.
I don't envy you that. I do feel for the accused a little though. I'd hope my jury would consist of people who listen to the evidence before casting judgement. Wish him/her luck from me.
Useful comment thanks. I have heard this a few times now, trouble is you can't know how "polished" their Bio was, some people call some pretty mucky stuff "biodiesel", others are anal and want something as pure as snow.
On an old DI diesel, with decent filtration, I would imagine VO would be OK used neat. I'd not use used VO at all, as it's full of unpleasant byproduct of cooking, although it's obviously been heat treated of sorts.
If all cooking byproducts can be removed, and any moisture too, then it may be ok, but it's a right old faff to get it clean enough to use.

With modern common rail diesels, or even Pump Douse diesels, VO could potentially cause damage, which is expensive to fix. It's a bit viscous, a lot more than pump diesel, so the HP pump or PD injectors will be working harder than they were designed to do.
I suppose mixing it with diesel or other hydrocarbon fuel would thin it down, but I personally wouldn't risk it.
You can buy a lot of diesel for £200 odd that each damaged injector costs to replace.
On an old DI diesel, with decent filtration, I would imagine VO would be OK used neat. I'd not use used VO at all, as it's full of unpleasant byproduct of cooking, although it's obviously been heat treated of sorts.
If all cooking byproducts can be removed, and any moisture too, then it may be ok, but it's a right old faff to get it clean enough to use.

With modern common rail diesels, or even Pump Douse diesels, VO could potentially cause damage, which is expensive to fix. It's a bit viscous, a lot more than pump diesel, so the HP pump or PD injectors will be working harder than they were designed to do.
I suppose mixing it with diesel or other hydrocarbon fuel would thin it down, but I personally wouldn't risk it.
You can buy a lot of diesel for £200 odd that each damaged injector costs to replace.

Yep, exactliy! I definitely wouldn't go down the "just thin it with a bit of petrol" route which I hear a fair bit. Not to say it can't work, I might try it in a tractor or old green laner, but not on the only road going vehicle I have, which already costs enough to keep running (and hole-free!)

PS Thanks for yours (and others') useful input on this thread. I am gonna have to unsub now as it's clearly a magnet for a few in-bred, intellectually challenged, oxygen-theives. I have this terrible habit of listening to people and responding to what they say, wasted on some of this pond-life and much better things to be doing, like mixing with humans with something between the old ears. Cheers :)
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On an old DI diesel, with decent filtration, I would imagine VO would be OK used neat. I'd not use used VO at all, as it's full of unpleasant byproduct of cooking, although it's obviously been heat treated of sorts.
If all cooking byproducts can be removed, and any moisture too, then it may be ok, but it's a right old faff to get it clean enough to use.

With modern common rail diesels, or even Pump Douse diesels, VO could potentially cause damage, which is expensive to fix. It's a bit viscous, a lot more than pump diesel, so the HP pump or PD injectors will be working harder than they were designed to do.
I suppose mixing it with diesel or other hydrocarbon fuel would thin it down, but I personally wouldn't risk it.
You can buy a lot of diesel for £200 odd that each damaged injector costs to replace.

What about unit injectors?
I'd consider them as the same as Pumpe Düse (PD) injectors, as the pump and control solenoid are in the same unit, driven from a lobe on the camshaft. ;)

So the pds are actually EUIs then?

Seen old style UIs on big engines.
So the pds are actually EUIs then?

Same operation, similar layout. All unit injectors operate in a similar manner, and have done since the diesel engine first appeared.
Modern unit injectors use electronic control to fire them, whereas older designs used either a mechanical control, or even pressure control, depending on application, but all have the injection pump and spray nozzle in the same unit.

Unit injectors aren't used in many vehicles now, as difficult to make them inject on the exhaust stroke, to keep the DPF happy, so DPF equipped vehicles use common rail injection instead.

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