Yeehaaaw! Got mines today and it fits a treat:D:D:D


Cheers muchly Defendoor mate;):D
You may very well be right, I filled up today and laid it on the pump. I didn't forget it but easily could have. I had tried a bunch of different glues on the cover and nothing holds. I just went out to the garage and tested something. I drilled a hole on the inside top and stuck a cord through. This would work if your worried about forgetting it. I think it would work better on the bottom in the center (thicker lip) and if the cord is thin enough shouldn't affect the seal.


Otherwise - finally found an acceptable (and only) way to print on the thing - Hot Branding. Just did the first covers - hot off the press. What do you think?



They look great, will you be selling the branded ones on ebay soon as i will definetely order...Mark
Yeehaaaw! Got mines today and it fits a treat:D:D:D


Cheers muchly Defendoor mate;):D

Looks really good if I must say so myself. Seems you cleaned up the machine since the last photo. Did you dig out all of that crud or just cover it up?

They look great, will you be selling the branded ones on ebay soon as i will definetely order...Mark

Done. Check out the newest brand. Sending them 100 freshly branded pieces tomorrow to test in March in South Africa.


Here is the link to the DEFENDER TROPHY
I was out today and snapped a few pictures that I put together in a collage.

It is two degrees above zero, raining and absolute gloomy. This is why I came up with the idea for the cover and how much it really helps me on a daily basis

This is part of our two km driveway.


If you want my opinion, the fuel filler recess plate is complete bollox. why do you really need one? I dont need one. Not in mud, snow or sand. The fuel cap is sealed so you wont get water/dirt/mud ingress. Its F^%&ng pointless really. Just another piece of unfunctional crap for people to stick on their landy's. Does no-one think this? or are you all blindsided by the fact its a new idea?

i would however like to see the same thing for the rear door handle recess as fesh fesh sand in the sahara has blocked up the barrel and hindered the lock mech. That would be more functional than what you have got now.

Sorry, just being honest ;)


eh? yes the rear door. I dont know what you call the turbulent vortex effect thingy but the sand gets sucked from underneath the moving vehicle up the back door and in. Due to landy crap seals i found an inch of fine sand up against the bulkhead on the drivers side when we got home. like a mini sand dune :D

the rear lock is suseptible to sand/dirt getting in. We did cover it with gaffer tape in the worst areas etc. but it still wasnt the most effective solution.


A sneak preview

I was out today and snapped a few pictures that I put together in a collage.

It is two degrees above zero, raining and absolute gloomy. This is why I came up with the idea for the cover and how much it really helps me on a daily basis

This is part of our two km driveway.


A sneak preview


Looking good.....cant wait ;)
Defendoor, can i get a tester cover for the rear door please? :) glad you have extended it from the recess over the lock barrel. Hope its a snug fit.

Here's mine fitted. No mud got past it.


Even when wading with a side current it stayed on.


[ame=""]YouTube - Ratty wading in Dorset.[/ame]
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Defendoor, can i get a tester cover for the rear door please? :) glad you have extended it from the recess over the lock barrel. Hope its a snug fit.


I really wish that I could. There are only three in existence and I still have four major problems – Mostly arising from extending the recess over the lock barrel.

Maybe someone out there can lend a hand (idea)

Note: This is the first tool; I have not yet added any structure.


1. When I deform the pieces the sharp inside corners tear out. This is a negative tool, necessary to form the locking ridge. I can probably rectify this problem rather easily by milling a compound radius on the corners.

2. The cover must be cut at two heights (thicknesses). The first is the full height with the locking edge wrapping inside and the second keyhole cover height, laying flat with the surface of the door skin. The locking edge no longer runs through and is therefore weak and floppy making the cover loose fitting. This problem is a bit more complex but I have a fix (with number 4)

3. The raised area to cover the handle does not have enough area to grip. This can easily be fixed by adding a recess on the top and bottom of this area.

4. The keyhole flap is not stable enough to push tight enough against the keyhole to prevent sand and dust from getting in. Any of you who have experienced blowing sand and dust know that it gets everywhere. The strength of the flap could be improved by adding a structural angle or rib from the cover to the flap (the big red line) but it would not help problem number 2. I had thought about gluing an o-ring in but, as those of you following this thread know, there is no glue that holds to this material.

Here is an idea of a fix. I make the cover without the keyhole flap. This automatically fixes numbers 1 and 2. I then cut a slit (about 30mm long) in the side next to the keyhole. I create a second part – a flap that covers the keyhole, goes through the slot and is bent in a way to form a sort of spring pushing on the back wall of the recess.

This cover could be made of ABS or something, would push the cover tight on the keyhole and I could even add a rubber o-ring.

I hope you understand this. What do you think?

Here's mine fitted. No mud got past it.

Even when wading with a side current it stayed on.

Nice pics and glad it worked. You don't happen to have a close up that I could add to the site?
why do you have to have such a sharp radius - looking at the one fitted to a door,, there is plenty of room to make it larger or to have larger radiuses.
why do you have to have such a sharp radius - looking at the one fitted to a door,, there is plenty of room to make it larger or to have larger radiuses.


I think this is the radius that you are talking about. This is a really rough cut cover but I have to cut the corner at the edge of the recess. Arrows show the edge that flaps back and forth and is therefore weak.

I don't, but I'll take one for you.:)

I would appreciate it. One with water flowing over it would be great but how the hell could you position yourself. I still have people telling me that it will get knocked off but no one that has had it knocked off.
I was going to suggest a little tab that fitted into the keyhole of the lock. But thats stoopid incase it snaps off.

I think this is the radius that you are talking about. This is a really rough cut cover but I have to cut the corner at the edge of the recess. Arrows show the edge that flaps back and forth and is therefore weak.

Could you not extend the whole cover so that it hooks around the door edge? Another answer may be to have a suction cup over the top of the lock.:confused:

I would appreciate it. One with water flowing over it would be great but how the hell could you position yourself. I still have people telling me that it will get knocked off but no one that has had it knocked off.

With regards to the water, i'll see what I can do next time I go offroading. I can email you the original of the youtube vid if you want? If you freeze frame it you can see the cover fitted when I come out of the water.

I think this is the radius that you are talking about. This is a really rough cut cover but I have to cut the corner at the edge of the recess. Arrows show the edge that flaps back and forth and is therefore weak.

Yes - they were the radii, but I see from your new pictures that you cant increase the "bottom" Radius. I believe though that you have plenty of room to make the "thickness" over the lock greater - if you were to do this - ie make the hollow over the lock deeper, this would strengthen the lock section and reduce the likelyhood of it splitting. As shown in Green below - either that or make the total depth equal to the depth from the "bulge" to the door.

It would also be possible to increase the size of the cover as shown in the other pic in green - A rib would have to be moulded in to replace the old edge though. - and higher material costs.


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