:jaw: :jaw: :jaw: Amazing, you have a great mind to think of that and Mikey is a genius with all the tools. I just been reading through this whole thread and wow the work put in and the level of quality is awesome but defo needs bigger wheels maybe some like this :D:D
Well we had our first teething issue this week. The truck wouldnt start and the starter was clicking. Not a problem as access is easy LOL but i tried it a couple more times and smoke started pouring out of the window switch panel, so i panicked and whipped it out had a feel around and nothing was hot, then the smell of burning skin and a delayed pain feeling! I put my thumb against the handbrake cable and it was almost glowing orange it was that hot. Turns out the engine to chassis earth had failed and the engine was earthing itself through the handbrake cable. In turn this melted it and seized the handbrake on! So I cut the cable off by the drum to release the handbrake, and then fitted a new earth strap and so far so good. Just need to fit the new handbrake cable now!
Guys, LRO have contacted me to say they want to put my truck in the mag! Does anyone have any 37s-40s they wanna lend me for the shoot LOL
Ultra props Drizz!

Still makes me lol though, it's one funny ass looking disco :D

You given it some shred off road yet?
Yeah I put it down a vertical ditch the other day that I've only ever seen a modded 90 do before. Discos normally have to have the winch rope out ready and have to use it but mine drove in and straight out so angles are good! But not done any proper stuff yet....
Always been the same, in fact it looks easier now the ditch has expanded out. Used to be much narrower.

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