D90 Td5

Hi everyone,

I'm currently preparing to swap my rear axle casing on my Defender 90 Td5 with an axle from a (presumed) 300tdi Defender, and whilst I'm at it I am planning on changing a few things like brake discs and pads as they are due a replacement.

I seem to remember, from when I changed my rear wheel bearings a while ago, that one of the bolts to fix the halfshaft to the hub could be screwed in as normal, but once it reached the point where it was pretty much fully screwed in, the bolt became loose, before I had even started applying any real torque to it. The bolt itself can be unscrewed and is undamaged, but the threads in the hole are clearly not right. Therefore, I am in need of a new hub and, as it is an important component, I would like to make sure that I am buying a quality part.

I therefore have two fairly basic questions:
1. Am I correct in saying that RUB500240 is the correct part for my Td5 Defender?
2. Has anyone used aftermarket hubs (Britpart etc.) and had any issues, or are they okay?

Also, if anyone has an axle casing from a Defender 90 Td5 that they'd be willing to sell, I may be interested as it would make some things a little easier for me. (Sorry I can't post in the for sale/wanted section yet so if needed I can remove this part of my post)

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I changed the front hubs on my 300.

I can't remember what I bought - probably just the cheapest - all they are is a big lump of steel.
The thread in the hub can be repaired. Thread repair kits are available and are pretty basic to use. One need to know size and type of bolt you have. Plenty of info on line about "how to" see the you tube.
Thanks for the replies.

I think I'll look to get a new hub, probably a Britpart one, as I seem to remember that there was a small cut in the hub. I can only guess it's from someone cutting through a bearing race with an angle grinder in the past. I'll double check this at some point, but I seem to remember the cut goes into the hole for the drive flange bolts.

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