Hello All,

Let me put it too you straight. I screwed up.

I now realize that I did spam, it was however more unintentional than you think. I am new at this forum thing and at eBay and Defenders. Although I have belonged to eBay since 2003 the first item I ever sold were these fuel filler recess covers for the Defender.

I can only explain my actions by saying this. I live in the Sumava Mountains and, in November 2007, fulfilled a lifetime dream of owning a Defender. I spent the first year without a garage and dealt with digging mud, snow and ice out of my fuel filler recess as I came up with the idea of making a cover – out of necessity. We all have ideas and I have many, the problem is seeing ideas through to the end, mostly I get halfway through before I realize it wasn’t such a good idea and it dies. This idea not only worked, it worked great. I got excited and spammed.

I put my first covers up on eBay and got unexpected results and super feedback. Even more unexpected were the many, many inquiries I received. Ding, ding went the little bell in the head and I have been working feverously since that day to get material and get my tool on a machine. I have now produced over 10,000 and sold a good bit of those. Companies are discussing exclusive rights in 3 countries and I have agreed with the big boys to halt single sales on Feb 15th. It seems that the single item price they have in mind is about triple of mine.

I am truly interested in your input and I realize that 99% of you probably understand more about Land Rover and Defenders than I.
I have three completely new Defender ideas in the working, all something that most owners would like because they are actually useful and helpful on a daily basis. I am afraid to mention them here for fear of spamming but will certainly search for a method to present them in a different way and invite constructive comments and criticism. How to do this is a bit difficult. I will need to explain the idea early enough in the project to be able to make positive changes but I don’t want to have the idea ripped off.

Anyway, thank you all for your feedback, and sorry that I spammed.
why not offer some of the goods to people on here to test to destruction ? that way your products will hit the ground running and you will get genuine feedback from defender users ?
the word will also get around the land rover owners a lot quicker than advertising unknown products. if they are that good then you should be willing to give away a few hundred units in order to get the feedback as to how good they are/work.
Maybe you could set-up a website (you can get these free, look at mine!) and then just link it to the bottom of your sig! (like mine!) then your not spamming are you?

to be fair, i wouldnt call it direct spamming. generally we get non LR related products, most are not written by people but are automated and i feel this bloke has a niche product.

If you want my opinion, the fuel filler recess plate is complete bollox. why do you really need one? I dont need one. Not in mud, snow or sand. The fuel cap is sealed so you wont get water/dirt/mud ingress. Its F^%&ng pointless really. Just another piece of unfunctional crap for people to stick on their landy's. Does no-one think this? or are you all blindsided by the fact its a new idea?

i would however like to see the same thing for the rear door handle recess as fesh fesh sand in the sahara has blocked up the barrel and hindered the lock mech. That would be more functional than what you have got now.

Sorry, just being honest ;)

Only the rear doors?
Just curious cus I havent been to the sahara lately

eh? yes the rear door. I dont know what you call the turbulent vortex effect thingy but the sand gets sucked from underneath the moving vehicle up the back door and in. Due to landy crap seals i found an inch of fine sand up against the bulkhead on the drivers side when we got home. like a mini sand dune :D

the rear lock is suseptible to sand/dirt getting in. We did cover it with gaffer tape in the worst areas etc. but it still wasnt the most effective solution.

Maybe you could set-up a website (you can get these free, look at mine!) and then just link it to the bottom of your sig! (like mine!) then your not spamming are you?

to be fair, i wouldnt call it direct spamming. generally we get non LR related products, most are not written by people but are automated and i feel this bloke has a niche product.

If you want my opinion, the fuel filler recess plate is complete bollox. why do you really need one? I dont need one. Not in mud, snow or sand. The fuel cap is sealed so you wont get water/dirt/mud ingress. Its F^%&ng pointless really. Just another piece of unfunctional crap for people to stick on their landy's. Does no-one think this? or are you all blindsided by the fact its a new idea?

i would however like to see the same thing for the rear door handle recess as fesh fesh sand in the sahara has blocked up the barrel and hindered the lock mech. That would be more functional than what you have got now.

Sorry, just being honest ;)


1st - Honesty is the best for all.

2nd - I started a page and added it as my signature, Thank you.

3rd - The cover for the back door recess is already finished. I have the first prototype and tested it yesterday not only on the read door of three Defenders but also the right-hand door of a Series III. I will have a lot of 100 made within the next two weeks and will send you the first sample - Please PM me your address. In fact I will send a bunch of people covers, for testing purposes, in return for feedback and will start a new thread as soon as they are ready.

why not offer some of the goods to people on here to test to destruction ? that way your products will hit the ground running and you will get genuine feedback from defender users ?
the word will also get around the land rover owners a lot quicker than advertising unknown products. if they are that good then you should be willing to give away a few hundred units in order to get the feedback as to how good they are/work.

I guess the best way you could truly give me constructive comments or criticism would be to have a cover to test and destruct. However, thousands of the covers have now been sent to 14 countries and tested on many vehicles; there was never a complaint and only praise.

We are not a big company, the money I’m earning is being saved to purchase another ton of material (the minimum order for black) and start our new projects. If you add the price of the tooling I am actually still running in the red.

I would be willing to send readers of this tread a cover for cost. This may **** off the people who already bought covers for up to GBP 16.36 (he was in the UAE) but if you post your feedback I guess I’m asking for something in return, that should make it OK. I am also obligated to a couple larger customers to refrain from selling single covers on eBay after February 15th, until then it’s OK.

The question now is (hello Mods) How can I legally offer these covers at cost to readers of this thread without spamming?
I'm glad it's working out for you and that you have interest for large orders.

My only criticism of the product is that it is too easy for theiving scum to steal. Maybe at a later date a lockable version may be on the cards.

Good luck.:)
That website was quick! well done :)


I actually had the domain for a few months and a prepared presentation for eBay. You just kicked me in the ass which got the two together. Thanks again and I really would like to send you the first rear door recess cover.
After being cleared from the guy above – I’ll try to do it right.

I would like to invite all Defender and newer Series owners in the LandyZone forum to purchase my new product for my cost, delivered to your door anywhere within the European Union. This is limited to one cover per order and ends at midnight February 15th 2009. Following this date you will never be able to buy single covers from this guy, according to an agreement I have with larger customers.

You can see the product and purchase in the ‘For Sale’ section of this LandyZone Forum Here
ooooooooo look wot i got :D :D :D


  • me new flappy bit.JPG
    me new flappy bit.JPG
    42.3 KB · Views: 207
well what do you think?Initial impressions?Hope you aint tested it to destruction yet
well what do you think?Initial impressions?Hope you aint tested it to destruction yet
tis very snazzy,fits good anurl mite purra finger hole innit to mek it easier ta gerroff but it int wore in yet so...,an gorra sort sum paint out anurl.
it int bin tested yet thou,int bin nowheres after yesterdays little ding dong wiffa corsa

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